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So far, it has been about 3 years since he reincarnated as a baby in this universe.

He’d forgot how much fun moving around was without any pain. Cancer was such a bitch. So in this life, he had sworn to train his body up to the max to enjoy the feeling of being able to move his body the way his mind wants it too. (Parkour and stuff)

He was in an orphanage, expected from the - Backstory trait, as his days were really boring and torturous. There really went anything that he could do other than read, run, sleep, and learn magic.

Yes, Magic. It was a foreign concept for him, but after a year of meditating to find his Magic Core, he finally found it, a small blue orb in his heart itself.

How did he know of it? Well, Mr. Red Orb gave him a system to teach him Occlumency.

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Daily Mission:

Tap into your Magic Core [✓]

Lift objects with your Magic (21/100 seconds) [ ]

Time Limit: 10 minutes 19 seconds

Punishment: Peking Order

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Everyone, meet Jeff, his system that will eventually teach him Occlumency. He doesn’t work like the systems that Gamers have, but he talks… Sometimes.

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Who are you talking too, John?

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Apparently, from what Jeff said, you need to have a stable magic core before you can start learning Occlumency.

That was why Purebloods only start to learn Occlumency at the age of 8~10, since at that age, the magic cores of wizards will be steady enough to control their magic consistently.

So, for the past year, he had been doing his darn hardest to use as much magic as possible. Think of the Core as a muscle. The more magic you use and exert, the more developed it will become, and thus increase the capacity and control of magic that one can control/use.

Focusing on his Core, he pointed his index finger at a toy block and imagined a flow of white mist exit the Core and through his heart, flowing slowly and steadily to his arm and eventually out of his index finger.

Once that was done, he turned his focus onto the toy block and imagined the white mist shape into a hand, picking up the block.

After a second, the block slowly floated. Controlling the block by moving his finger, it floated around him for a few seconds before falling to the ground.


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Daily Mission:

Tap into your Magic Core [✓]

Lift objects with your Magic (21/100 seconds) [ ]

Time Limit: 10 minutes 10 seconds

Punishment: Peking Order

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He wiped the sweat off his forehead at the strain on his mental and Magic Core (It was hard with short hands) as he continued to do it three more times before the surrounding babies started waking up around him, causing him to stop.

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Daily Mission 1:

Tap into your Magic Core [✓]

Lift objects with your Magic (85/100 seconds) [ ]

Time Limit: 9 minutes 6 seconds

Punishment: Peking Order

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After a few seconds of babies crying, he heard footsteps before the door to the baby room opened, revealing an old woman with a grandmother smile.

"Good morning, John! Now, could you please help me with Abby? She has dropped her pacifier."

She said, to which I just nodded before walking with my short legs to a baby cot nearby with a baby crying. I started to push the net of the baby cot, shaking the inside of the cot as the baby's crying eventually stopped.

The baby was eyeing on him curiously as he continued to push the cot back and forth until the woman finally came to his side and picked the baby up.

"Thank you, John. Go and clean up, breakfast should be ready soon."

With a silent nod, John walks to the bathroom nearby and grabs a stool for him to be able to grab his toothbrush on the sink.

"Magic sure is cool..."

Being able to levitate and control an object was cool has heck, even if his total weight that he could control was only about a kilogram. At least his power when launching an object was acceptable for now, a potato in his control cracked a slab of wood before.

Using his magic, he starts to control his toothbrush, using half of his focus to brush his own teeth while his other focus was on the door to immediately stop when someone entered. Thankfully, he was the only 3-year-old in the orphanage, and the older members of the orphanage always wake up way after he finishes his routine.


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Daily Mission 1:

Tap into your Magic Core [✓]

Lift objects with your Magic (100/100 seconds) [✓]

Time Limit: 2 minutes 13 seconds

Punishment: Peking Order

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Daily Mission 2:

Lift objects with your Magic (0/200 seconds) [ ]

Strengthen your body with Magic constantly for 5 minutes (0/50) [ ]

Time Limit: 7 hours 59 minutes 56 seconds

Punishment: Peking Order

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The way to strengthen one's body with magic was quite simple, just let your magic flow through the whole body at all times... It was harder than he thought.

First, he had to focus to flow the magic through his whole body, that required a lot of concentration and focus. And it is for 5 whole minutes too, 1 minute of constantly using magic already takes quite a significant toll on his mental state.

With a groan, he starts to flow the magic around his body like the flow of blood, replenishing the magic flow from his Core every time it completes a circulation.

Since he was a beginner, his control of magic was horrible, making him accidentally leak magic out of his body at times, making it strain his Core as it has to regenerate constantly to make up for lost magic from the surrounding.

Coupled with the fact that the magic flowing through his body acts as an alternative energy source for his muscles and cells so that his body would strengthen, it takes a LOT of magic in his reserves.


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Daily Mission 2:

Lift objects with your Magic (0/200 seconds) [ ]

Strengthen your body with Magic constantly for 5 minutes (1/50) [ ]

Time Limit: 7 hours 59 minutes 56 seconds

Punishment: Peking Order

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This was going to be another boring day.




A year had passed by like while he was practicing magic. Now, he wasn't getting tired after just a few minutes of spell casting now, which was splendid.

His control was getting better too, now no longer wasting that much magic to the surroundings. If a year ago, his control with the levitating spell was about 24%, now his control was about 67%.

And, he was unfortunately still in the orphanage. No one wanted him, which he didn't mind. The orphanage was good enough. Sure, he would just dip once he was of age, but he will still care for the orphanage that raised him by donating as much as he could.

Besides, he had done a lot of thinking. Companies that would dominate in the future like Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, etc. They would be in their early days, meaning he would start to pump money into them after he got his money to make more money.

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Daily Mission 2:

Lift objects with your Magic (500/500 seconds) [✓]

Strengthen your body with Magic constantly for 10 minutes (20/20) [✓]

Shoot out Mana Bolts (100/100) [✓]

Time Limit: 2 hours 34 minutes 21 seconds

Punishment: Peking Order

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There was a new mission goal the moment the year started (It’s June now), he had to shot out bolts of Mana, similar to the Basic Cast of Hogwarts Legacy (He only played a few hours of it unfortunately) and boy did that happen fast.

He was given a month to learn how to do it himself, but he only took 3 days to figure out how it works. The + Talent in Combat Magic sure is useful.

The gesture for Mana Bolt that he’d created was by pointing a finger gun gesture. It works the best, and the gesture makes aiming easier.

So, after 5 months of grinding the 3 skills, he had to say that he was a professional at all of them now.

His Mana Bolts can pierce through metal sheets, his Body Strengthening Magic could let him lift a 20 kg pack of flour with ease at the age of 4, and he could now levitate and control (Jeff has deemed the skill to be called Wandless Mana Tendrils) 6 objects at a time with incredible control and dexterity.

Magic is so bloody cool.



Heh bloody