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Got mine. Just to check, is there any actual sex content with Mercy/Harley/Lois/Roulette or Tala yet, or are they still just blowjobs at the most?


Going into the stables seems to freeze the game


Sadly I did not get the email.


Artemis/Cheshire scene is one of the top ones so far, especially with Cheshire's suit costume. I also loved the new interactions with the other two. Cheshire flickers to her default costume after her latest scenes with Artemis, regardless of what costume she is set to. 'Sneer' is misspelled with Blackfire's cell-intro scene When I set Aubrey's costume to the nightgown after unlocking it, I got a naked Miss Martian instead!


Anyone know what's new in the update? Any changelog?


when I select night gown, audrey turns into miss martian. BTW miss martian is still missing


How do you get Blackfire?


How do you get the new costumes and the scene? I cant talk to either anymore


Blackfire is now tied for my favorite girl along Galatea


Great Update once again guys, though the 'Stables' menu in the Meta Bordello is just a blank screen you can't leave at the minute

Jack B Nimble

Still no email, I'm afraid.


Haven't started playing the upgrade yet, but on the topic of costumes. How do you get Puppet Doll Lois?


I believe you need to place Toyman in the Lexcorp Defense slot and then visit Lois. She complains, and then you can visit the guy in the 'Defenses' section of the base. That's how I remember it, but its been some time since I did it myself.


Please let me know if my email is on the send list. I didn't get the email.

Azure Steel

I think this might be the third time I haven't gotten anything.

Jack B Nimble

Has he responded to anyone about not receiving an email yet? All I've gotten is radio silence.


i also haven't received an email?


Same here :\


is it because i didnt link my discord account or something?

woody wolff

still no email yet sadly


Hate to type this but Miss Martian still does not show up in the Cell. She does appear in the nude when I change Audry's costume to the pink nightgown. Cheshire does not appear next to Luthor if she is wearing the dynamite new grey business dress in Artemis' cell. Love all the new content. Can we get Huntress into the Bordello next? (I also have three cells that have Galatea in them because I keep clicking on the button in the clone room to see if there is any new content there.)


hey, so I entered the wrong email on my account, sorry bout that, I'm a bit slow on the uptake sometimes. Could I get the email sent again? cheers, and great game!


Quick question: I'm still working on getting Galatea, what do you have to do to get the data tapes back? (P.S I absolutely love the game and the art in it--that doesn't get said enough!)


Wasn't this month supposed to be the big content month?

Leigh Robinson

I dont think tou have my email. Can you please message me


I was just using MM as placeholder and forgot to change it over. It'll be fixed next version.


There's a lot of emails to send out, you can link your Discord and always find on there quicker


She'll still be messed up from the previous build. For some reason it loses which costume she is wearing, so it'll still be stuck on that now


Its best to link your Patreon to Discord and you can always find it there. There is a lot of emails to send out and some get lost in the mix

Leigh Robinson

Fair enough. Well ether way its in your inbox

Twisted Mystery

Does anyone else get a weird scene when trying to strip Mercy in Lingerie? I get like an background the makes it feel like you are going down and don't the strip scene just dialogue from the previous strip scene (meaning no action just Mercy saying she won't take of more because she is still mad)


So i just linked my discord, what must i do now?

jose hernandez

I just became a patreon I wanted to do it for so long I dont know if can be it for more than a year, Im trying to study and work, but regardless Im finally able to give yoou some of my money and the monthly payment is convenient to me. I hope the next build will be MASSIVE!!!!! (fingers cross).


The links are in #nsfw-su_download on our server. Just go in and ask, someone should help you out too


Hello, long time fan and not as long supporter but I'm here. :) Just out of curiosity... (SPOILERS MAYBE?) .. .... There is conversation with Harley and Mercy about possibly speaking to Roulette about the Glamour Slam or the Meta Bordello. I would love seeing a couple of the female villains working there as well. Is it possible that in the distant future you might add them to it? I know you probably want to get the heroes done as they probably are priority. But maybe since there aren't that many we can have Lex bring them on at the end of the game. Mostly wanna see Harley but heck, Giganta, Mercy, Cheetah (for the furries hah) etc. would be great. Thanks, sorry if this has been asked before.

Kobold Lad

Ralph, the perfect representative for us Canadians

Zicky Jork

I never received my email :(