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Well another month of SU development under wraps.  We want to thank all of you for your support and continued support as this project develops.  This month has been one of good progress for SU and of our Newgrounds game.  

The tournament: Will start in 1-2 weeks, this will be a vote based bracketed tournament where your favorite girls will be put in slutty costumes and sent head to head.  The winner and her costume will make it into the game.  

Newgrounds Game: As some of you have seen on discord we have added a new person to the team, we are not ready to fully announce yet.  But I can say that this project is move much faster now than in previous months.  

Lastly November will mark the last update for 2017.  Work will continue through December, but with holidays we cannot commit to releasing a solid update.  For those that are new, we did the same last year.  Thank you all for your support.

Sunsetriders7 & SmokeShank

Gunsmoke Games

Win 2.1.2 

Mac 2.1.2 




That sums up my feelings! XD

Sucio Legacy

Change log? Want to see what update brings, I'm new, just played yesterday and got fucking addicted haha


I wouldn't mind seeing a change log either. Stuck at work....

Bob Bryan

so can you get those three out of prison yet or no?


Okay, Frost is hot as all hell and a delightfully depraved, deviant dame. And Mercy is outright hilarious in prison. "You're lucky I don't stab you for fun!"


how do you unlock poison ivy shower scene??


Link doesnt work for me (Windows) every time i click on it it goes to mega and says page doesnt exist :/


you have to copy the whole thing and paste it in a new tab


Change log? The Mac version doesn't come with the changelog like the windows one...

Andrea Cutri



miss martian is missing for a few months


Trying to get new content but can't seem to get it. Do I need to get the threat high or what?


Just keep hitting the showers after you've seen the Ivy lesbian scene. If you don't see it before getting out of jail, go to your office and go back to prison to try again


So everyone, who had the sluttier prison uniform? Cheshire or Galatea?


how do you get the shower scene with poison ivy


How I can put Poison Ivy and Frost out of prison?


Did notice a shift in Lex's costume every now and then when he's talking to the girls in their cell. It goes from suit to purple villain costume. Plus When you do the prison scenario again on the second day it does the view of the outside again. Other than that tremendous update. I love it! Keep visiting the showers in the morning, after the lesbian show, and you'll see the scene. Can't wait to see the updated pic package with all the hot prison babes or what you guys have planned for the next update. Hope it's just as amazing as this one since it will be the last one of the year. Awesome job guys! Keep it up :D


Keep hitting the showers after you've seen the lesbian scene in her cell. Chance is random.


It wont let me download it, itr keeks taking me to my mega acc then nothing else


Thanks! it'll be straightened out a bit in the next update. The Prison was simplified a lot to get it working properly in time for this one


I'll try to put one in with the next update. Before there were problems with Mac users being able to read it for some reason so it hasn't been in there for a while


Not yet. Things had to be simplified for now to get all the main stuff together. It should be in the next build


So I got the prison scene but didn't get all the scenes. Is it repeatable somehow or have I lost out on it and have to start a new game to get another chance?


I'm doing a new game from scratch using this build. I think I've found a bug. I hadn't done Harley's heist for some time and got the options to do Wonder Woman instead. I think that the museum heist to get the ring for Wonder Woman overwrote the museum heist for Harley. I no longer have the option to do a heist and Harley's waiting for me to do it.


Stupid question: how do I quit the game once I am in prison? ESC key does not do anything.


Hi :) How do I unlock the Prison Costumes for the characters not appearing in the prison?


Hi! Still have the bugs from last version (Miss Martian sprite not appearing at all in cell + in fingering scene, no Audrey dance unlocked) and those before (no Cheshire business suit). Does it mean that I have to - again - restart a new game? It's pretty long redoing everything at that stage..... :\


How to I keep a previous save on the new version?