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We hope everyone is enjoying the latest update. We just wanted to let everyone know why the asset packs still aren’t out yet. Basically, SR7 lives in the tundra, winter is upon him and power outages are happening rather frequently due to a slush blizzard that’s taking down trees. This is kinda severely fucking with our plans for the end of the year but we’re hoping it passes and we pull through. We’ll keep everyone posted as per usual. 

Thanks for being patient,

Gunsmoke Games




Looks like my backyard.


Hey, it's understandable. Some things are just outta your control. Hopefully these blizzards pass by soon tho and things can go back to normal...or...as normal as you can get when you play NSFW games XD


all fine and dandy. u do u

Matt Ahn

If this is only "kinda severely" fucking with your plans, then I pray we never have some event that "royally fucks" with your plans. Take you time.


snow cone season

Mike Does

That backyard must be a bitch to rake in the fall


Being a couple hundred miles south of the Arctic circle myself, I can sympathize.


Quick make nsfw snow people before it melts. Thanks for the update.


Do you guys not have phones? 😉


Can you do an update for the new MacOS?

The Silver Socialist

I can't get my download of the most recent version of he game to run. What should I do?