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After taking the key to his vault, Edwin bought a brown pouch for John that acted like a debit card, with it being able to take out money from his vault depending on the amount that he wanted via voice recognition. There were more security charms and jinx that prevent others from using it, but he did not understand d a single thing at all.

Basically a money bag of holding, D&D anyone?

Anyways, with the money, they went on a shopping spree, buying items like space-expansion tents, a box that acted like a fridge that never ran out of power, food, bottles that magically refill itself with fresh water, and more miscellaneous stuff.




Looking through the brochure that every bounty hunter is provided at the start, he flipped through it before asking Edwin.

"What rank are you, Ombré?"

They were out on a job, a wizard had commissioned a contract to kill a minor Death Eater that had violated and killed his daughter while he was abroad during Voldemort's rein.

The prize for his head was 2,000 Galleons, which was on the low side for the business, but it had lower risk compared to the normal jobs, and the fact that no one wanted the job since its prize gave little made it perfect for an apprentice’s job.

They were heading to the client’s house to get information about the Death Eater since the client was responsible to gather information, Hit-Wizards do the dirty work instead.

"Never really caught up with the weekly rankings... I think I was top 15 in A-rank before? That was a decade ago though."

He muttered as his jaw dropped. Damn, an A-rank. That meant that he had finished almost 5,000 jobs with a completion rate of above 90%. That was fucking incredible from what the brochure is saying, the average completion rate was about 70%.

"Now, I've decided to just leave common spells to Hogwarts. I'm going to train you in mostly Combat spells and maybe Defense spells too if I have the time in jobs. When you have free time in between jobs though, you'll be learning spells on your own with books that I'll buy after this job. The rest is up to your discipline."

He said as John nodded in understanding. There were of course some missions that he would not follow along, but during the 100 jobs, he would try and absorb as much as he could to learn the ways of a Hit-Wizard.

"No wand for now since you've told me that you can cast a Magik Fulmen wandless. We'll train that and other spells wandless as your foundation, wand magic would just be useless to you since wandless is more powerful as there is no medium required.

That means more Mana and power will not be leaked out of the wand as wands always have a limit on how much power it can use, to avoid wizards accidentally killing themselves with full powered spells.

Of course, you can take the limiter out of the wand, but there is the wand's durability to consider."

Nodding once again as he absorbed the new knowledge taught by Edwin, they continued their way to the job location.

“So, there’s something called a shield charm, Protego…”


An hour on foot later (Edwin insisted it was to train John’s stamina), they arrived at an isolated park in the region of Barnet, the meeting spot with the client. Walking to a bench which sat a man wearing rags, Edwin sat next to him while John stood behind the seat near Edwin.



He said the password’s letters, and once he finished, Edwin used his wand to construct a silencing ward and a notice-me-not ward around them.

“Ombré Noire and Wick, my apprentice.”

He tiled his head over to John who gave the man a nod.

“Clark… Here.”

Handing them a file, Edwin takes it as Clark continues.

“The info is 3 days old, get that son-of-a-bitch for me, please.”

He said desperately as Edwin nodded briefly before standing from his seat.

“We will send the head via owl once the contract is done. Good day, sir.”

And they left the park after dropping the wards, hearing the cries of an old man as they left.




A few months later…

x x x x x

Daily Mission (Magic):

Use Protego — Aura Version (10/200 minutes) [ ]

Use Body Strengthening (10/200 minutes) [ ]

Use Wandless Mana Tendrils (10/100 minutes) [ ]

Use Diffindo (61/300 casts) [ ]

Time Limit: 4 hours 49 minutes

Punishment: Increased probability for accidents during contract.

x x x x x

Trying to complete his missions, he focused as hard as he could while pushing his body up. After accepting Edwin’s deal to train him, he had received a daily mission to start training his body.

x x x x x

Daily Mission 1 (Physical)

Push-Ups (20/20) [ ]

Squats (40/40) [ ]

Lunges for each leg (40/40 each) [ ]

Crunches (30/30) [ ]

Plank (30/30 seconds) [ ]

Time Limit: 0 hours 0 minutes

Punishment: Peking Order

x x x x x

There is another set in the evening too, meaning he does two sets each day. And as if his days were already busy, he had to go on jobs with Edwin too. At least he got to watch how Edwin planned his jobs.

He never goes head in first. He always secures at least 3 escape routes before the fight, and does it as silently as humanly possible. He even taught him a few spells to increase his stealth.

x x x x x

Quietus, the Quieting Charm: A charm to reduce the sound of an object or user. The more Mana used, the quieter the spell enhances.

Inlusio, the Disillusionment Charm: A charm to conceal an object or user. The more Mana used, the longer the charm stays on.

Odoriferum: A charm that removes the smell of an object or user. The more Mana used, the longer the charm stays on.

x x x x x

And for his Combat and Defense spells, he was still rocking with only 4, Diffindo, Mana Bolt, Protego — Aura Version, and Mana Tendrils, all wordless and wandless with the power of an A-ranker (That was what Edwin said when they sparred).

Edwin suggested to only train at least 6–7 spells for a fight, "Simplicity is the Ultimate Sophistication." than remember 100 spells and not training them at all. Like Bruce Lee's "I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.".

But at the side while not on the job, he was learning a new spell that was a little hard to perform. Accio, the summoning charm. It was the same concept as Mana Tendrils, but for some reason, he just couldn't get a hang of it.

'Maybe because it's not a Combat Spell like Diffindo or Protego? But what about Mana Tendrils? Well, it did take over a year to learn it... Does that mean that I suck at non-Combat Spells?'

While he was laminating on the fact that he sucked at other forms of magic, Edwin, who was watching him practice his magic, smacked him behind the head.

"You lost focus! Continue on!"

Snapping out of it, John grumbled on about child abuse before continuing his magical daily mission.

Over the past few months, he had already completed 43 jobs, with him seeing the worst and best of the Wizardry World. People who look innocent at first, but show their dark side at the end, and people who look horrible but are actually good.

The world wasn't so much white and black now that he has seen the world before his very eyes, it was more gray than he thought.

Still, even after 40 jobs, he can 100% say that fighting or dueling was his passion. It was so fucking fun. To barely scrape by a spell that could kill you in one hit, the feeling of your own blood running to save your life, the adrenaline rush when you try your best to react to everything, it makes him feel alive.

They were now relaxing since they already took 4 jobs this week, so in the meantime, John was committed to train up his arsenal.

"So, Noire, what're we doing tomorrow?"

He calls him Noire out of habit these days because Edwin didn't like anyone saying his name. Drinking a sip from his metallic flask (He's always drinking), he answered back.

"Meeting an old friend tomorrow for a joint job. He recently got a new apprentice too."

Raising his eyebrow, John continued to cast all four Combat Spells as he listened closely. There is always a silencing and a notice-me-not ward that Edwin rose whenever they are talking, so there was no need to hold back.

"Been friends since my early days of being a Hit-Wizard. He's actually the one who gave me my code name."

He said before taking a swing at his alcohol.

"Found a girly with quite a large amount of reserves for an 11-year-old... But you'd beat her in a fight to be honest. She's still fresh in the business."

He said with pride as John grinned at the praise.

"She just finished her first year in Ilvermorny, and has been under him since their year ended."

"Ilvermorny? That means they're Canadian, right?"

"Good observation. Yes, they're Canadian, well the girl is. My friend's French. We met during a joint job with another 4 wizards, all of them died in the job except us because they were horribly incompetent. Saved his life, and here we are."

Nodding at the additional backstory of Edwin, he fires the last Diffindo before hearing the normal DING ring.

x x x x x

Daily Mission (Magic):

Use Protego — Aura Version (22/200 minutes) [ ]

Use Body Strengthening (22/200 minutes) [ ]

Use Wandless Mana Tendrils (22/100 minutes) [ ]

Use Diffindo (300/300 casts) [✓]

Time Limit: 4 hours 27 minutes

Punishment: Increased probability for accidents during contract.

x x x x x

Sighing at the annoyance of needing to complete the daily mission (Even if it's fun to use magic), he refocuses when Edwin said something weird.

"Oh, and remember not to stare tomorrow."

"... Wait, what?"


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