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The Good News

There are two additional girls getting content added with the Vixen update that we’re sure many of you will be quite happy to see. The silhouette in the image above is one of them and we’ll be revealing the other later in the week, so be sure to stay tuned to find out who it is. 

Here’s a hint for the silhouette: She’s not a currently captured heroine. ; )

The Bad News

We’re going to be making use of the release window this update. After being set back due to some unavoidable personal issues, SR7 needs more time with the update and we’re going to give it to him. 

Unforeseeable issues like this are exactly why we moved to release windows to begin with and you can consider this the heads-up ahead of time we promised to give you all when we first announced the move to release windows. 

We appreciate everyone’s understanding,

Gunsmoke Games




I think it's...... HELLO MEGAN


That Mean it might not be out before i'm back from wacken... Perfekt!!


Probably Rose????


Two new girls? ALRIGHT! Sounds good to me!! As for the release being pushed back, it's understandable. That's why we have the release date windows now. Either way, I'm cool with it. I can't wait to play the update when it comes out though!!

John Richards

Possibly but I’m not sure. The post kind of implies that it’s a captured heroine and given how her and Luthor interact on the yacht, I don’t see why she wouldn’t just join willingly. Though it could be her and I’m just overthinking it





Nicholas Odonnell

So are they not going to do Mac book release updates any more


Oh, sounds good! Can't wait to find out which two girls they are.


I hope Starfire gets more content.


I hope that’s it’s Mary marvel I want to see her and superwoman meet. The push back on the release seems like a good trade off for updates of vixen and adding of two others


So more new characters are getting added while original characters still lack content?


This is something that came to my mind as well when I read the news. However I will always support this game and its Developers in their decisions because this is by far the best game I've found in this "category" of games.


Maybe Mera?


Good luck with the personel issues, take ur time. I love the game and wish u all the best.


It comes down to ease of addition. We're very much aware of the lack of content with the original characters, and the plan is to get to them (once we transition to the rebuild it will become much, much, easier). So all we ask is you remain patient.


Its cool to hear that two new characters are going to be added but it sucks to hear that SR7 is having personal issues so the extended launch window is understandable


Bunions are a pain for sure. I hope Sun feels better.

Nicholas Odonnell

Are they not going to make anymore Mac updates anymore

The Silver Socialist

He said their getting content added in addition to Vixen (who's also already in the game). He said they're not CURRENTLY a captured heroine. He didn't say they weren't in the game yet. He actually IMPLIED they already are.


I read the message that way too. I thought he was implying the girl was already in the game, so I was immediately thinking of the charracters from the boat scene.


Pretty sure that is Hawkgirl


"She’s not a currently captured heroine". So no, cannot be her as you can capture Hawkgirl already.

John Richards

Meh, I don’t see it like that. I don’t think it’s implied that the character is in the game already. It’s possible but the hint is too vague to tell for sure. Also, even disregarding that, I don’t think it can be her. You can do pretty much everything with Talia now after you get ‘married’ to her and plus the silhouette doesn’t really look like her, especially when the silhouette has shoulder pads and Talia doesn’t So is it possible it’s a villainess and not a heroine? Maybe. Talia? IMO, no.


No problem guys. I've never doubted ya'll for a second cause you always deliver close to your deadline. Unlike a SFM creator whose name i will not mention. He started a project in the late 2017 and announced that he will release it in march 2018 latest. Now here's the good part. It just came out this june of 2019 and it was also a disappointment. Mostly he just copied clips from other sfm creators.


My bad, I just thought GG promised to not keep on adding new characters until current ones got done.


No probs, I get the confusion. But this at least will be a charracter that's not a currently captured heroine. Doesn't mean its a completely new character. Maybe one of the villains from teh boat scene, who knows.

Marc A Carroll

It's all good, thanks for the heads up.


Kind of looks like Gypsy or Fire maybe?


The curls make it look like Shiva.


The background is the Legion Hideout, so it's likely a villain. The pauldrons narrow down the list even more. Given all that, it's probably Rose.

John Richards

Now that I think about it, it’s probably Rose Wilson. I thought it was Big Barda at first