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In preparation for this upcoming roadmap (targeting old characters) we were poised with a tough decision. Work through 5 year old programming, or rip it apart and rebuild it better. The answer was simple, the reason we avoided these characters for so long was because they were a mess. So it had to be done, a tear down! Well we went from the warning screen right through to the end of the game (minus the prison). What does this mean? Well we need extensive testing to make sure all is well (or close to well). So, that is where we are at, we are trying to close all the loose ends needed to push this update. 

When will the update go out

This we cannot say at this point, could be in two days, could be later. Right now our main priority is to get this out to you guys.

After this update is out, we are in a prime position to finish off all the old characters.. Thank you all for your continued support and being patient.



John Richards

Well this is pretty damning but understandable. Take your time


Neato burrito.


The duderino abides

Ryan Whorton

Probably best you did that. A new fresh structure is better than duct tape fixing old code. I'll wait as long as you guys needs. Just do me a favor. Stay safe and be careful amidst this pandemic.


Better now than have a league of legends scenario down the road.


This sounds suspiciously like you're abandoning the "rewrite it with a pro programmer" idea.


Why is this being done if the Rebuild is still a thing? 30 grand an update and you can't get a programmer part time?


I suggested some time ago you sort of do this, skipping two months to fix up the code. Forgot the post though. Glad better late than never.


We’re ready to road test it any time.


Hail Science!


When something isn't done right the first time (mostly because no one expected it to keep going) you just need to have a Mike Holmes attitude and "Make It Right®". You guys and or gals just make sure to do all the proper pilot holes and make a solid foundation so you can save work on adding changes to the foundation later on. :D


RIP Rebuild


So what's gonna happen to the rebuild?

Daito Shoto

does that mean no new content this update?


I think it means still new content but hopefully a cleaned up and and more smoothly function system so updating may be easier, at least I hope thats what it means


thanks for the updateand keep up the great work.


I am ready to wait as long as necessary. We are with you.


when will u update Bemd Or Break 2 ?


I'm glad to see you're doing this! I think it was necessary and hopefully it will remove some roadblocks going forward.


Yup no rebuild and more excuses with more missed promised deadlines. Say goodbye to release windows now. They will start missing more or just tell us they are to difficult to hit and get rid of them all together. same ol' GG BS. So glad I quit sponsoring.


amazing news, cant wait to see the old chars worked on. Pretty much all i ever wanted to see was most the chars that never progressed lol


Once SU is all ready to get these old character updates, then and only then will we begin looking at Bend or Break 2. The goal is to have it out ASAP. But not at the expense of SU delays.

Mr. SunnyD

Hey no rush! Quality is the best product and the ingredient is lots of time.


how are things with bend and break 2.? that games looks so great


So how is it going guys? Any ETA? :)


SR7 is pushing. Testing has been going very well. The cheat menu, has been the hold up. Trying to get it close to where we need it is the only issue currently. I would think in a couple days tops, but it is programming and things can go horribly wrong.


May need to consider another tease if this is expected to be a fairly long delay (no insults intended)


We're excited for it as well. But right now we need to put SU in a state ready to get completed. Once we've done that and have a few updates we will squeeze in a BoB2 update


Will there ever be an Android port?