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It’s easy to get complacent as an artist. To get stuck in a rut once you reach a comfortable professional level. If you’re good enough to make a living with your craft then you must know what you’re doing well enough, right? 

Hell no!

We here at Gunsmoke Games don’t believe in ‘good enough.’ Striving to improve day-in and day-out is a cornerstone of what we believe, and Sunsetriders7 characterizes that belief to a T. 

However, we understand it can be difficult to see progress when it happens little by little over time, especially with something like art. It can also be hard to show substantial progress in a game like SU, where characters have to stay within a certain quality level to keep the game’s visual aesthetic intact. 

That’s why we’re publicly sharing the above image. It’s one of many in the bonus art pack, a new tier reward we’re adding to our $10 patron tier. It includes a side-by-side comparison of Korra from Bend or Break and a new version Sunset drew less than a month ago.  

We wanted to share this image with everyone to show the graphical quality level you can expect from future projects, as well as a prime example of how we here at GG continuing strive to be better – and that applies to all of the things we do here. 

We hope you enjoy this sneak peek of things to come (the quality level, there is no Korra game in the works right now) and hope you’re all looking forward to the future as much as we are.

Thanks for reading,

Gunsmoke Games



DJ Quinn

Oof, wouldn't mind being able to summoning a character like Azula from another franchise via Tala...


You're art work is flawless. I wish you accepted commissions. It would be amazing to see your version of other characters from other series.


Sunset your work was always amazing even in the early days, now it's just beyond what I could imagine.


Christ please make a new game featuring Azula! I'm throwing all my money at the screen right now!


When I (SmokeShank) first saw the images, I told him he was on another level. I said "Before you were a 10/10, now those old images look like 4/10". Crazy thing with these images is that they don't add more time to his process! He can draw these as fast as you see on stream.


...I love her. Now I'll dream of 4 elem trainer in this artstyle.


I think the biggest appeal that Azula has for me is her competence. She looks amazing, especially here. But its harder to give a character appeal beyond their appearance. To go along with that, the thing I liked best about Bend or Break was the route where you convince Korra to go along with you willingly, without reducing her to another piece of eye-candy with no personality. Knowing that you are looking at going into new projects with your own creations, I hope that you continue these outstanding traditions.


Damn now I want another Avatar game.


yo put the 4th paragraph on top

Leveler All

SU has as good writing as art, i find the interactions and scenes as good as some of the episodes of the show, something that was a relife, knowing we can get an actual good story along with the art, im gona jump on the art train as soon as i can when i star doing better, improve and never stop.

matthew t norstrom

now a proper Avatar game is something I can get behind


Very nice bit of artwork there. I look forward to future work at that level, it's great.


God damn! I can get behind of this.


Keen as fuck I love this


Look at how thin her knees are, it scares me


Wow, I'd love a game centered around Azula


She's so pretty :3


Drooling...... love this character even more now that I'm seeing more of her lol

Durzo Shadowborn

This is the perfect Azula!!! I know that Sunset is focused on SU, but if he made a mini Avatar game featuring this Azula...I'm sure the community would understand. Or after SU he makes an Avatar version....

Durzo Shadowborn

Just noticed that the image title is Hair2_Nighty.....Makes me wonder about Hair1 and other outfits...


I wonder if the other images are in a pack of some sort... There seems to even be text underneath the image! Maybe it provides some clues...

The Silver Socialist

Will we get to see any DC characters depicted with this new and improved art?


If you mean updating SU, no. It'd be a massive undertaking and would also take away from the animated series design aesthetic. If you mean just random images of DC characters or involving DC characters, then possibly. It's art SR7 does in his free time at a whim, so even he doesn't know what it'll be until he does it.

Jacob Goodheart

Azula looks supurb........I don't suppouse we can hope for a SU type game set in the Avatar universe?


or you could make one of the ones you could summon like raven or super women


dude, that's hot as fuk m8

Maurice Gibson

wait dose this mean theres gonna be another bend or break with azula?

Maurice Gibson

also you're awesome as always


stunning art, I love it.


Sorry where do I find the link to this pack? I've found the others via the bonus_packs tag but this first one seems to be missing a link.


Just check post from November 2018 it should be listed there just before this 1.

Luis Alberto

Hottest damn Azula I have ever seen to date. dayum


I would pay entirely to much to see azula added to the game or have a comic in S7's art style. also its hard to see improvement because its already so perfect. If you guys decide to make a game based on characters from avatar id be supporting that from day one. Star Wars in the style of SU would be awesome too.