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There will be an asset pack for January. I'd like to finish the rest of the flipbook animations since there's no build coming out in December. I'll be gone to see my family for a week or so during the holidays. So it'll probably be the second week in January when it comes out. If you guys want anything specific in it, that's not there, just send me a private msg and I'll see what I can do.

HD AssetPack 8 



i cant get the link to work?


if you check the link it only says http// you need to add a : beween http and the //, also remove the %20 from the beginning


When ever I try and download it it just gets stuck at 0%. Anyone else having this issue?


Eventually. It was weird. It just suddenly decided to start downloading then froze again at 35%, then start then freeze. Eventually it got to 100%.