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We just want to announce our second Discord contest. This time we are opening the contest up to the public. That's right anyone who is a fan of GG or SU can participate. The prize? How about a signed print of Sunsetriders7 art (We have never printed his art before)! The contest theme will be "memes", so you will be tasked to create some epic SU themed memes! The details of the contest will be revealed next week (Monday) and submissions will open the following day! So get ready for some laughs, and probably a lot of cringe.

Your Gunsmoke Games Team & Discord Moderators




I want it!

Matt Ahn

Damn, too bad I suck at making memes.


How hard could it be?


I accept this challenge and will make you laugh in the most painful way possible. Also can I use the actual cartoons to make the meme or do I have to stick to SU only stuff. Either way I will make the jokes but the cartoons will make context.


More details next week. But as of right now we will choose the images that can be used and entered. They will be cropped images from SU.