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 There is still a lot of stuff missing from the latest build, as I try to limit the amount of time this takes up from developing. I will try and get caught up next month. 

Asset Pack 12 



Would it help to go bimonthly on the asset pack? Or does it not really help much to release less often?


I'm curious. What is it about putting together the asset pack that takes so long? I would figure it would be as simple as taking the new assets and adding them to the folder. Obviously I must be wrong, but I really can't figure out what goes into the process.


Most of the assets are in pieces in large psd files because of the costume sets. Going through and putting together each version properly takes a lot of time. They aren't the same as the compressed ones in the game at all


Hi sorry, how do I integrate this into the game?

Saturday morning!

I don't really understand the point of the asset packs at all. Off the top of my head the only thing I can think of that they contain that you can't get in the game is naked Stargirl. The game already has the vault where you can go back over the games scenes. These packs just seem to take up development time.