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SR7 has been sticking to a rigid completion update roadmap for the last year and we think it’s time to give him a break. We will not be putting out a new roadmap until the beginning of 2020. Instead, SR7 is going to have free license to do whatever he wants for the rest of this year. 

As most of you know, we release updates every two months – meaning the next and final update for 2019 would normally be slated for November 30th. However, in addition to giving SR7 free reign on content, we’re also completely getting rid of any deadline expectations for the rest of 2019 as well. 

There will still be at least one final update to SU before the end of the year! In fact, there will be two patron-exclusive content releases before 2020. However, we will not be sharing release date timelines ahead of schedule. You’ll just have to check-in regularly and/or get involved in the Discord – cause Locke has a hard time keeping his mouth shut for more than five-freakin-minutes - if you want more information. 

Why are we doing this?

  • #GiveSR7aBreak

Do you have any idea how creatively exhausting and depressing it is to do virtually the same content over and over again? Sure, he tries to spice things up with additional content and we’re well aware we created this completion update situation in the first place, but the man has done a full year of completion content – it’s time to unchain his perverted mind. 

We honestly don’t’ know what he’s going to do – so please don’t ask – and right now he’s neck deep in the Supergirl update that’s coming out at the end of this month, but we’re determined to give the man a breather and get back full creative control. Ya’ll will be kept apprised and updated as we decide to do so. 

  • Preparing Ya’ll for a Very Different GG

A lot is going to change when we finally transition – and we mean pretty much everything. There’s a good chance we’re going to completely revamp our release schedule going into 2020, possibly even going back to monthly updates. 

The point is, Transition is going to upend everything and it’s currently slated to happen at the beginning of next year – likely between January and March. So we’re setting the stage now for ya’ll to be ready for a brand new GG come 2020.

We’re excited for the rest of this year and moving forward into Transition in 2020 and we hope you all are too. 

Thanks for reading,

Gunsmoke Games

P.S. Before ya’ll start speculating, this was planned prior to the survey. Survey results have had no bearing whatsoever in this decision. 



John Richards

That’s cool. Give the man a break after he’s been putting his nose to the grindstone on this.

Matt Ahn

Hey, if losing the roadmap gives him freedom to rest and just do whatever, that's fine. Sometimes the schedule can become a prison, after all.

Matt Ahn

Well at least you've told us that " hey we may not have a laid out plan to show you, but we'll still provide." As long as I know that, I think I have some degree of peace in my head.


Heeeeey, I'm totally a fan of #GiveSR7abreak. The guy works hard as all hell so he definitely deserves creative freedom to do whatever his heart pleases. I can't wait to see the what these two patron exclusive releases are, as well as this new revamped GG in 2020!!!


Bring back comics 😁


#GiveSR7aBreak We all need a break from work every now and again. I feel his pain about working on the same thing over and over again. It is very taxing both physically and mentally. Excited to see what he has in store for the whats left. Look forward to what you guys have in store for next year!

Kobold Lad

Treating SR7 like a human being? Despicable.


I'm always in for more spicy scenes :) If it was for me, I would leave him work without restraints at all times.


Are you guys gonna release the survey results? Interested to find out what other people think.

Saturday morning!

I raised some concerns in the past. Those concerns were answered very well with the completion updates. I am very pleased with the direction the project has taken. Take a breather. You earned it.


Какие все вежливые, аж противно. Я фанат игры SU. И как бы я не уважал автора, но ожидание для меня невыносимо. Если он хочет бросить на время проект и заняться чем душе угодно - хорошо. Благословляю. Я уйду и забуду. Но меня абсолютно не устраивает это - давайте посмотрим, что будет в 2020.


Вы не поняли! Сроки все одинаковые. Ноябрьская сборка сейчас выйдет до конца года. Вы все еще собираетесь получить весь обещанный контент. Просто у SR7 теперь есть возможность рисовать то, что он хочет в SU, а не конкретные символы для финальной сборки года.


Ты че, тоже с Украины?!! Земляк!!! ;)