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I watched the episode that gif is from just this morning XD


Just a quick bug report. It seems that if you have two heists in the same place (say the musuem for the Gigas ring and Harlequin Diamond) the game will only complete one and not allow you to complete the other, locking it out perminantly. Also a typo on the new Cheeta scene were the 'down' is missing out of 'she looks you up and down'


Also on heist bugs, I've had one where the tech heist reappears after completion. IF you complete it again it says that you 'aquired no items'. Hope these will be helpful to you, i'm bno programmer so I can;t give you a more detailed analysis

shane garrod

I have another bug to report. After seeing scene 1 with cheetah and you select her again to see a second scene it loads the dialogue for the opening but then no images or continuing dialogue appears leading you to have to close out the game.

shane garrod

I am still poking around with different things to look for anything else. But the only other one so far I have found is after I get to the point where harley is naked with the clown face paint if I choose any other costume the game freezes.

shane garrod

BTW artemis looks great and the same with star fire. The only thing I would request for art settings would be follow up images during the sex scenes to show the cum on some of the people due to how your dialogue indicates they are often covered by it and despite their clean up there should be some remains of it on their clothing or them. Also I know you had mentioned fixing some of the renders for galatea but I also noticed that during the massage scene it jumps me from the cell room back to the weight lifting room and back.