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My schedule has been a fucking joke.

For the past 2 weeks, I have been bombarded with assignments, projects, and exams. This pattern will go on for the next 4 fucking weeks. Not only that, I'm stressing out on my internship that's required, since no companies are emailing/messaging me back.

I'm so done with university, man.

Sorry for the slow updates, but I've decided to fuck it and write stuff that I find interesting, meaning a lot of new fics that (most-likely) will not see an ending cause of my ass focus. 

I'm going to just post as many updates (Of any fic, maybe even new ones like this) as I can, but no promises that I'll post daily for now.

Peace out.


Where in the hell was he?

That was his first thought when he opened his eyes, with the scent of steel immediately hitting him as his eyes widened.

He was in an open, barren desert, with sand and dust covering his eyesight. But he could make out the details in the distance, monolithic black gears gyrating in the sky without fail in the conditions of this barren wasteland.

Thousand, or even millions, of swords decorated the grounds of the desert, seemingly looking like grave markers, yet they were well-preserved from the lack of rust and corrosion on the sword.

He recognized this place. This place was ********* ***** ***** —

A sudden shock of pain shoots up to his brain, causing him to wince at the headache. Putting his hand on his head, he gets up from his position before glancing at the infinite blades of the world.

Why in the hell was he even here? Was this some sort of dream?

"Something like that."

Shivers suddenly shoot through his spine as he looked back, to only see the Second Magician himself, the Wizard Marshall, Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg, staring back at him with a grin on his face.

"W-What in the fuck?!"


"I see that you know of me, good. Makes things move swifter."

Hold up, what the fuck is an anime character even —

A wave of something washed through his whole body, causing him to suddenly calm down as the Wizard Marshall beckons him to follow him.

"Come on, we don't have all day... Metaphorically speaking, we have all the time in the world after all."

With a tap of his staff onto the ground, suddenly two chairs appeared out of nowhere. Taking a seat with an "oof", he beckons him to sit, to which he does.

"You said that this is some sort of dream, what is it?"

The man suddenly grabs onto a tea cup as he blows the hot liquid in his drink.

"Long story short, you're in the Void. Your soul was scooped after dying from volunteering to switch places with a kid as a hostage in a plane."

... Huh. So he was dead. But he doesn't remember it, though he remembered boarding a plane to America. After that, it was just blanks in his memories.

"A measure that all Celestial Beings do to suppress and calm emotions of their visitors, been a rule ever since the First started reincarnating souls around the omniverse."

... He was surprisingly taking this well.

"Now, time for matters."

Clapping his hands, a silver orb appeared out of nowhere and floated in front of him. The world around him started to deconstruct before leaving a black and empty void.

"Colt Lee. You are to be reincarnated into the world RWBY-DM7145 with this "cheat" granted by your world's Celestial Being to save Remnant from disaster. From what I've been informed, the world of what you watched online is much, much more different."

This... This was big.

A part of his brain thought that this was very suspicious. After all, what were the chances of him being chosen by the Second Magician? There's something unnerving about this whole situation, even if it maybe was a coincidence. He shouldn't take it and continue his shit in the Void, maybe go to heaven or something if it existed. He should have some good karma saved up from going to the temple all the time.

But another part of his brain was screaming at him to take it. He fucking DIED, that was not part of his damn plans of life. He was going to live his life out as best as he could, with a hot wife and some kids to keep his company as he lived his life. And it was taken out from his grasp because of some terrorist? Fuck that.

A few seconds passed, before he grabbed the orb in the sky.

It is selfish, but he wanted to live, dammit.

Using his left hand, he grabbed onto the orb before suddenly all he knew was pain. Looking at the source, he paled and gaped as his left arm started to disintegrated from his fingertips up to just his shoulder.

Yelling in pain, he gripped onto the newly formed stump, tears flowing from his eyes with him sobbing before the orb molded like clay into a tanned arm, causing him to curse when he realized what was going on.

"Fucker, you're going to implant his fucking arm?!"

He roared at Zelretch in shock as he just stared with a grin, this fucking monster.

"Well, we need something to connect the Throne to the RWBY world, plus it would be entertaining to watch you strategize your resources."

The magic wielder simply shrugged as the arm flew and slotted itself into his stump. Instantly, his body drops to the ground? as his body started convulsing, blood trickling down his nose as he felt millions of fire ants biting on a nerve each.

After what seemed like an eternity, the pain started to subdue and eventually stop, though phantom pains were still a thing. Wiping the tears and blood from his nose off his face, he glared at Zelretch who's grin had widened slightly.

"W-What in the fuck, Zelretch?!"

He did not sign up for fucking pain, it was as if his soul was stretched out and torn apart before mended back with scrap parts!

And this arm, this was Archer's arm! It was basically a foreign substance that should not be there, it was forbidden magic that cannot normally succeed by normal means.

"Well, I'm surprised that there weren't any defects other than the corrosion. Good job, Colt."

He said with a hint of amusement, causing Colt to growl at the man. Right now, the Shroud of Martin had already wrapped itself onto the arm, so the phantom pains have subdued slightly, like post nut clarity, he started to curse at the wizard.

"Seriously, fuck you. I don't even know how I didn't die from this!"

It was a miracle, in layman terms. Somehow, something in him was compatible with the arm, or else it would have killed him the moment he put on the arm.

Sighing, he just told himself to deal with it, now that he had the arm and "cheat". Opening his mouth, he was about to ask on how to use Archer's abilities when suddenly he gets assaulted with the color of the rainbow, his consciousness fading as his eyes glanced over to the Second Magician who waved him goodbye.


He flips him the finger as his vision goes black.




This was a familiar situation. 

He thought to himself as he finds himself in another different location, with the night sky staring back at him. He was about to use his left hand to sit himself up when suddenly his body moved, doing a kip-up and standing with both legs. 

Blinking, he looked at the wrapped arm that haunted his mind. Suddenly, information flashed through his mind as he just closed his eyes in annoyance. 

"Shroud of Martin, a holy cloth used to wrap the remains of Saint Martin. Used briefly by Kotomine Kirei when trying to bind Servant Archer when he was being attacked, being recorded into ********* ***** ***** — Ouch!"

He winced at the pain in his head when he was thinking about ********* ***** ***** — FUCK!

Alright, no talking about that thing, for some reason it hurts his brain — Oh...

He pauses as strings of information flowed from the connection of Archer's Arm into his head.

So the reason why it hurts was because he doesn't have a Reality Marble, it hasn't been integrated into his soul yet, so his soul currently rejects the world, even its name, until the arm has been fully merged with his Spirit Origin — 

Wait a second, Spirit Origin?

Oh... OHHH... 

He's a pseudo-Servant now, from his knowledge of Archer's arm telling him, with his energy feeding off this world's dense mana source by transforming it into Od through the magecraft, Formalcraft that... has been integrated into his Magic Circuits?

Wicked. He could feel them in Archer's arm, like when a person knows where their heart was instinctively, he could feel the 27 magic circuits of Archer brimming in Od, waiting to be used.

Investigating, he realized that his body was fit, a far cry compared to his fat ass. Well, he wasn't that fat in his old world, but the comparison was significant. First. he had visible muscles, and his body fat percentage was fucking low as shit. 

Wait, how did he even know that?

... That was Structural Grasp, huh. Interesting. 

It was like a blueprint of his body appeared in his mind, with him being able to zoom in and get the points on that body part.

So, hypothesis accepted. Archer's arm is passively giving him new knowledge about magecraft to him, which was sick, as much as he wanted to use the arm as less as he could. 

Though, it was quite annoying, since Archer's Structural Grasp was so good that it scans everything in his sight. Meaning, hundreds of trees in his vision are being scanned and sent to his head, which hurts his brain. 

He needs to turn off his circuits. Focusing, he felt the 27 magic circuits actively pumping out Od. Mentally commanding them, one by one, they flicker off, and eventually all 27 circuits stopped transporting Od at a painstakingly slow rate, giving him peace at last. 

Phew, that was a pain in the ass — 


His senses flared as he instinctively took a few quick steps backwards. From the shadows, creatures of the dark walked out and showed itself to him. 

Werewolf-like creatures crawled towards him with white bony masks, their red eyes glowing ominously before growling at him. 

3 total enemies, quadrupedal. 

Options: Dematerialize, Engage, Distance and Escape.

Escape impossible, they are quadrupedal, will catch up soon enough. 

Dematerialize impossible, pseudo-Servant, cannot dematerialize.

Only option left: Engage.

Suitable battle options: Long-Reaching Weapons, Ranged Options, Anti-Demonic trait Weapons.

Automatically, his brain started formulating options and decisions. That must have been Archer's Mind's Eye. Stances and weapon choices crammed into his mind in a millisecond as instantly, he gets into an opened stance with his hands in a closed grip, as if holding onto something.

A phrase enters his mind, as his mind steels itself. 

"Trace — On."

A pair of married blades flicker in his vision before his magic circuits started to flare up, a burning sensation filling his left arm as his hands grip onto materializing hollow handles. 

The Beowolves started approaching at him with fast speeds, with their claws extended outwards and lunged at him. 

Feeling the handles finish in materialization, he twists his body to dodge past a lunging Beowolf before he swung. 


Black blood erupted from the stump of its previously present head, with it rolling onto the ground before its corpse bursts into black and red particles. 

Gleaming in moonlight were a pair of twin blades, one black and white. Kanshou and Bakuya, his mind provides, as he quickly dashed towards the nearest Grimm in sight. 

With an explosive speed that he previously did not have, he reaches in front of the Grimm, already swinging Kanshou, as it sliced through the Grimm's mask and face like butter, cleaving right through its head due to its strong Anti-Monsters attribute before slamming his leg forward in a Spartan kick, sending the body flying into a tree before bursting into black particles, symbolizing its death.

Feeling something coming at him, Colt turned his body and raised Bakuya, blocking a slash from the remaining Beowolf before overpowering it, pushing the arm away and leaving it open. 

Gripping Kanshou, he stabs it into the skull of the Grimm before roughly drawing the blade back out, watching as blood spewed out from its head, dropping like a rag doll before shattering into motes.

Swinging both blades to clean his swords from its filth, he blinks before his face grew a grin. 

That was so fucking cool.


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