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We’re one week out from the 2.2.0 update, which means IT’S TEASER WEEK!

For those of you who’re new or returning, we no longer tell people are exact plans for every update. Instead, we hold a bit back to surprise you all with – usually what we think you’ll all be most excited about too. In exchange, we now create preview and teaser posts the week leading up to each update to give you all an idea of what you can expect right around the corner. 

You can typically expect at least one preview post a week or so out from the update and one teaser a few days later concerning the big surprise. 

2.2.0’s Focus is Miss Martian

As anyone who’s read our current roadmap is aware, the heroine focus for this month’s update is Miss Martian – the Oreo addict. SR7 hasn’t gone too far with it, so don’t expect anything too extreme, but – nevertheless – those interested in food porn might be rather interested in Miss Martian’s descent into depraved promiscuity. 

The Holidays and 2.2.0

We do ask that you all keep in mind this update fell smack into the middle of the holidays. SR7 lost a lot of time due to familial/holiday obligations, so please tailor your expectations accordingly. 

A Tease for the Tease

The next teaser will be one image and one sentence long – and will blow your minds. We suggest you prepare your butts. ; )



Matt Ahn

Oreos aren't inherently sexy...but I mean...yee


It will be intriguing to see how this storyline progresses.

Nikolaj K.

Afaik, the next girl to be finished is Artemis, right? After MM i mean

jo holloway

Ho man, that look on her face! NF! I've never wanted to be a cookie until now!


Nabisco sponsorship? SWEET!


I've been waiting for Miss Martian. Very excited!


"We suggest you prepare your butts. ; )" ...nooo... my virginity... D:


Ah yes, the famous "chocos", not at all an Oreo.

Adm Trd Ferg

Are re-using old saves advisable?


Okay, you convinced me, I'll go buy some oreos to myself!


Ooo I'm eager to see just where and how far we get to push this addiction of hers.


When we can see more serious with Lois Lane at least one sex scene?


silver banshee and volcana?


I don't expect this to work, but is there any chance we can have a naked version of Dr Quinnzel, isntead of her reverting to pigtails no glasses?


There is no jinxing a principle we built our company on. We may be a few hours late (one time), but we will always deliver something.