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Why is Audrey in this tournament and not Vixen, Black Canary or Zatanna?


Here's hoping for the belly dancer to sweep


Because they aren't. This is hardly the last costume tournament, as has been said multiple times. They'll likely be in ones off into the future, but as for now they aren't.


"Has been said multiple times". When exactly has that been said? And you didn't answer my question at all. Why is Audrey, who was only in one episode of Justice League, in this tournament while other super heroines were left out?

Gee Mama

when's the actual update


It's been said in comments a lot to address concerns throughout the tournament. And I answered it well and good. She's only in one episode of Justice League, but she has a larger role in this game. They had to cut it off somewhere. They avoided the more popular characters, like Raven and Zatanna, because they'd win by landslide and it wouldn't really be a competition. They will likely get a tournament by themselves. Sometimes, arbitrary things are precisely that, arbitrary decisions made by a dev team. There really isn't a deeper meaning.


There's no update this month. They take half of December off (deservedly in my opinion) so forcing a tiny update wouldn't be worth it. They posted about it earlier in the month, but maybe you missed it because it got pushed down by all these polls. Anyway, the next update should be quite big, but it's not coming until the end of January.

Gee Mama

Ok cool. Didn't know what all this commotion was about


They didn't avoid putting popular characters in this tournament. Wonder Woman and Harley are both in this tournament and they're the most popular DC females right now. Definitely more popular than Zatanna.


Plus, this tournament would last several more months, for one costume, if you added every single girl, as we're still in the qualifying stage. The list had to end somewhere, because otherwise it would never end.


Lol I'm talking about in the community for this game when it comes to popularity, not in the ENTIRE MARKET FOR COMIC FANS.


Take a read through previous poll comments and you'll see the Dev saying the same thing about popular girls and how there will be more than one. You have to look at the context for this particular game, not the context of all DC everywhere.


I never said they should add anymore girls. I said another character should have taken Audrey's place or they should have just ended the first round of the tournament after Wonder Woman. Lets be real here, Audrey is not going to win. Its pretty much pointless to even have a poll for her.


And I still say Wonder Woman and Harley are more popular than Zatanna in this community


Whatever you say mang. Smokeshank said that he kept the more popular girls out of this poll. If you disagree with him, then you disagree.


Why is it never the Bunny?