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Here is our official statement towards these changes.  

We personally are all for this, and I will try and explain why.  Now prior to billing up front we only had to handle roughly 2% transaction costs due to patreon spreading out the transaction costs with all creators you pledged too (this is outside the patreon fee of 5%). After billing upfront we now lose ~4.4% to these transaction costs.  While these are currently a cost of doing business, it just means less of your pledged amount ends up going to creating games for you. This change will give us around $400-$500/month extra, which for our case is roughly three months growth or around 100 new patrons. That is huge for us.  I will break down below how the fee works and how it really isn't that significant of a change for the majority of you, for some I understand that it can be the difference from pledging or not.

Changes for us
Prior to change
$5.00 -( Patreon fee (5%) + CC fees (4.4%) ) = $5.00 - $0.47 = $4.53 comes to us

New Change
$5.00 pledge -( Patreon fee 5%) = $5.00 - $0.25 = $4.75 will come to us

Cost to you 


$5.00 is what you were charged. 


$5.00 pledge + (2.9% + 0.35) = $5.00 + $0.49 = $5.49

So this change will end up as an increase of only $0.50 per $5.00 pledge.   Now I know for some this will be the difference in pledging or not. I would hope that you all see the changes as positive and continue to help us grow.  Thank you all for your support.


I will try to answer all the questions below



I would like to say if you are a $1.00 patron the changes will impact you the most, the reason I used $5.00 is because they represent 78% of our supporters. -SmokeShank


I am glad this change will help you guys, but I'm still very disappointed in Patreon. Point me to any other website online which passes the cc fees on to the users... This is backwards and Patreon should take this out of their 5% cut.


I understand, we are seeing these changes in many places now. I'm sure we will see more "convenience fees" in the future.


I'm at the $5 level. I'm fine with this. Hope it makes things easier for you guys.

Kobold Lad

Mehh my only problem is the conversion rate to US can turn into a bigger bitch even with this small increase.


Still staying at $5, you guys still have my support.


I hear you on that one, currently we pay an addition 2 points on the market rate Converting to Canadian. Adds up fast. -SmokeShank


For me the equasion goes like this: I give you money, you draw boobs. If transaction fee is transferred to the customer, you get moar money as long as I don't change my pledge. So you are encouraged to draw more glorious boobs. I like that. I won't change my pledge as loong as the boobs keep cum... uhm coming. You... you ARE going to draw moar boobs right? I mean I keep it simple I see boobs I begin throwing money. That IS how god created man. He was like: Look Petrus, this is man. And Petrus was like: What doeas it do? And God said: It either draws boobs or throws money at them. And Petrus saw that all was good. - Amen. By the way this also prooves that god was a chick. Why would she create a biological moneythrowing machine that aims for breasts if she hadn't any? See? :D (P.S. I REALLY like the boobs you draw!)


By the way, this also explains why man cannot look at god. Just imagine gloriuos god boobs! Those can probably regrow eunuchians balls and make gay people straight! ( I'm not suggesting beeing gay is wrong or anything but gods boobs are gods boobs! Deal with it #nohomo #nothomophobiceither #leavemealonesocialjusticewarriors #don'tleavemeallonehawtchicksfromjusticeleague)


They (Patreon) are charging us a credit card transaction fee on every pledge, even though they only pay it once. It’s dishonest. And although you are getting SOME of the extra they are charging us, they are getting the rest, for doing nothing.


0.50$ per month is still an extra 6$ per year. If it was on my total pledges I'd be fine but they do that crap on every fucking pledge I have active.


Well, if you were the only creator I support, I would have not problem with that, but I support many creator, which mean for me that I will have to pay around 28$ more, that's a big sum, and here is the real problem with that change, I don't want to stop pleadging but that's an amount I can't shove into my budget like that, I will have to make a choice and remove several pleadges, especialy the 1$ ones, and many little creators are sustaining on these 1$ pleadges, they will be the one that are the most hit by that change, I'm affraid many project will come to en end, or will be slowed because the goals don't met anymore, I understand that this change is to help creators, but I'm affraid that in the long run, they will lose more than they win


Unfortunate that the little guy is the one who gets screwed, and a loss of several patrons is a massive hit to some. I know for us it is a really beneficial thing, and we are excited to discuss how to use the new funding. -SmokeShank


You made me go back and read that part. This for them is a way to secure more funding, without upping the costs on us creators. I know it isn't ideal but if they can bring some sort of service that is amazing maybe it will be beneficial. With the many miss steps Patreon has done in the past we must look at what they accomplished. We can use Paypal for NSFW and they themselves have created a place for us NSFW game creators. I just hope that they use all this funding to do something truley awesome. -SmokeShank


I get that Nick and it is shitty. Right now I'm just going to wait and see what will come from the additional funding. Maybe something cool attracting more users who knows. But right now this change isn't ideal, and the each pledge part really sucks. -SmokeShank


here's my problem with this, i'm paying 49 cents more to give you 22 cents more, on the old system you could have gotten those 22 cents extra by increasing the 5$ pledge to a 5.25$ pledge. so it'd only cost the patrons 25 cents to give you the extra 22.


sure, you guys are getting more money, but you could have gotten that extra money for a smaller change on the clients side, or more money for the same change.


They have no idea how much they are hurting multi pledges and pledging at higher tiers. They need to reconsider that in my opinion.

james steele

i looked into it and created a tool to show the math behind the change: <a href="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15JBxauPmAQQZCNh0Q6U4mMLcitsu0r6nHkizM-7MsGg/edit?usp=sharing" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15JBxauPmAQQZCNh0Q6U4mMLcitsu0r6nHkizM-7MsGg/edit?usp=sharing</a> the change in cost comes from how they do payments, so the credit card companies get the extra money not patreon. and yes creators get more money, though less of the money patrons spend goes to the creators. of course this all hinges on them doing the flat $0.35 fee per pledge, instead of per monthly charge. if that changes then the math changes and it becomes a good deal for everyone (well maybe not the credit card companies). okay well patreon gets the same either way, so just better for the creators and the patrons.


I think that Patreon has confused the point of Patreon. I have chosen to give a creator a dollar, I have not chosen to ensure that they receive a dollar. So telling me that they are going to charge me more money to ensure that the creator gets the whole (or a bigger percentage) of the whole dollar is irrelevant to me. What they are doing is the equivalent of me giving a dollar to busker on the side of the road, only to them have that busker demand another 30 cents so that he gets all of the dollar I originally gave him. If they alter the pledge amounts so that they reflect the actual money that it will cost a patron, that would be one thing, but I pretty much guarantee that they wont and this strikes me as dishonesty. It effectively boils down to: "Creators are going to get more money because we are going to charge patrons more." Something that I would find less galling if they just stated it outright. Even their infographics (The bar chart one) obfuscate the issue by being the same length, and thus implying that they represent the same amount of money, with more of it just going to the creators, instead of making the bottom one longer to reflect that it represets a greater cost to the patron.


I totally get where you are coming from and the way they worded the changes could have been spun a totally different way. Last night I took a hard look at another platform and how they handle the same issue that patreon has. This platform was Twitch. Twitch has subscription based model similar to Patreon (rewards for money is a subscription) where Twitch derives a percentage of income (unless partnered you get 50% of the $.4.99 sub cost). They then allow donations, these are direct $10.00 donated goes to the creator/streamer. The thing is you as a donator pay the paypal service fees not the recipient . I think Patreon is trying to create a similar environment where donations and subscriptions live together, the problem being is they have lumped both into one charge. -Smokeshank


I can see how the numbers look skewed in the relation of what you pay vs what we are getting now (or on Dec 18). I think they will not only apply the service charge (0.35) on the total pledge value, but I do think they will batch the payments. So essentially they have baked in more revenue for themselves. I know the word profit is a very fucking greasy word on the internet, but Patreon is a decent company at this point they have done all of us a solid. They stood up for us when we got a DMCA, they stood up to Akabur, they currently allow projects that are in clear violation of TOS to continue as long as they don't state that violation. They got PayPal for NSFW, the list goes on. I know I sound like a shill (and really I am because Patreon is how SR7 and myself continue). I'm just taking the wait and see approach to how they use the revenue. -SmokeShank

Nikolaj K.

It wont personally stop me from supporting my current creators, however, i will be more reluctant to support new ones. I dont know if its cause im from europe, but im already charged 25% bonus whenever i plegde. With an aditional 30%, that means i pay 55% more than what i realistically should. Idk if its a bad move pr se. But its a dangerous move - not for patreon, but for the creators that were forced into it.


на мой взгляд, если бы они сделали бы систему, что налог собирается со всей суммы поступления, которая потом делится между разработчиками, то многие бы отнеслись к этому более терпимо- или налог на один платеж или на 15-20? разница очевидна


I don't know what your breakdown of pledges ($1 vs higher) was prior to the announcement of this change, but the smaller the donation the worse it gets. From a logical standpoint, I'm not going to pay $1.40 to give you $0.95. That's simply not wise. It's not that I can't afford to give your single project more, it's that I don't want to. I want to support many projects with a small amount of funding, and I want a platform that makes it affordable. I understand the benefit to creators. You could get more money. Here's the thing though, if I wanted to give more, I would've given more. We all understand there are fees being taken out, but this change makes the net amount you receive *worse* not better. If people weren't aware of those fees then education on that point would be simple. I've seen so few creators backing this for that very reason. I hope it doesn't cause any creators to give up, but I'm not pledging while Patreon does something this poorly executed, and I can tell it's hurting lots of creators. Again, I don't know what your numbers looked like exactly before the change was announced, but I see you're at $8600ish now. That appears to be a substantial downturn, and that means you might end up with less money in the end despite the larger portion of a "$1 pledge". Therein lies the danger of this change. It only means more money for creators if patrons are willing to swallow a higher fee to marginally increased the creator gain. There's been many, many better alternatives produced in the past few days. I hope Patreon reverses course and takes one. Otherwise, I'll be glad to support people on a platform that makes my contribution cost effective. Perhaps Drip? FWIW - You were discussing Patreon's additional revenue as a potential benefit. Their claims are that there's no more money going to their coffers. This is only a terrible executed plan to give more to the payment processors to address pay &amp; dash patrons.