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  As per Patreon's twitter post there has been a extremely high level of declines during payment processing. This was caused to the best of my knowledge by a change at Patreon which then caused many banks to flag your pledge as fraud. If you can please update your card, PayPal or call your bank to confirm the charge is non-fraud. I'm sorry for this inconvenience. Thank you all 

Please review your payment information by:
1) update your credit card to a different card
2) Use PayPal if you aren't already
3) Call your bank and confirm charge isn't fraud.

Once you have fixed the problem you can re-pledge. You shouldn't get billed twice and if you do please contact us and we will refund you.


Paul Rendell

Mine went through on my end so if you didn't get it i'm gonna be pretty pissed.

jo holloway

my patreon receipt is actually MISSING MULTIPLE CREATORS, but worse still is that I WAS STILL CHARGED THE FULL AMOUNT FOR THEM. in my case if this is not just a minor screw up then patreon is preforming fraud.


Make sure you contact support. They moved their bank, which triggered some internal flags and the cascade of effects resulted in mass declines. We hit 16% declines, normally we are 1-2%


So that’s what that was. I got a fraud alert text yesterday about it from my bank. I was able to straighten it out though.


I think I know why patreon charges are now considered fraud on people’s bank account. I have to say that literally a week ago I got multiple charges on my credit card that was $1.00 from a thing called Patreon*member (which is weird that all the people I support are monthly) and I declined it and had to get a new card from it. So maybe other people might have had it happen to them and declined it also as fraud so now banks think that charges from patreon are fraud too. (I had to pause my charge this month until I get a new card, sorry.)


It's because they moved their payment processing to the UK for tax reasons without preparing for it at all (lmao, idiots). The credit card companies autoflagged the charges, since they were coming from out of the country. So more or less 100% of US Patreon users who pay with credit cards got declined.