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Still mostly putting in some of the stuff that got rolled out before and fixing some of the easier to tackle bugs for now. The build for December will mostly be getting back to where it was before. So you can look back on the older updates to see what's being put in. I might put a few new things but mostly just focused on getting it back to where it was.

I'm going to try to make a big push on the game for the January build. Hopefully seeing where's it at that stage I should be able to tell closer to when the first version is going to be complete. Because of the plugins I'm using it'll be difficult to say if some of the performance issues will be resolved. They are always being worked on and new versions are being released. So I don't want to spend a lot of time dealing with the outdated libraries when they will be fixed by someone else.

Everything is still going smoothly despite the way the last build looks on the surface, it fixed the major issues I was concerned with. I haven't seen anyone having those problems anymore. As the game grows in size it kind of becomes a tug of war where you fix something and another thing goes wrong somewhere else. In future with the way things are going so far, I'm looking forward to hiring someone to work on the games full time. Then I can focus more on just making assets and designing everything else.



Thanks for letting us know about the lack of content updates. It's somewhat disappointing as I was going to set aside a few hours over the Holidays to play through the new content but I'm sure my family will be happier now I'll be spending the time with them! Unless Fallout 4 eats the time...


Take your time man. You should not haste.

Schlomo Biggins

So how much new content will be in this update exactly?

Schlomo Biggins

So how much new content will be in this update exactly?


Yeah I'm not a fan of no content being added really either but I've been setting some things up for January. Unless there's some major issue I can move forward smoothly when I get back.

Master Alaric Voranth

Did you guys ever finish the injustice game? Or what build is it still currently at?