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Two Years Later...


Johnathan yawned as he woke up, his mind still hazy. Rubbing his eyes, he gets up before walking to the bathroom.

Looking into the mirror, he stared at the image of his 8-year-old self.

He was looking really good, like a cute type of good.

His baby fat was now non-existent, leaving a nice sharp jawline and thin cheeks. His blue eyes were more electrifying and brighter than a few years ago, and his hair was still the same, short and wavy.

His hair was cut short, but long enough to be styled wavily. His jet-black hair really highlights his striking blue eyes, they were a good combo to be honest.

And his body, the exercises had sculpted his body to a good shape, he thought as he touched his abs.

He had abs. a less defined 4 pack, but abs! His past life didn't even have this! Oh, right. He was hospitalized. Eh, details. And his arm and leg muscles were slightly defined from all the parkour that he did on the side as a hobby. When he hit his teenage years, his muscles would 100% grow explosively, that he was sure of.

Flexing his biceps to the mirror, he chuckled at his ridiculousness before starting to run water to the bathtub.

Man, living in the Greengrass Manor sure has its perks. Past John almost missed this, what a fool.

Making sure to scrub his hair thoroughly with shampoo, he thought back in the past 2 years using the power that are shower thoughts.

First and foremost, he has finally obtained Rank B in the Bar after months and months of grinding away like a machine, only taking high-risk missions, not because of the money, but because he wanted his name to be known to the whole world, his mark.

Like Batman, to be precise. 

His symbol will strike fear to both the mundane and the wizardry, causing the amount of crime to decrease. 

Heck, he heard that because of his relentless hunting, Wizarding Britain's crime rate had dropped by 3%. That's not bad, meaning that his method of striking fear into the hearts of filth worked. 

Second, Aria was visiting him later this afternoon. For both fun and business.

Every time Ilvermorny had its summer vacation, she would always visit him for both work and for fun.

Fun means hanging out together in both the wizarding and the mundane world, going out to the movies, travelling around Europe, the normal stuff friends do on the holidays.

And in work, she was an excellent Hit-Witch. Her skills of debuffing enemies with her Veela Flare, the magic that captivates men and women, along with her superior skill of defense magic due to her magical bloodline made it so that he could trust his back whenever they got into a confrontation. 

Deep down, he knew that he had recognized her as a close friend, but he would never admit it aloud. He was even planning to reveal his name to her, so that they could get closer. 

Maybe help her out with her issues too, whatever she had. She sounded quite serious in her recent letters.

Washing his hair to get rid of the shampoo, he opened his spell page, which he gained in another update of the system a few months ago, Update 1.2, to show his current spells that he had mastered.

'Spell Page.'

x x x x x

Combat Spells/Charms/Jinx:

Diffindo - Severing Charm

Stupefy - Stunning Charm

Mana Bolt - Basic Magic Bolt Spell

Expelliarmus - Disarming Charm

Finite Incantatem - Counter Spell Charm

Depulso - Repelling Charm

Descendo - Descending Charm

Flipendo - Flipping Charm


Defense Spells/Charms/Jinx:

Protego: Aura - Aura Shield Charm

Protego: Dome - Dome Shield Charm


Buff Spells/Charms/Jinx:

Unnamed Physical Strengthening Charm

Unnamed Dexterity Strengthening Charm


Debuff Spells/Charms/Jinx:

Petrificus Totalus - Full-Body Binding Charm

Caecus - Blinding Charm

Arresto Momentum - Slowing Charm

Silencio - Silencing Charm (Enemy)

Muffliato - Sound Muffling Charm

Levioso - Levitating Charm


Utility Spells/Charms/Jinx:

Accio - Summoning Charm

Homenum Revelio - Human-Presence Revealing Charm

Quietus - Silencing Charm (Self)

Inlusio - Invisibility Charm

Odoriferum - Scentless Charm


Movement Spells:

Propero Momentum - Hastening Charm

Apparition - Teleporting Spell


Mind Spells:

Occlumency - Mind Defense Spell

x x x x x

He had been busy learning new magic. Especially combat spells. He had a lot of new fun spells like Expelliarmus and Stupefy.

And as on the spell list, he was going with the debuff DPS build, courtesy of watching a video of a bard DPSing with Debuffs on the enemy.

Why? It was super overpowered. The ability to just make your enemy stunned because they couldn't do anything was just so satisfying.

His favorite combo at the start of any battle was:

Arresto Momentum, Slowing Charm -> Caecus, Blinding Charm -> Silencio, Silencing Charm -> Muffliato, Sound Muffling Charm

If it was done correctly, this combo would slow the enemy down to not be able to dodge the other spells, then take away his/her eyesight, voice, and hearing.

Very powerful. 

And he had some other spells to debuff an enemy too:

Propero Momentum - Hastening Charm -> Depulso - Repelling Charm

This would send an enemy flying at high speeds, maybe even killing them when crashing into something. 

To be honest, this categorization was quite useless, since he could even use Accio as a CC spell to slam him/her into a Protego: Dome.

The possibilities are endless with magic as long as there was creativity and imagination.

Getting out of the bathtub, he took a quick shower to make sure that he had cleaned his whole body before stepping out of the bathroom. 

Glancing at a corner of his room, he sighed with a smile at the sleeping Morgana. 

'Bring up Morgana's Stats, Jeff.'

x x x x x

Name: Morgana

Gender: Female

Level: 24/50

HP: 360/360

HP Regen: 36 Per Hour

MP: 730/730

MP Regen: 73 Per Hour

Age: 2 Years 8 Months

Race: Magical Ocicat — Darkness


STR: 37 — D+

AGI: 68 — A+

INT: 73 — S

END: 36 — D+

PER: 50 — B

Status Points: 0



Cloak of Darkness [LVL MAX]


Shadow Claw [LVL 3]

Shadow Ball [LVL 7]

Shadow Beam [LVL 2]

Shadow Sneak [LVL 7]

Shadow Burst [LVL 1]

Skill Points: 0

x x x x x

For the new update, there was suddenly a leveling system for Morgana, which was pretty cool. Each level grants a Status and Skill Point, which he could use to upgrade one of Morgana's status or moves. 

The maximum level of a move was 10, so he had to put 9 points into a move for it to be maxed. So, since she had a level cap of 50, he could max out all except for one move.

The higher the level of a move, the less MP would Morgana use. When Cloak of Darkness was LVL 1, she used 5 MP per minute to sustain in his shadow. Now that it was maxed, it only takes 1 MP per minute, meaning she could stay in his shadow for 30 hours straight without counting the MP Regen of 73 per hour.

There was also a new status called Perception. This is basically the ability to perceive your environment, to pick up clues and minutiae, including the emotions of others, etc. It's like a detection stat. The higher it is, the more attentive you are to the surroundings.

Right now, she had a good 360° sense of about 200 centimeters, which was a lot when your familiar's role was as an info gathering, silent but deadly, assassin

Thank you, whoever updates both Jeff and the system, you've made him more overpowered now. 

Wearing a loose white undershirt, he took a while to find a pair of black jeans in his cupboard.

Once he was sure that he looked fine, he grabbed a thin jacket before fixing his holster onto his hip. Tucking his trusty Glock into the holster, he wraps himself with the jacket before calling Morgana who he knew was just closing her eyes in rest. 

"Morgana, I'm going out! Once you're bored, merge with my shadow, OK? I don't want you roaming around like last week..."

She responded with a mental tug on their connection, signalling her OK before he left to enjoy his day with Aria.


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