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Mother called out as she ran towards the knocked out boy, who slowly stepped back to reality as I looked at him worriedly.

There was an explosion that shook the whole house, causing Dante to fall to the floor while I hanged onto Mother. We were in Mother and Father's bedroom when it all happened.

The fires surrounding us were rising by the second, and I informed Mother about the thought in my mind.

"Mom, Vergil's... "

She looked around, trying to find my triplet brother, but he was nowhere to be found. He was outside, I remembered, since he told me that he was going to read a book in silence in our house grounds with Father's sword, the Yamato.


Dante, now fully conscious, looks at Mother who had a pale face. Pulling the boy and I, we arrived to a closet that smelled horrible. Opening the hatch, she immediately placed Dante in before ushering me inside too.

After confirming that both of us were inside properly, she quickly ran next to their bed before grabbing two briefcases from under the bed frame.

Carrying them without any issue, she places both of them into the same closet before placing her palm on both our cheeks.

"You two need to hide! You mustn't leave, no matter what! This closet will hold until they're gone."


I asked, to which she was about to respond when we heard a sickening crack down the stairs, making her quickly close the closet door shut.

"I need to find Vergil! I'll be back, I promise!"

She says before leaving, causing Dante to cry out to her. I, being the logical one, quickly closed his mouth before whispering.

"Shh... Mom will be back with Vergil. Until then, let's keep quiet."

He took a second before nodding, causing both of us to wait for the two as the surrounding burnt to the ground.

They didn't come back at all.

Fluttering his eyes, Claud groaned as he stood up from his bed. Looking at the time on the wall clock, 7.21 a.m., he facepalms and drags his hand over his face to wake himself up.

'That nightmare again? It's getting a little repetitive...'

He thought to himself before chuckling, he had already come to terms of the nightmare, Mother was never coming back, and it doesn't hurt no more.

But damn was that painful back in the day.

Standing up from the bed, he lets the blanket drop from his naked body (Still wearing boxers, though!) as he walked to the shower installed in his room. Looking in a mirror, he stares at his own reflection before turning the tap on and starts washing his face.

'Even if I'm almost 40, I still look 20...'

Being half-demon has its neat perks. Regeneration, being hot, supernatural physical abilities, cool demonic energy manipulation, slower aging, longer lifespan, and being hot.

Did he say 'Being Hot?', cause god-damn. He was hot.

He had white silky hair that was in a neat quiff that was a little spiky at places. His eyes were sky-blue with a hint of dark ocean at the edges of his iris, something that his brother's don't have.

He was quite lean for a muscular guy who could bench a ton. He also had abs that could grate diamond and an ass that could bounce a dime. Lady certified, she says. He still had no idea how she even knew that!

Once he was done, he dressed in his normal attire. A loose gray shirt with a DMC logo that Dante printed on ALL his clothes (He retaliated with a pink uniform on his red jacket, heh!) and a pair of short joggers.

Opening the door, he walks down the stairs to hear a pan sizzling. Peeking his head over the kitchen section, he sees a woman with auburn hair tied in a ponytail frying eggs on the stove. Walking up to her, he greets his cousin's girlfriend a good morning.

"Morning, Kyrie."

She looks back after flipping the egg with a smile.

"Morning, Claud! You're up early."

"Mhmm. Where's Nero?"

"He's still sleeping. Dante and Vergil?"

"They fought last night until 3 something in the morning, so they're sleeping like a log right now."

He replied as he takes a pair of plates before placing them on the counter for Kyrie, helping her beforehand.

"Oh, that reminds me. Lady called earlier. She has a contract for you all."

Kyrie kindly provided as she places the fried eggs on the plates that he prepared. Sitting at the counter, he takes a banana that was in a basket before peeling its skin.

"Did she tell you anything about it?"

"Hmm... She said something about a club? And it only appears in the evening. Not only that, it's rated A+."

"A+ huh? That's quite strong."

Demons have a ranking based on their threat level from F to S. If he had to count, Urizen was S+ while V's Nightmares, Griffon and Shadow were A+. Nightmare, the familiar, was a different story. It was rated S, demonic that thing was.

"Yeah, and she said that Trish was going to the contract as well."

Swallowing the banana, he leans and places his head on the counter as he just hums at the sentence.

In the end, he was the one who took the contract. Dante and Vergil both declined it and opted to get pizza for dinner after losing the scissors-paper-stone fight between the triplets.

Now 8.20 p.m., he walked to the coat hanger and grabbed the black and purple jacket with its sleeves folded neatly till the biceps that Dante bought for him when they were 18, wearing it and not zipping it at all before grabbing a guitar suitcase with the words "Claudius Caesar Redgrave" engraved onto it.

He was rocking a loose Henley whitish gray shirt that was not buttoned at the first and second buttons with slim fit jeans that were both flexible and comfortable when moving, and dark blue boots that he caught his eye when he was out in a job.

Overall, he was dressed to style.

Resting the suitcase on his shoulder, he calls out for Nero and Kyrie who were in the store.

"I'm going now! Nero, tell the two to leave some for me!"

"You sure you don't need help, Claud?"

"Nah, It'll be a quick job anyway. And remember to tell them for me!"

"Alright, alright! Jeez, you three are addicted to pizza or something..."

"I can hear you, dipshit!"

Opening the door, he walks to the garage before opening the door with just one arm. It wasn't cost-effective to buy an electric garage door when you have super strength, after all.

Taking the keys near the wall, he plays around with it before unlocking the door to the van that Dante persuaded him to buy with their savings. A smart Dante moment right there, even if he could count all of them with his two hands.

Closing the door shut and locking it from the inside, he starts the engine, hearing the baby roar with a demonic engine that Nico installed somehow (He still had no idea how it worked).

"OK, let's see where's the contract..."

Turns out the bar was fucking 7 miles away. Lady could have said it, dammit... He had to refuel the van twice! Fuel's expensive, you know?!

By the time he reached there, it was already almost 11. Exiting the van and remembering to lock it, he keeps the keys in his jacket's pocket before slinging the suitcase on his shoulder.

'Time for some killing.'

Meeting up with Trish and Lady at the rendezvous place, he noted the two's appearance before greeting them, who were focused on a file in front of them.

Lady has a ragged short bob style black hair with a full fringe along with heterochromia eyes, her left eye red while her right eye green. She wore a white leather short jacket with a white long sleeved blouse which shows off her midriff, along with black shorts with matching leg warmers which are connected to her shorts that resemble leggings in his opinion.

Trish, on the other hand, looked exactly like his mother, Eva. Lengthy, blond hair, blue eyes, and a very fair complexion. She wore black leather pants, high-heeled boots, a corset, double belts, a choker, and some kind of wrist accessory that looked REALLY weird on her seeing as she looked exactly like his mother, but he doesn't judge other's appearance.

"Evening, girls. What's the contract about?"

He asked as the girls looked at him with a hint of annoyance, making him gulp nervously.

"What took you so long? We've been here for almost an HOUR!"

Lady reprehended Claud, making him retort with a frown.

"Hey! It was 7 miles. SEVEN! I came out at 8.20 you know?"

"8.20?! You should have started the journey at 6!"

"But I was watching anime! You know the network only airs animes from 4 to 7!"

"Ladies, ladies. You're both beautiful. Now let's focus on the job, alright?"

Trish calms the two down as she hands Claud the file. Taking it, he skims through it as they give their observations.

"Target is the black haired man with glasses, wears a black shirt with awful looking red tight pants. Its demon form is some kind of hybrid between an Empusa, a Fury and a Chaos. Big eyes, spinning attack, and invisibility."

Trish explained, making Claud groan in pain as he recollects a Fury's annoying ability.

"Ugh, thought I'd never fight against an invisible demon again. Literally so hard to sense it when it's invis-ed."

"There's just one problem. Its hands have some type of ability that scrapes anything into nothing. We don't know whether it's teleportation or what, but the object just disappears."

"Gasp! A living JoJo reference! I GOT to see this!"

He said with an excited grin as the two just groaned in annoyance.

"Whatever it is, that demon has minions that are scattered around the club that it usually goes. We'll handle them while you kill it."

"Sounds like a plan. When're we going in?"

"Soon, it usually arrives at midnight with its minions, so we'll have to be ready at anytime."

Lady replied as Claud nodded, unlocking the van with a beep as he beckons them into the van while staking out the club.

"Man, you sure are a disappointment."

Claud said as he pointed a black dessert eagle with white accents, Black Angel, at the supposed A+ rank demon who was twitching under his foot. The fight only lasted for 4 minutes tops, and boy was his ability a disappointment.

It wasn't like The Hand who could scrape space, it was like... a budget rip off of it.

"Oh well. I guess I had some training done today. Peace."

He was about to shoot when suddenly the demon roared in gibbrish as a bright light shone from the fingertips of his hands. Reacting instantly, Claud shot its head, the gun modded by Nico blasting its whole head off its neck.



The light on its fingertips fades away as Claud breathed a sigh of relief, never expecting that shine of light at all.

"Damn, I'm getting rusty — "

Out of nowhere, the body of the demon suddenly disappeared as an orb appeared in its place. Raising his guard, Claud pointed Black Angel at the orb, waiting for something to happen.

It just floated there without anything happening, so he took a step back to distance himself.

Wrong choice.

As if it was sound activated, there was suddenly a gravitational pull that started pulling things into the orb which sucked everything in its way without any problems.

"Shit, it's like a black hole!"

He quickly turned after pocketing Black Angel and started running away, trying to warn the girls to get out of the club, but he couldn't. The pull was greater than he expected.

"Shit shit shit shit shit!"

He tried to focus the energy flowing inside him to his heart to jumpstart the Trigger process, but he couldn't. His energy was being sucked into the orb that was growing in size, now about 5 meters in radius.

With the little energy that he had, he reached into his soul before bringing out the weapon that his father forged for each of the brothers, a white glaive with a black handle at the front, along with a mini sickle at the end of the lance, White Devil.

Stabbing it to the ground firmly, he braced as the gravitational pull got more intense by the second.


Looking to his right, he sees the girls a few meters away feeling the gravitational pull at their distance with Lady shouting at him.

"This doesn't look good!"

Trish shouted as she conjured a chain made out of yellow energy, making him stop them.

"Get out of here! You'll both get sucked in too if you pull me!"

"But what about you — "

"GO — !"

The ground finally gives in as without support, he gets sucked into the makeshift black hole.


He heard Lady yell one last time before his vision faded into darkness and he falls unconscious.

Snapping his eyes open, Claud got up and immediately regretting it as he groans in pain.

"Argh... Fuck."

He leans back down onto the ground and curses as he feels as if he was ran over by a truck, then another one the moemtn the first one ran over him. Moving his body, he checked for any permanent damage and relaxed when he feels every limb was functioning fine.

Taking deep breaths to soothe the pain, he checks for his weapons and breathed a sigh of relief when he sees White Devil and Black Angel close by on the floor. Oh and his arm was shorter than usual.

'Wait a minute...'

Looking down on his body, he blinked at the sight before screaming like a little girl at the state he was in.

H-He was tiny! His body is tiny! No, it's like he just regressed to a 6 year old!

'Please tell me this is a dream!'

After a few more seconds, feeling his body regenerate to the point that it was alright to move, he shifted around and stood up before starting to feel himself.

'Oh for the love of Satan, I'm 8 again!'

Well, he thinks he's 8, based on his height and voice. He was 100% sure that he was under 10 though. Walking to his weapons, he struggled due to the heaviness and size of the weapons, and puts them back to where they belonged (White Devil into his soul, Black Angel into his jacket's pocket) before looking around him.

Gosh, was Black Angel always so heavy? The ammo for it too, they almost made him fall from the weight.

Looking around, he sees that he was in an alley near a smelting plant, Richmond Ironworks from the sign that was nearby.

'Where the hell am I? Richmond Ironworks? Never heard of this place in Red Grave before...'

Finding a piece of newspaper in a trashcan, he took it out and read the date.

September 21, 2000.

His eyes widened before looking through the paper again to make sure that his eyes weren't decieving him.

"W-What the fuck? How the fuck — That demon, he sent me back in time to fucking 15 years ago!"

'Relax, Claud. DMC should be already in business, meaning I can just call Dante and myself or even wait until 2001 before setting out to Mallet Island to save Vergil too.'

While he was contemplating on his next move, he suddenly heard a pair of footsteps running. Two light but quick footsteps and a dozen of slow heavy ones. And that smell, he thought demons had smelly armpits, but poo-ey, that's some disgusting smell.

Summoning White Devil from his soul (And almost falling from the weight of the weapon), he grips it with both arms before running to the direction of the sound and smell.


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