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We’re Done Blue-Balling You!

Hello everyone!

Today we’re updating the public build of SU from 2.1.3 to 2.1.6, which you can find on the Discord server under the Downloads section as per usual. 

Almost more importantly though, we’re also making a few announcements. Most of these won’t come as a surprise to regular perusers of the Discord channel, but we feel like a more formal announcement and explanation is in order. 

Starting with update 2.1.9, we’re going to focus on finishing current character paths – beginning with a focus on Terra. Our goal is to hopefully bring at least one girl’s story and scenes to completion per update. 

We’re going to do this by suspending animation work until the game is closer to completion. Animations take a LOT of time and effort to get right. We know we’ve created the expectation that most sexual interaction in the cell content is meant to be animated, but it’s just not feasible with the amount of content we have left to go. 

We are NOT cutting content from the game. Every girl will be taken through her full story arc as intended, following the pattern we’ve created. The scenes will just be still images, for now, instead of animations. This will hopefully allow us to deliver a lot more content per update and start providing the material we know fans have been wanting for a while. 

Right now we don't know if Sunset will be able to fully complete one character per update. We won't have a solid idea of how smoothly these completion updates are going to go until after the yacht event is done and Sunset can start moving in that direction. Once he has a better idea on how much he can deliver per update cycle, we’ll let you know. 

Of course, as we move forward, our fans and especially our patrons – a lot of you likely reading this – will have a say in the content/arcs we focus on completing first. So be sure to be on the look out for polls and discussions along those lines. 

The Main Issue with SU’s Development

There seems to be a lot of confusion about our resources and how SU is created, so we’d like to make something abundantly clear…

Sunset is the only person who has ever done any work related to SU, from the art to the code. It's all him. 

Getting someone else into SU is really difficult at this point. Art-wise, it's neigh on impossible to find someone who can draw in the same style at the same quality level - even harder to find someone who can do it remotely as fast as Sunset can too. 

Code-wise, the game is made via a visual editor and is ALL kinds of tangled up and glued together. So for another developer to come in and start helping out, it'd take a while for him/her to get caught up on all the nuances and knots - on top of creating a brand new development process. This would cause a chain reaction of setbacks, and we know people would riot if we missed an update or pushed the update schedule back further. Hell, people lose their shit if there's just a few less pictures in an update because Sunset got deathly ill for two weeks. 

So we're in a bit of a Catch 22 when it comes to SU's development and the simple fact is that it's going to remain a one-man show.

Have there been mis-steps? Has priority maybe not gone in the right direction to please most people? Maybe. But no one can really take away the amount of work Sunset has, and will continue, to put into SU. And as long as you have someone like that on a game, the rest just takes time and tweaks.

“What’s My Money Going Towards Then?!”

We’re glad you asked! 

If we wind up with enough money to literally throw it at SU and solve some of the aforementioned issues, we’ll happily do that – and we’re currently in the process of evaluating stretch goal options to that effect. 

That being said, this new shift in development focus is largely due to a shift in our business model and goals. We want to grow a studio – not just a single game – that people can get behind and trust to deliver solid consumer-friendly NSFW gaming experiences. (Consumer-friendly in-so-far as pricing and value propositions for our patrons. We’re not watering down our content, planning to go strictly vanilla or anything like that! XD)

We’re currently finishing up work on a small Scooby-Doo parody game that we have slated for release later this year. The highly talented artist behind the project is Newman, who’s also been working on his own game – Ben X Slave Quest. If you’re really into parody projects then you should definitely go check out his Patreon page too.

We’re also in the midst of planning an OC project following Scooby, which Sunset will be the primary artist and art director on – only this time, he’ll be part of a team and that’s all he’ll have to handle. To be completely honest, parody is a really volatile grey-area to work in. At any point someone could come in and shut us down on a whim, so we’re looking to test the waters in the OC realm. We’re grateful that our parody work has created a foundation for us to grow a small studio, but we feel it may be time for us to graduate from parody following the publication of our Scooby title and the completion of SU. 

We’re really excited about the future of our studio and using everything we’ve learned from our work thus far to bring you OC NSFW games like you’ve never seen before. (Maybe it’s a little soon for us to be talking about this but we’re too excited to contain it!)

Our hope is that many of you will join us for the ride and help support our studio as we expand in a brand new direction. The support of our fans, patrons and non-patrons alike, are the only reason we’ve been able to make it this far and we intend to do the best we can by all of you every step of the way.  

We hope you enjoy the latest public build of SU and want to sincerely thank everyone who’s helped us begin to achieve dreams we never thought were possible. 

To the fulfillment of old promises and founding of new beginnings!


- Gunsmoke Games



I'm really curious about the original game, looking forward to hearing more about it in the future.


Thanks for the update . . Looking forward to the new games and future updates. Keep up the good work!!


This seems like a really good idea, I'm super glad you're going in this direction -- I like the animations, but it's an entirely bonus to why I like the game. I like the art, the dialogue, and the story first and foremost. Finishing up the storylines and then giving me a reason to replay the game later sounds legit.

jose hernandez

Even if your focus shifts from parody games.. is there a chance of doing another one in the far, far future?

Reed Varatis

this is good to here. the past few releases have been rocky due to bugs (which can't really be helped from time to time.) but I'm glad you're focused. so many of these projects fall by the wayside and I'm glad you have the drive to finish this.


We never like to close doors! Not saying we won't do parody again, but the obvious direction has to be O.C at this point. Beyond that we need to wait till we cross that road and see if a parody project is where we want to go. -SmokeShank


You guys are alright. I've always gotten a strong sense that you all really care about making the content solid and aren't just out for the money. And it really shows in the product. SU was so solid when I first played it a year ago, I specifically made a patreon account to support your team. You do great work and always have my support.


Sounds good. I'm certainly happy with not everything being fully animated, as long as the content's actually there.


Actually i think OC is the natural next step, parodies are super fun and i really hope that you guys keep working in those lands, although you want your own proyect and that is razonable but i have a very important question, is the art style going to change? you mentioned that next proyect/s there would be more than a one man army for art, so , is going to change?.


We said the development team will be more than one person, not necessarily the art. Sunset is currently set to be the primary artist and art director on the OC project and we're in the midst of figuring out the particulars in pre-production right now. Although we are leaning towards sticking with a similar art style to SU. OC has a lot of additional challenges that come with it, so we want to stick with what's familiar wherever possible to easily transition into it and better focus on how to handle those new challenges.


There are actually a ton of parody games I'd like to do - like Shantae. ^^ So there's always a possibility, but it will be in the distant future at this point.


I like the plan of action working on the story and Characters before the animation is in personally it's really just extra on top (granted its awesome extra)


Hopefully SU is still very far away from finished as altough there is a ton of content, I feel storywise is not very long and I am expecting a lot of events/posibilites such as the justice league getting involved, and Lex actually fighting some rivals/heros.


Why cant i have sex with batgirl in the room?


When are Wonder Woman and Superwoman gonna get some actual h-scenes or at least the strip?


2.1.9 will be the biggest test to see how the suspensions of the animations will allow for more content to be created. As well we have discussed and are fully aware of the very popular characters and would like to get to those asap. -SmokeShank


How do I download from Patreon as I don't see any links? When i goto discord I see lots of links but the descriptions are unclear what I would be downloading? Thanks


If you search the tags there should be one for 2.1.777 as well if you link your discord and Patreon the download should appear as #su_download. -SmokeShank


So you're just what? The middleman-PR guy in this team? Seems confusing that you're using we instead of I (Considering it's just one guy working on the game).


Sunsetriders7, Smokeshank are founders. Locke is a new permanent addition to the studio. Although him and I do not do coding or art on SU we do help immensely in providing direction, feedback, and support if need be. This helps maximize SR7 time. -SmokeShank


I don't really see a problem with the animations getting 86'd so long as writing is up to snuff. And being able to focus on content instead. Would be neat to see if more scenes will be able to make it in now.


the zip folder for Something Unlimited [v2.1.888] wont properly it keeps showing up as an internet explorer icon and wont let me play the game what would cause this please let me know ?