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As I mentioned earlier this week in my thank you message,  I want to start a reward system that will reward my supporters who have pledged month over month, or to a certain dollar level.  I have tried to make this fair and provide an additional value to those who have supported me longer.  The following is the outline.

$1.00 - Level supporters after 12 months of continuous pledges: You will receive a Hi-Res of your choice   4000x3000 (from Patreon releases).*

$5.00 - Level supporters after 6 months continuous pledges: You will receive a Hi-Res of your choice    4000x3000 (Patreon Releases)*

$10.00 - Level supporters after 3 months of continuous pledges:  You will receive a Hi-Res of your choice  4000x3000 (Patreon Releases)*

$20.00 - Level supporters after 3 months of continuous pledges: You will receive two Hi-Res of your choice  4000x3000 (Patreon Releases) . Also with each additional processed pledge (of $20.00) you will receive the next months entire releases in Hi-Res.*

*3 months minimum continuous support and a minimum of $30.00.  So if you pledge $5.00 for the first two months and $20.00 the 3rd month you are eligible for a Hi-Res.  Only after 4 continuous months at the $20.00 level will you be eligible for the Hi-Res releases for the next month.  

Now I hope this seems fair.  Just to note all images released thus far on ALL platforms are in 1250x938.  This will require some work on my behalf as Patreons systems do not allow for this type of reward system, so please have some patients if you're eligible.  For this coming month I will message all eligible patreons on Friday.  If you have any questions please feel free to message me.  I look forward to hearing everyone's feed back .  Lastly thank you all so very much.



To be honest I am supporting you because of the Injustice game. Not to insult your artwork, but I'm here for the game, the artwork just feels like a bonus now.