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  • This is an experimental doujinshi based video, you can vote on if you want to see this format again or not below.

  • This video has a 35m~ long part 2 that will be added soon.

  • Voiced by Ivy Wilde VA

Stream and Download on JOI Database 

Funscript (regular/ hard)

Funscript (halftime/ easy)

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Vote on the strawpoll here!

JOIQuest ▸ Join the waitlist for the game! Long term patrons get it for free!

Handy ▸ Autostroker that syncs with all my videos and others.


First of all sorry for the delay.

This video took way longer than expected, since it took quite a few tries to get the format right.

Future videos in this style should not take as long.


Please let me know if you enjoy this doujinshi format or not.

My concern is that it may feel less personal, and takes quite some time to edit.

The idea is definitely not to replace regular videos with it, more so to throw them in here and there as a bonus.

It could be a way for me to release more videos, as it's a more straightforward editing job.

So in theory I could build a team to work on these alongside me, while I focus on main videos.

But if you guys don't like this format, I won't bother of course.

So please vote on the strawpoll, and tell me what you think!


Besides that,

I really want to make my 2 other unique experiments next, but I feel like people might want a regular video first.

So perhaps we should do a vote, not sure.

These are the options listed, I will probably make an update post about this and more later.

  • Experimental video 1

  • Experimental video 2

  • Regular, dual voiced video concept.

  • Regular video.

  • Quickshot video, with unique angle.


Thank you for reading my ramble, and for your support!

I really hate to delay stuff, but I prefer to release something polished, over releasing a mediocre product that could have been better.

When watching this video I still see a lot of ways to make it better, but I would be working on this forever lol.

I did learn a lot though, so that's nice.

Lastly, I don't think it should even have to be mentioned but all portrayed characters are 18 years or older.



Philosopher Aphelius

Bought a Handy out of curiosity thanks to these videos. Honestly, I want to meet the guy who's able to handle the full speed funscript. That is an impressive level of stamina or desensitization. Either way, great work as usual