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Hi hi, everyone. I'm here with another book.

I am a huge, and I mean HUGE, fan of the Fate series, especially F/GO. Not to brag, but I've played it for almost 4 years now... Jesus, 4 years... What am I doing with my life...

Anyways, I'm going to update this more since;

1. I'm kinda stuck with Martial Arts God currently. Hehehe... Sorry.

2. Mysterious Idol X Alter is coming out soon this month, and I LOVE the Saber Alter faces. I'm a simp for base Saber Alter <3

So yeah, I guess until I resolve this stupid writing block of mine, I'mma keep uploading this instead. Hopefully you guys are fine with it.

And one more thing, this will replace This Ain't Kansas. I do not know the direction of the fic since I was drunk when writing that, while I do in this one, so I'm going to keep that idea for next time.

See you tomorrow!


Running from a 2-meter giant with a rock slab swinging to kill us all in a hellfire wasteland was not what I expected when I woke up this morning.





"Master! Can you stop running in zigzags?!"





Yep, that's me. Along with my Kohai, my Superior, my snarky Servant, and the Doctor. You're probably wondering how we ended up in this situation. Well, we got to go back. Way back. To a day ago.




"Ow ow ow..."

I muttered in pain from everywhere as I opened my eyes to see fire everywhere. Sitting up, I muttered a "What the fuck..." as I looked around.

Yep, just fire. Fire. Fire. Oh, a skeleton. Fire. Fire — Hold up, back up.

I did a double take when I saw a skeleton wearing rags with a fucking sword running to me. So I did what a sensible Spell-Caster would do in this type of situation.

I dipped the fuck out of there. With speed in fact.

See, I was a Spell-Caster, meaning I get chased a lot by both nobles, first-gen magus, and professors in the Mage's Association for "Not seeking the Root" and wasting my potential in Magecraft.

Well, excuse me, princess! I ain't wasting my time on some bullshit Akasha that only 0.0000000000000000000000000000001% can reach! I have bloody magic, man!

So, being chased (And targeted at times), makes you learn a thing about two about speed. One spell in fact.


Yeah, that spell that mages tend to just scoff at since it's so beginner, even a kid can do it first try. Well, I am 90% sure that I almost mastered it, and it gives me at least E- rank physical stats comparable to a Servant.

I use it in conjunction with Structural Analysis to check if I either underflow or overflow the cells in my body with Od, making me basically waste only about 1% of Od per Reinforcement from Magical Energy Loss by Gaia who rejects us mages, which is inevitable.

Yeah, E- rank stats baby, that's like, 7 times the stats of a normal person. Such on that, Professor El Mellio! It's not a bad Magecraft to master!

Ahem, getting off track. Anyways, I started running, fast when suddenly something just swung at me at insane speeds.


Falling to the ground with a thud, I groaned in pain as a voice rang near me.

"S-Senpai! I-I'm so s-sorry!"

That sound was familiar. Opening one eye, I did a full on spit take with my saliva when I saw who it was wearing whatever she was wearing.

It was Mash Kyrielight, a sweet girl that I made friends with for just a day now in Chaldea, wearing such scandalous clothing that would make even Demons blush.


"... W-What?!"

She meeped as she covered her body with a large shield that I didn't even realize she was holding.

"A-Anyways, this place isn't safe, Senpai! We should get some cover! Hurry!"

She said with a hint of fear as she pulls my arm and starts running.

"What? Why do we need... cover..."

I looked up to the sky and see a red shooting star flying... Above me.


The red light starts getting bigger and brighter until it was VERY clear that it was a projectile of red color aiming at MY HEAD!

"Oh FUCK!"

Covering my head, I braced for impact when suddenly a loud THANG sounded.


Looking up, I see Mash with her shield upraised. She just protected me from getting head shotted from god knows where.

"I see what you mean now!"

I said in a hurry before running to the building nearest to us.




Sliding to the ground and finally under some cover, I panted in relief as I looked over at the Kohai that saved me.

I was about to thank her when suddenly a hologram in blue appeared from the wristband that I was provided with the words "AUDIO ONLY" on the hologram.

"H-Hello? Yes! I finally got through! Hello? This is Chaldea Command Room? Do you read me?"

The voice of a man rang from the hologram as Mash answered it immediately.

"This is Mash Kyrielight, a member of Team A. At this time, I've completed the shift to Singularity F. My sole companion is Toshino-senpai. Mind and body are both intact.

Rayshift Compatibility and Master Compatibility are both satisfactory. Please register Toshino-senpai as an official Master of Mash Kyrielight."


I muttered out of habit, causing Mash to blush up a storm at the statement.

"... So Toshino also got dragged into the Rayshift, huh? I'm impressed you didn't "lose your existence" during Rayshifting without a Coffin, I'm really glad. Also, Mash… Of course, I'm glad you're safe too… But what's up with that outfit? It's shameless! I didn't raise you to dress like that!"

Doctor Roman, called Romani, is the Head of Medical Department. I briefly got to know him when he was eating cake in my designated room, and we bonded over V-Tubers with him liking Magi-Mari which made me cringe at the decision.

"I know right?! Scandalous!"

I agreed with Dr. Roman's statement, making Mash blush even more.


She shrieked as I just laughed.

"I-I transformed into this since couldn't protect Senpai wearing Chaldea's uniform."

She explained her reasoning as Dr. Roman asked confusely at the statement.

"What do you mean by transformed, Mash? Did you hit your head? Or is it currently your pe — "

"Dr. Roman! Please be quiet and check my condition. I think you'll understand the situation better."

She said with a hint of steel, making Dr. Roman gulp from the comms before reading up her conditions on the command center that he was on probably from what I guess.

"Your physical condition? Wh-Whoa, whoa, whoa, WHOA! Physical strength, magic circuits, everything's improved! You're not so much a human, but — "

Mash nodded and interrupted the Doctor.

"Yes, I'm a Servant. I don't remember how it happened, but it seems I have survived by fusing with a Servant. To investigate and resolve Singularity F, a Servant was provided in advance at Chaldea.

This Servant lost its Master in that explosion, and was doomed to vanish. But at the last second, he offered me a contract. In return for the abilities and Noble Phantasm of a Heroic Spirit, he wanted me to eliminate the cause of this Singularity."

I just sat there like an idiot, sure I know what a Heroic Spirit and what a Noble Phantasm was, but I was so confused at the Singularities and how she even became one, so I just stayed silent and absorbed as much as I could.

"A Heroic Spirit and a human, fused… A Demi-Servant? That's Chaldea's sixth experiment. I see. So it finally succeeded, huh? Does this Heroic Spirit still have his consciousness?"

Oh, so that means Mash was experimented on? Kinda weird, but 'tis the way of the magi. To be a Magus is to walk death.

"...No, he gave me his combat abilities then vanished. He never revealed his True Name even at the end. So I don't even know whose Heroic Spirit I am… ...Nor what kind of Noble Phantasm I'm holding. At this point there's too much I don't know."

Patting the depressed Demi-Servant, I gave her a supportive smile.

"Welp, we can't do anything about it now then. For now, let's just tread carefully and go with the flow."

"Yes, Senpai!"

She smiled so brightly that I covered my eyes at the sight.

"Yeah, look on the bright side. Not every Servant who gets summoned is cooperative. Now that you're a Servant, this is in our favor. After all, you're completely trustworthy.

Tohsino, it looks like you're the only one who Rayshifted there safely. Also, I am sorry. Forcing you into this without any explanation. I'm sure you're full of questions, but try not to worry. You've already got a powerful weapon. Humanity's most powerful weapon - Mash."

"Such a powerful weapon, Doctor. Even I crumble in defeat from her!"

I said dramatically and did a fake death sound, prompting a "Senpai!" from Mash and a chuckle from Dr. Roman.

"Well, I'm glad that you're still positive. Now, Toshino. I know that you already know this, but Mash will disappear without their magical energy source. Their Master.

I'm still analyzing the data, but it's indicating that Mash has become your Servant. Meaning that you're Mash's Master. She's the first Heroic Spirit you've entered a contract with. Can you feed her magical energy now to test the connection?"

"Yeah, I'll do it now."

Closing my eyes, I ignored the look of Mash and concentrated. In my mind, the whole world is black and dark as I focused on the magic circuits in my soul.

Muttered the aria to activate my circuits, I activated my circuits.

"Synchro... Start."

Imagining a light source in circuit-like veins of neon blue to illuminate the darkness like a lightbulb, I feel the familiar heat coursing through my blood.

Neon blue circuit-like veins appeared on my left arm and started to spread, from my arm to my shoulder, then to my heart.

Then, while the circuits were on, I quickly felt the connection between Mash and I before starting to feed my Od through the link to Mash.

Hearing a gasp from Mash confirmed that she was getting the Od that I was providing. Still with my eyes closed, I heard the Doctor mutter.

"Yes, I can see her magical energy levels increasing, good. You can stop now, Toshino."

"You sure? I can spare more."

"Yeah, it's fine. Her magical energy is topped."

Nodding, I cut the flow of Od before turning my circuits off by imagining the lights dimming until it was dark again in my head, causing the circuits to turn off.

Opening my eyes, I could see Mash look more rejuvinated.

"You good, Mash?"

"Yes, I feel stronger now that I have a more connected link."

She replied with a smile as Dr. Roman started to talk.

"Now that everything is fine, I'll explain the current objectives. The current... mission has two ne... w go... als… "

The call starts to break up as Mash quickly told the Doctor.

"Doctor, you're breaking up. Estimated 10 seconds until the connection is lost."

"Huh, so Shiva's out... put is unstable becau... se we switched to the backup generators? Oh well, I'll... brief you later. Both of you, I'm get... ting a strong leyline... reading about 2 km from where you are. Try to get... there somehow. That w... ay, it will stabilize... our connection. Listen, don't do anything... reckless, wi...ll you? I'll t...ry to bring the... power back up a... s soo...n as — "

Before he could finish, the connection got cut off and the hologram faded away. Mash just stares at the blank space with a deadpanned face.


"Sigh... It can't be help, Mash. Let's get going then."

"We'll, that's the Doctor for you. You can't rely on him in situations like this."

"Kyu. Fou. Fou, Fou!!!"

Looking behind us in confusion, he could see a little white squirrel like animal running towards us with all four legs.

"Fou?! How?!"

Fou ran to Mash and jumped on her shoulder, snuggling her face with his as I just muttered a "Huh."

"I guess he was in the area when we rayshifted?"

"That seems to be the case... Fou, at least tell me when you do things like this, you could be seriously hurt if you didn't have the compatibility to Rayshift!"

She lectured Fou who's tail dropped.


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