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"Oh my god, he looked at me!"

"Have my babies!"

... This school ain't normal, and not in the elite sense. And speaking about normal high school students... Ugh...

"... Issei..."

He muttered with his hands on his hips as he stared at the trio kneeling in front of him with the club members of the Girl's Kendo Club glaring at the three of them.

"Can anyone please explain to me what happened — Never mind, I think I have an idea."

He stopped himself from asking the obvious answer as he sighed in annoyance, causing them to start glaring back at him.

"You would never understand us, you damn bishonen!"

"Yeah! You have women flocking you like a mama bird! You don't get our fury and desires!"

"That's right, that's right!"

The three started to curse at him, prompting him to sigh louder as he reaches out to grab a bamboo sword from one of the club members.

"I'd like to borrow this for a second..."

"Of course, Sin-sama! Anything for you!"

She gushes with pink cheeks as she gave him the sword as if he was king. Thanking her, he gave it a couple of swings, hearing the sword sing as it sliced the air.

Looking back towards the sweating trio, he pointed it at them.

"I'd normally give you three to the Student Council for punishment, but you three just made me mad. Especially you, Issei."

He at least had the decency to look away.

"Your mom entrusted me to you, and I feel like I've been doing too little to stop you from perving on these poor girls.

And I'm sorry for not doing more for all of you."

He glanced over at the girls before bowing slightly to them.

"No way!"

"Sin-sama, please raise your head!"

"Yeah, it's not your fault at all!"

The girls reassured him as he walked closer towards the trio, prompting them to sweat even harder.

"... I'll give you a choice. Repent and never perve again after ten strikes from me... Or continue to perve, but you'll receive 50 strikes a day while running 5 kilometers on the track every day."

He gave them an ultimatum, thinking that they were going to choose the first option, but...

"No way! I'll never stop! Not now, not ever! I'm going to be the harem king one day and hold boobs forever!"

Issei yelled out loud as he stands up, convincing his other two friends to get up and refuse his offer.

"Yeah! Boobs and Ass Forever!"

"No one can stop us, not even you, damn bishonen!"


He was kind of impressed with his confidence and unwavering will. If only it weren't reserved for boobs and ass only...

Sure, he agreed that boobs and ass was the way to go, but at least he keeps it deep within and don't go out to sexually harass the woman here.

He was still "human", he has his urges.

Swinging the sword harder this time, he just glares at the three before muttering.


He accidentally reduced the suppressor down to 99%, letting the 1% leak out to his consciousness, causing a wave of bloodlust to erupt from him towards the Perverted Trio.

Screaming, they started running away from him as Sin gave them a slight countdown from 10.

This was going to be a fun hunt.




"That boy..."


Akeno questions her master's sudden interest.

"The one who was in the middle."

"Middle? Oh, if I recall, he is currently in 2-B. His name is Hyoudou Issei. Is there anything about him?"

"... No, I must be mistaken."

She mutters aloud before moving forward to the chess match that she was currently in before moving her pawn up one space.





With his earphones on, he was walking back home after a satisfying and therapeutic session of marking some neatly written homework when suddenly he saw a particular scene.


"Hyoudou-kun, are you seeing anyone right now?"

Amano Yuuma asks shyly as Issei answered her question flabbergastedly.

"Uh, n-no! No one, really..."

"I'm glad!"

With her shoulders tucked in, she makes herself look more submissive before muttering out loud.

"U-Um, would you mind... Going out with me?"


Issei looked confused, looking around to see if this was a prank before not noticing anyone at all.

"For a while now, I've been watching you pass by here countless times... And... Um... Hyoudou, I..."

He must be so shocked right now, that's the face that he's giving out currently as he watches the girl confess her love for him.

"I-I want..."

She hesitates for a second before saying it out loud.

"I want you to please be my boyfriend!"

... If Sin was to be honest, this would be so obvious to him.

One, who was she? He doesn't recognize that school uniform and badge anywhere.

Two, if she said that she'd been watching him for a while now, how come did he not see her at all when passing by?

Three, what kind of girl this pretty would come and confess her love to a pervert?

That would be his thought process if he was in Issei's shoulders, alas...


Issei shouts out after staying in a shocked position for a while, causing the girl before him to smile happily.

"Really? That's amazing!"

And then they traded contact info with each other before she had to go, leaving Issei with an aloof grin as he walks back home.

... The canon has started then. Alright then. Playtime's over, it's time to spread his wings and show the world what Sin Kiske could do.


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