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"Hey, Kirishima!"

Denji yelled from his area of the arena as he grinned.

"Yeah? What's up?"

"Let's do this instead! One attack! If I don't knock you out, then I'll forfeit!"

Denji gave his suggestion as Kirishima's eyes lit up in excitement.

"Woah! That sounds super manly! Alright come at me!"

Midnight who was listening to their conversation squeaked before talking to the mic.

"It seems that the two competitors has changed the conditions! If Uraraka doesn't knock Kirishima out, then it will be Kirishima's win!"

"What a change! Manly!"

Present Mic commentated with passion as Aizawa just shook his head.

Kirishima grinned along as the two gets to the middle of the stage. Waiting for Kirishima's call, Denji breathes in deeply before getting into a stance, flipping on his serious mode.

He wanted to get this over with without using as much of his stamina as possible, so he suggested this, and as you can see, hook, line, and sinker.

Kirishima in return hardens his body to the max before giving a "Go!", ready to tank as hard as he could.

Closing his eyes, Denji focuses on all his muscles, breathing in and out before his eyes shot open. Twisting his back leg, he pulls the power from his legs to his torso, and to his hands. Tightening his fist, he breathed in to get as much oxygen as possible,

Cocking his hand back, he takes a step forward with a firm stance, his arm muscles bulging slightly from the flexing of his muscles before swinging as hard as he could.

Four Gods: Black Turtle — Flash Fist Crush



Saliva gets spit out as the punch sent Kirishima who was still in his hardened state flying before slamming to the wall, the strong impact shaking the whole stadium.


The smoke from the impact resides as everyone could see Kirishima out of commission with a fist bruise on his stomach. Breathing out, he relaxes his body as his right-hand twitches.

Flash Fist Crush was a Black Turtle with the boost of 3D Maneuver, meaning his punches if used right were about 80 mph with just X2. That particular Flash Fist Crush was a X3, and he was fucking surprised that Kirishima got away with just a significant bruise.

'Humans in this world were just built different.'

"Kirishima is out of bounds! Denji moves on to the second round!"




Ochako and Bakugo's fight went about the same way, with bigger explosions though, that was different.


Bakugo shot the raining debris down with his maximum firepower, which was about 2 tons of high-powered explosives. Bakugo was literally a human explosive that can be reused as long as he sweats, and that was scary as fuck.

Denji from the side of his eye was about to jump down from the stadium if it weren't for Sero and Sato pulling him back.

"Let me go! That fucker launched such a big explosion when she was so close!"

"Dude, it's Bakugo! He knows better than that!"

"Yeah! He won't outright hit her with that!"

With a reluctant face, Denji stops as he shrugs the tape off from his body before walking out to see his sister.

"Why did you not stop him?"

Yaoyorozu asked beside him as he just sighs.

"Why would I? If I were him, I'd jump down as well to beat Bakugo up."

"The eight match of the first round... Ugh, I feel bad for Uraraka..."

Present Mic said apathetic as Aizawa just glared at him.

"Did you not hear what I just said earlier?"

"Yeah, yeah... But man, Uraraka... Oh, right. Bakugo advances to the second round. Yay... "

"Sigh... We'll have a 5-minute break before we enter the second round."

Aizawa announced before the hologram of them cut off, must be him berating Present Mic or something. In the meanwhile, he should get something to eat. Maybe Lunch Rush is still working... For Iida's match, he needs his daily dose of coffee to keep his mind from boredom.




Standing on the stage, Midoriya tried to calm himself down as he looked at the opponent across from the stage. Todoroki calmly walked up to the stage with his usual blank expression, with a hint of anger and pride in his eyes.

Well, he understood the anger from Todoroki's perspective. He didn't think Endeavor was like that too, so... Controlling. 

"The first match of the second round! At this year's sports festival, both have shown top class performances! It's Midoriya! VERSUS! Todoroki!"

Present Mic announced briefly as he breathes deeply, focusing on One for All.

First, he will come at him with his ice the instant the match will start, so he had to activate Full Cowl the moment Present Mic said "Go.".

His limit currently was 3%, 6% if it was instant, but from the observations that he did earlier, his ice was thick enough to withstand even a 30% punch theoretically. 

That meant...

"It's like two great rivals fighting against each other! Now..." (Present Mic)

"Core, active... 3% threshold, reached... Full Cowl, start!."

One For All: 3% Full Cowl.

Feeling the energy surge in his body from his stomach, he held back a gasp as green electricity sparked from his body. Clenching his fists, he gets into a stance that he had been studying for the past two weeks. 

Gohru in the stands raised his eyebrow before leaning closer on his seat. The kid has copied him, it seems. Cheeky.

Renewal Taekwondo: Basic Stance.

"Let the match BEGIN!"

As expected, Todoroki sent a bridge of ice that shot out from his feet. 


Dodging the ice, he notes the speed of it. Even with 3%, it was fast, but if that was the max speed then he could deal with it — 

His thought process was cut off as he rolled out of the way to dodge another ice attack from Todoroki, but this time it was about 20% faster.

Running, he analyzed the attack with a grim face.

'So that wasn't his max speed? This is bad, I barely dodged it in time — '

Another ice attack was coming! No, this speed, he can't dodge it in time!

Moving his arm towards the ice, he curls his index finger as he ramps up Full Cowl to 40% on the finger only, yelling in his heart.


Flicking his finger, the power of One for All creates a wind pressure with just his single finger as it crashed against the ice. 


The ice stopped in its tracks before erupting into pieces, stopping the attack. He grunts at the pain of his finger, but it did not break like usual. That meant that he could at least break the ice with just 40% — 


Another ice attack was coming straight at him, and bigger than before! This is bad, this is bad, this is bad!

Using the same finger, he accidentally loses his control of One for All before firing another flick. 


Wind pressure shot out as it crashed against the ice, breaking it before resuming its course towards Todoroki. Recognizing the threat, he conjured an ice wall behind him to stop himself before bracing.


The impact from the finger flick was so powerful that it took 4 walls of ice to stop it, with Todoroki slightly flinching at the pain on his back from slamming into four walls.


But Midoriya suffered bigger damage as he clutched his wrist, revealing a broken finger.

'I lost control! Ow, it hurts!'

With the slight downtime from both opponents, they quickly calmed themselves down and finished their analysis on the other person. 

Regaining control over One for All, he reset the limit of Full Cowl back to 3% for now before running towards Todoroki. 

The reason why he had to use ice attacks in succession was because he was afraid of him in close range! With his speed and strength of Full Cowl 3%, he would win the hand-to-hand, meaning he had to get in close to win!

Dashing towards him, Todoroki immediately realized his plan as he started shooting blocks of ice towards him, focusing on quantity over quality and size as multiple barrages of ice blocks approached him.

Todoroki was skilled to make the attacks close to each other, so he knew that he could not dodge everything. Moving his eyes to track every ice blocks, his head made the optimal route to reduce as much damage as he could take before executing it. 


Making sure to dodge every attack that hit his vitals; his head, his joints, etc, he bursts out from the barrage, slightly damaged from the looks of his battered cloths with Todoroki eyeing on him, just 15 meters away from him. 

Todoroki, without any warning, dashed right at him, making Midoriya's eyes widen at the sudden change in strategy. 

'What?! He's coming right in?!'

"It's not like I don't have any melee attacks!"

Todoroki mocked Midoriya as he tightened his fist. He could not stop this now, he had to get a hit in! Even if it takes damage! 

Clenching his fist, his arm surges with power as they got closer, with Todoroki ready to retaliate with his hand raised, ice creeping up on his hand as it formed some kind of ice armor. 


One for All: 3% — 

"Detroit SMAAAASH!!!"



Half-Cold: — 

"Glacial Freeze Fist!!!"




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