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Emerald Sustrai POV

Today was the day. After two weeks of scouting the base of Kold Kesin and infiltrating the base for over a dozen times, they finally sent the calling card yesterday midnight.

Upon the clock hitting midnight, she started to wear her uniform.

Her base was an open, mint green trench coat with black lining on the edges. Underneath it was an ash gray turtleneck. For leggings, she wore black and gray combat jeans along with brown combat boots.

Finally, she opened a secret compartment in her closet to reveal a gray owl mask. Wearing it, she adjusts it to make it comfortable before walking down the stairs of Leblanc.

Rin had given her the privacy to change, which was very sweet of him, but the back of her mind was disappointed that he doesn't sneak a look. Heck, that was the reason she made her jeans one size smaller, so that Rin would take a peek, but nope.

Shaking her head, she saw that he was already ready with his Metaverse outfit, that was what he called their Phantom Thief clothing, with his hands crossed up in front of his chest.

"Are you ready, Emerald?"

He asks with a shift of tone, now exerting confidence with every movement, a far cry to his normal kind and gentle tone. That was one of the reasons why no one suspected them in the first place, the Phantom Thief, Daemon and Leblanc's owner, Rin, were different people as far as the public were concerned.

"Yeah, let's go!"

She says with an excited smile. Every time a heist is underway, she couldn't help but feel giddy inside. It was much more entertaining and exciting compared to her normal days as an ordinary thief.

Nodding, he extends his hand for her to take it. A flash of blue fire erupts on his face before they both disappear from Leblanc.


Appearing a few blocks from the mansion of Kold Kesin, they both watched the mansion from afar using binoculars as Rin briefs the situation.

"Our goal is the safe box in the second underground floor, that should hold the blackmail and important details that Kold Kesin keeps.

The safe has a few biometric scans that are needed, a face scan, fingerprint scan, and voice-recognition. We will kidnap Kold Kesin himself and force him to open it with your Semblance's hallucinations.

Then, any Lien that we find is ours to take. Remember, the safe is the upmost priority."

Emerald nods her head in understanding as she asked.

"Alright, first we knock out the front post guards, then when it's time to rotate shifts, I'll use my Semblance to disguise as them.

Then we walk in and sneak our way to the master bedroom on the 3rd floor. Take Kold and then sneak back to the 2nd underground floor. Open the safe and get out. Did I get that right?"

After hearing the plan once more, Rin nodded.

"One problem, the security is tighter than we expected."

Following his gaze, she takes her own binoculars and looked at the mansion.

There were men everywhere with guns, patrolling around constantly. Usually there were only 20 men outside, but now there were about 70, not counting the men inside.

This guy had the money to hire so many goons, it was insane.

"So, what do we do?"

"The same. Disguise, stay in the shadows, complete the mission."

And with that, he puts down his binoculars into a duffle bag. This rooftop was their temporary safe place to keep equipment, no one checks this spot at all. Taking out his grappling hook wrist launcher, he made sure that the cable movement was smooth before beckoning her to get close.

The heist was a go.

She did what he instructed, and hugged Rin with a blush, pushing her chest onto his as she could feel his heartbeat. Even after so many heists, she can never get used to this, this was just so hot.

It was like the scenario in her dreams, this is very dangerous for her heart.

He responded by putting a hand firmly on her back, which made her squeal slightly before they both jumped from the rooftop.



The sound of a gun fired as they swung from building to building to get closer to the mansion, the grappling hook pulling them to their direction.





They grabbed the limp bodies as she commented.

"Huh, that was easier than I'd thought."

The two guards that they knocked out were watching some live sports, and they were so focused on it that they didn't even notice them sneaking up behind them.

"Good thing for us then. Come on."

Nodding, she took a few seconds to search the two, remembering their features before activating her Semblance, creating a sphere area that only she could see. 

People inside the sphere would see them as the guards that they knocked out, while the people outside would not be affected by her Semblance, but she trained it with dedication, expanding the sphere to a radius of about 20 meters.

Nodding, she kept quiet to concentrate as Rin led her to the master bedroom since she had to close her eyes, meaning Rin had to literally drag her around, holding her hand as they treaded carefully to maintain the best quality of illusions to not be spotted.

There were a few close calls, but with Rin's expertise in stealth along with the help of his Persona, they eventually reached the master bedroom. 

Kold Kesin had a routine of sleeping at about 9 to 10 at night to maintain 8 hours of sleep, meaning he should be in REM sleep by now. Rin, with skillful hands, picked on the lock silently before a soft click sounded. They were in.

Signalling her to change her Semblance's illusions, they swiftly get into the room and re-locked the door. Changing her Semblance's illusion from the two guard to a soundproof auditory illusion, they could now kidnap Kold Kesin without anyone realizing. 

Since her illusions were now auditory, she didn't have to concentrate anymore as it was natural at this point.

Rin walked towards the sleeping Kold Kesin, signalling that he was dead asleep before they quickly moved, with her job to take as much stuff as possible while Rin knocked him out with his Persona. There was a mini safe behind a picture (Go figure), so she got to it while Rin was searching the room for any additional belongings to keep.

Putting a device that Rin made on the back of the safe, she started picking the safe lock.

To be frank, this operation was going really well, almost boring since their stealth prowess with her Semblance and his expertise was too good.

Finally unlocking the safe, the device that she placed at the back of the safe started lighting up, blinking. That meant that the safe was connected to some alarm, but the device siphons power from the safe itself, meaning no power was going through the wires of the alarm, thus no alarms were blaring.

"Lightning Dust at its finest moments..."

She mutters before looking at the contents in the safe. Each type of Dust had a unique property of absorbing their respective element when low, until their durability wears out. That means that they were perfect pocket E.M.P.s.

Inside the safe box were mostly gems that are as big as her hand, stacks of 10,000 Lien notes, and not surprisingly, a yellow book with contact numbers. Reading them, her eyebrows raised slightly. 

These were all shady people in the industry. From hired mercenaries to body disposal teams. This guy must have a lot of dirt in that underground safe of his if this book was here instead of it in the main safe.

Shoving all of them into a foldable duffle bag, she tossed it to Rin who finished with his task. Catching the bag with ease, he puts it behind his tailcoat as it magically disappears into the shadows.

A Persona User's ability to just keep things in their souls was so useful.


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