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So the world is shut down, and we have been seeing a lot of exit reports that state "corona virus job losses" as reasons for deleting pledges. So we decided that this public build will be the most recent build (2.2.6). We know times are tough, and we want to say thank you all for your continued support. 

Windows .7z - Nopy

Windows .Zip - Nopy

Mac .Zip - Nopy




Y'all are fucking gods


Will you adapt some costumes or character from the movie justice league vs the fatal five? I'd like to see Jessica Cruz from this movie one day

William Ambervein

Yeah loosing my second job is rough, but also trying to scramble into a apartment place on my own sucks.




Awww, well this is mighty kind of GG to do for all the people that lost their jobs. I lost both of mine, but luckily I can still pledge at the moment. This is a cool gesture of you guys to do, which I wholeheartedly endorse!

Kevin M

That's really nice to do. I should however mention that the win 7z link goes to a home improvement website.


I upgraded this month! You have a great game! I’d like bigger tits options, but other than that, it’s a terrific game!!!


I am trying to play it on my MacBook, but when I download the 32-bit version, it still doesnt work. It says "cannot be opened" thoughts?

Alvin Franco

For what it's worth, I'm also having that problem. Mine's a full-on iMac. It's Catalina, as up-to-date as can be. Previous build 2.2.5 that you released for Patrons still works just fine!


where is new update lel?


Please help! Where can I find save folder in Windows?


Is this game not compatible with Windows 10 Pro either?


Hi, can you help me? Why in my version, Mercy scenes have a bug and in moment stoped the game and don't load again?

Sucio Legacy

Thx a lot guys, that says a lot from all of you. It's glad to see that you're aware of the actual situation, this for me, being a cop in Argentina. Gives hope about people in many ways. Hope to see you care for your pledgers. I used to support you but money way before the COVID-19 did'nt flow anymore as before but I continued following you to see the great progress of the project. Again, thx a lot, hope we all can see the Final release all together in a future, greetings and keep up the excellent work.


Catalina doesn't support 32bit so it's hit or miss with whether 32bit programs run, most of the time, it's a miss.


32x bit version for windows exists?


Same issue here. Previous build was working great, this one won't open.


Hello! Hope you are all in good health! :) Wondering if you gonna feed us any spoilers for upcoming release? :D


Why is the game file so ridiculously large? No offense but this game seems to mostly consist of static images

Gundam lupus

i would like to see superwoman in the lexcorp stormtrooper outfit.


Why no android ☹️