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Finally it is here, the much anticipated yacht event. This has been a monumental task with development, and quite frankly rolled the dice that it could get done. But the gamble paid off and now with this build we added lots of sex in SU. This event is a full game within SU, and required SR7 to work very smart in order to get this out the door on time. Now the yacht event is very much a work in progress and will be polished and added to in the updates to come.

Bug Fix Friday

We understand that with a build this large we are expecting to have bugs. There will be a bug fix build incoming to fix a couple place holders, and as many bugs as possible.


We moved to a new compression using 7zip which has shaved off a significant portion of size. This allows us to upload faster, and you to download faster. Please download 7zip if you have problems extracting 



Please look forward to our 2.1.9 roadmap which will be upcoming!  Once again we are very thankful for all your continued support.

Gunsmoke Games



Looking forward to playing!


*Takes a look at change log* *Gets knocked out by boner uppercut to jaw*


Er, question. How do we START the event?


Nvm. Apparently I just gotta keep heading to Glamour Slam until it's up


Offf thank you mate


There is a problem with the mac build right now. We are currently looking at how to fix. - SmokeShank


Yes! Mercy content! I loved it all and, seeing as I decided to jump in without checking the change log, I was happy to see so many guests on the yacht lol. Haven't encountered any major bugs either, though some of the scenes don't appear to be unlocking in the 'scenes' menu: Cheetah's sex scene, Livewire's sex scene and Cheshire's anal scene. They haven't for me so far, anyway. Again, great update!


You know, I'm about to restart the game from scratch but I'm still so hyped. This a pretty great game and the only other DC girl game that comes close is "Girls in The Big City" but you guys came first.....i think... Anyway, they are both good for different reasons but I really like running a brothel. Hey guys have you ever thought of the multiple save options like most of the newer games? Would be easier for people that have to restart the game because of bugs like missed events. Just go back to before that event and build from there.


there seems to be a few glitches in the game. During the Yacht Event, Blackfire would appear behind the first Superwoman event. There also seems to be this strange thing if you don’t make an introduction to some characters at the lounge they will appear in other areas after having events with others such as talking to poison ivy at the bow will have the Talia, Penguin, and Circle introduction scene (it will go away of you leave and come back, but it is strange).


I've downloaded 7zip and the update and used 7zip to access the zipped material, but when I click on the exe file I get the following message *Data folder not found There should be 'SU_2.1.8_Data' folder next to the executable" There is a 'SU_2.1.8_Data' folder there, just doesn't seem to be working


yeah so i have keka on my mac, turned it into a zip and it still wont open is this a bug or is this because of it being a 7zip?

alex baker

It's beyond expectations


You guys killed it this month. Super amazing work!


Livewire's scene appeared in the Vault after a second time seeing it in the event :)


I would have preferred if you have finished the content for all the heroines like Artemis/Batgirl/,,, Or at least invest 15 minutes in writing a walkthrough


There is a updated community walkthrough for all patrons on our discord. It is made by one of our mods Archer. As well this update was planned months before our direction update. All further updates will focus on content for established characters beginning with Terra next update.


OK, so I decided to start a new game for this new update. The first time I went to the Strip club, there was a cutscene that introduced the yacht. After that, it was never mentioned again. I'm now up to the point where Lex has the office and can select event, but there's nothing about a yacht party. Is this a bug?


I don't understand the problem of posting it in Patreon if you are using it for funding, but for making more difficult for people for using your game


Please, don’t get this as a hate comment, I didn’t even consider going to Discord for getting a resource related to a release.


Howdy, I'm Archer, and I write the guide. I'd like to stress that despite being a Discord mod, I'm NOT actually associated with GunsmokeGames. I'm a paying patron, just like everyone else in here. The guide is very much unofficial and fan-made, by me (and it takes longer than 15 minutes, lol). I decided to only have it hosted on the Discord for a couple of reasons, not the least of which was at least some sort of distribution control, and hopefully as an incentive for more people to help out GG / SR7 by at least throwing him a buck to gain access to the channel where it's saved. If they decide they want to stop that practice, I'm cool with it, but right now this particular set up suits me perfectly. Sorry if that inconveniences you.


hey where does terra when she leaves and is it possible to recapture


I cant get iit to download properly and extract, what am I doin wrong?

Cliff Hanger

If you keep checking her cell it turns out she gets herself killed after escaping, but you can find some of her hair in your cell and clone her.


If you figure it out let me know. I cant seem to figure out how to start the yacht event either.


I started with a saved game and replayed the prison event. it seemed to start up the Yacht after that.


I've tried downloading several times. Each time nothing downloads. Please advise


The yacht event plays once, and then just don't plays anymore.


Just go to the office and reset the event. Choose whichever girl you want to go with.


i cant get the game to work

Fuck Me Sideways

the game will not open the file and aloow me to extract