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While we normally try to keep things fair and do silhouettes of girls that are already in-game, this time we’re cheating a bit and giving you the silhouette of a brand-new character who’ll be appearing alongside Supergirl in the next update. 

As we’ve mentioned before, working on these completion updates can be rather tedious and creatively mind-numbing for SR7 – and Supergirl’s villainous counterpart is rather similar to her on top of it all. So, SR7 decided to add a little bit of unexpected spice to the mix. 

Good luck guessing who it is! ; ) 

(No, we will not let you know if you’re right or not. You’re just going to have to play to find out.) 

For the MoFos Who Can’t Read (Yes, we’re aware of the irony.)

“We’re a week out from the Supergirl update”, when stated on a post that went on out Sept 23, would mean release is slated for Sept 30th! You know, at the end of the month, like it has been for nearly FOUR FREAKIN YEARS! (Wonder if we could hire Foamy to rant to these people who can’t do 23 + 7 or simply read bolded roadmap timelines…)

Our demographic plays VNs. You’d think they could be bothered to read but nooooooo...

While we’re reminding people of shit we’ve said multiple times, here’s another reminder that there will be two more patron-only releases before 2020.

Anyway, thanks for reading (those of you who do),

Gunsmoke Games




Maxima. It's Maxima. XD

Matt Ahn

*Criticizes demographic of VN players who don't read the posts* Hey I read! I just skim them while checking those bounce physics...that's all...XD But still, grwleat to hear. Cant even try to guess without sounding stupid, though.

John Richards

Wow, I would have never guessed that but you’re probably right. I was thinking Big Barda without her uniform on


No idea who that is but I'm excited all the same


Kinda looking like it’s big barda


Shot in the dark for the hell of it: Arella Roth


If that's hair I guess Quantum Queen because she had that thick rock star hair from 80's or something. But if that's hood I have no idea


Man, they give away who it is in the title ("Maximum" effort) but people are guessing... Raven's mom? Wut?




Yeah it's absolutely maxima

The Black Pharaoh

The title gives it away, but maybe that's misleading, so if it's not Maxima, I say it's a hooded Mary Marvel or Young Justice Halo


I think it's Big Barda. She did appear in Superman/Batman: Apocalypse after all.


Really looks like Barda to me, maximum pun aside


Looks Mary marvel hooded could be anyone was kinda hyped for galatea update with supergirl since there is chemistry between them threesome with lex that would be amazing who knows whats in the future of updates...


If it’s Mary Marvel should we expect Superwoman content


Sorry but every time i hear the phrase 'maximum effort' all i can think of is Deadpool


Barda would be phenomenal


Reading is laborious rather five and more times to ask the same ^^ um computer scientists always give the same just now wisen why

Adren Bailey

for some reason I am thinking Emma Frost, but it could be the green empress (I might wrong with name) from justice league vs the fatal five or I hope it is Magpie from beware the batman.


Hmm, maybe Ms. Gsptlsnz


My guess is Big Barda.

Timothy Crosby

The biggest game on Patreon is 'Summertime Saga' and you can get it for $1. They are making more money and have more subscribers then most all the rest combined. All because they do not charge you more than a dollar for the latest copy of the game. I have said this to many of you creators who are not doing this well. DarkCookie is bringing in over $58k a month. Just saying. He takes bigger donations if you wish but only ask for $1 to be a full Patron.


DC came along well after us. He is big yes, but his game is also drastically different than ours. As well with his model he cannot sell it on Steam as it's free. We have bigger aspirations outside Patreon. Due to this we choose not to devalue our product or any of our products. If $5.00 is a barrier to entry then we have $1.00 levels as well, plus we publish public builds. Thanks for taking the time to write this.


Imagine being such an entitled cunt that you think that a game with many hours of entertainment, which has taken an entire team thousands of hours to create is worth the price of a cheeseburger.


Jeez it i s at least worth as much as an overpriced cup of coffee. Love your guys' game btw!


will the Supergirl update have Galatea/Supergirl scenes?


Just to add, tho ive never played SS but based on what i have heard about that game, I believe SU has a better artstyle and has way more progress in terms of updates than SS. But these are two DIFFERENT games. So yes, i do think $5 is the .... appropriate entry level tier for SU. Personally, I enjoy my $1 games too, but if i really enjoy the game, yea, id like to support them. and if you guys are still not in agreement to that.... then reserve judgement til the Rebuild is released.

John Richards

If you don't want to pay, Tim, don't pay. These people work hard on this and this game is worth more than what they're offering it for so be grateful above all for that