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We have good news and we have bad news. 

The good news can be found in the teaser image above! Raven is the other character outside of MM who’s getting a large portion of content. What you see in the image above is just a small taste of her continued training. 

Unfortunately, due to the holidays and unforeseen circumstances, the update is going to be delayed. 

Long time fans will probably note that this is a bit unprecedented. In 3.5 years, the latest any build has ever been was 12 hours. It is with sad hearts we must break this streak. Testing hasn’t gone well and we were faced with the decision of putting out a broken build or taking more time to fix and polish the update. 

The latest date for release is February 7th. That doesn’t necessarily mean it’ll come out on the 7th, it might be beforehand, but you can – at the very least – expect the update no more than a week from its originally intended release. 

We’re really sorry for this delay. It’s not what we aspire to and hopefully it’ll be the one and only time we’ll ever need to do something like this. 

We appreciate your understanding in this matter,

Gunsmoke Games



DJ Quinn

No worries, I getcha. Want the best for two of my favorite gals, after all ;)


You guys are awesome no matter the length of the update or delay nice tease! looking forward hope others will be as much understanding of the reason for the delay


Thank you for letting us know in advance. Don't worry, I prefer a delay over a broken game. Don't do like fallout 76 😎. I guess I'll have more time to try the Anthem open beta this weekend.


When I see your name I always think Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman....But thanks for the support


well more time with KH3 before the new version SU comes out is fine by me.


You fucking bastard. ...I forgive you though. Yall make the best shit


It was delay and put out all the content we want and you should have. Or put out a buggy build with a bug fix in the same time frame. Thanks for the support!

Aquis Hyperion

No worries it's always a pleasure to enjoy your game take as much as you need! Can't wait to enjoy it with everyone.


YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! Raven my number one favorit girl from SU thanks for make her a update!!! :D cant wait of her, that week will be hard for me to wait ^^

alex baker

Shit happens


Take a note from Nintendo. If you think it isnt living up to what you want it to be then hold it back and let us know. We would rather wait for greatness be frustrated with a broken product


MM and Raven is brilliant, I've waited months for this, week wont me that much difference.


Oh man this makes me so sad. I guess it must be terrible for you guys to break a streak of never missing the deadline. That drawing looks fantastic.

Matt Ahn

It must suck in that case: imagine having a degree of punctuality only for it to be broken. That's a sucky feeling. Still, take the time you need.


It's nice seeing two girls bonding together. Best not to stress over delays etc and just work on it and make sure it plays smoothly

jo holloway

i actually have not gotten a new build of the game in a LONG time because every time i go to get it a few days or more late the comments are full of bug/crash/freeze issues, plus the last version i have is buggy as all heck. so take the time to get it right, i for one am willing to wait.


What sucked the most is we built this company with an idea of never being late. At first it was a firm no, but we discussed it and feel this is truely what we needed to do for the fans .


Really? The Yacht event was really smooth, and 2.1.999 was the last build which was very smooth as well. What version do you have?


Raven is best girl oof


Damn i feel like i'm a pirate for not being a supporter


I'll take a polished product over a broken mess any day of the week. Look forward to the update.


Way to be better to most AAA companies. I approve.


Delayed gratification, quality is worth the wait!


Holy Deflategate flashbacks Batman! 😉


Hello everyone, firstly congratulations for the game, both for its design and history, but I have a doubt, I saw that in some update I own, you have the option to go to a yacht but I've done everything to get there and so far Nothing, I missed something? Or using cheat mode does not work? Thanks in advance

William Ambervein

That's completely understandable. As somebody who had his holidays be filled with unexpected incidents, just take as much time as you need. Get comfy. Relax


Ever since i was 13, I have always known Justice League's potential for erotic art. Sadly, I have no talent to create said art. Thank God for Sunsetriders7 and Gunsmoke Games. SU is a masterpiece. I promise to become a patron very soon.


I'm sorry to hear that it's going to be delayed, but part of me wants to laugh at the irony of it all do to a remark on the Oreo Addiction: 2.2.0 Preview I made about Jinxing. I am glad to see Gunsmoke Games is taking there time and not releasing a buggy mess of a game.


Personally I’m just happy where getting more raven I’ll wait a whole moth if I need to


A late working build is way better than a timely broken one.


Just like Nintendo, better to fix it than sending out mediocre results. I like it


Don't mind the delay, since it makes the quality more consistent. I have to ask though. Has the Harleen Quinzel ( The costume) content bug been fixed now?


We get it man. You cant rush excellency.


volcana and silver banshee?


don t worry guys

Marc A Carroll

Yeah would rather wait, than have you rush out a broken build.


always intriguing )




They said the 7th at the latest so my guess would be the 3rd at the earliest


Cool, can;t wait to see the update!


put it out when you feel its at its best I am willing to wait. the game is amazing.


will the update be released at 20.00 as usual?


Hi GG, i'm super excited to play the upcoming 2.2. Fingers crossed we will get some Lois or WW content in 2.3. :-)