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It’s been over a week since our last this week in discord post. The reason for this, is that we needed to space out some posting. Typically Fridays can have several posts (Streams, releases, etc). So in an effort to space things out we are going with Wednesdays

We have added a new channel #investing! SR7 is a passionate investor, and can be found discussing strategies for BTC, Precious Metals, and other investing topics. Since adding it we have had a few other regular show up! If you’re interested in investing in general it’s a good channel to make home.

#film_club had the regular GoT bashing (especially after the finale). Right now without GoT it will be interesting to see what show takes hold of the conversations. Currently there is discussion revolving around the MCU. What show/movie are you watching? 

There was a very interesting conversation regarding vaginas and if they are ugly in #su_discussion. My take was that I haven’t seen a vagina in the moment I didn’t like. But looking back afterwards there were a few that were pretty ugly. So do you think vagina’s are ugly?

Lastly the mods and admins are in talks about running another contest. We have learned an immense amount after the art contest and are looking forward to running a smoother, more open contest in the near future.

*Meme courtesy of Shally 
