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A few months later...

Summer Break...

"Holy fucking shit."

"Language, young one..."

"Fuck you. We're just a few months apart!"

Denji snarked as he looked back at Gohru's house. It was larger than he thought.

Imagine both his parents and Ochako's surprise when he said that he was staying at a friend's place for the whole summer break. They immediately brought him to a hospital. A fucking hospital.

He wasn't that anti-social... Ugh, he was. Shit.

Gripping the backpack that he packed for the holiday, Denji suddenly jumped when Gohru just slapped his ass, the "bro way".

"Oh, shut up and come in already."

Glaring at Gohru for a moment, he mumbled and slung his backpack on his shoulder before following him inside.

"So this the new guy? | Looks like he's about to fucking take a nap!"

"Maybe he'll fall on the stairs."

"Dabi! Rude!"

"Ohhhhh, new member! Hi, is your blood delicious?!"

The gang started to introduce themselves and Denji just stared at them star-struck. They were really in front of him. Real-life anime characters in the flesh... Wait, Ochako was his fucking twin.

Snapping out of it, he raised his arm and waved.

"Uraraka Denji. It's nice to meet all of you."

"Phew, honestly thought you guys would be more guarded."

Gohru just sighed as Buba and Dabi just gave him the finger while Kenichi just cupped his cheek in a thoughtful position.

"Well, you've never really taken a friend to the house before, so if you think that he'll fit right in, then we'll have to accept him or her in, you know?"

"Gee, college made you more philosophical, huh?"

Dabi leaned forward before giving a snarky expression at Kenichi who just gave him a "really" look.

"Dabi, not now."

He just glared at the smirking man before looking at Denji back with a kind smile.

"Anyways, Hirose Kenichi. Just call me Kenichi or Ken. That's what most of them call me."

"Me next! Himiko Toga, Gohru's girlfriend and stalker — "

"Ugh, too much information. Dabi, just Dabi. Fuck off and I won't set you on fire."

"Oh, come on, Dabs don't be like that! | Yeah, man. You know you love us! | I'm Jin Bubaigawara, just call be Buba! | Twice, nice to meet another fellow weirdo!"

The masked man said with two tones as Denji just nodded sagely... Meaning he just ignored all the weird tendencies of the characters in front of him, something that he learned in his past life thankfully.

"Now that introductions are over, it's time for initiation!"

Kenichi said with a rare loudness as he jogged into the house's training room... Underneath the fucking house in a basement!

"Gohru told Kenichi that you were strong, so good luck!"

Toga giggled before clinging onto Gohru, hugging his arm as Denji asked a simple question.

"How much did this even cost?"

"About 5 million Yen. Took a year of saving too."

Gohru replied without hesitation as Denji's eyes opened wide open.

"F-Five! Oh my god, that's like... 2 years' worth of Mom and Dad's yearly salary!"

"Don't think about it."

Dabi just said with a sigh as the gang walked to the basement, with Denji slowly following along after placing his bag down and taking a few rolls of sports tape.

"Damn, Daniel. This is huge..."

"That's what she said! | Aha! Nice!"

"Ignoring Buba and Twice, this is where we normally train since I don't want anyone looking."

Gohru explained as Denji sees a familiar domed shape construct that looked similar to an item in an anime that he watched before. Pointing at it, Denji was about to ask when Gohru just replied.

"Yes, that's exactly what you're thinking. It also has a gravity chamber too."

"... Nice."

Wrapping his arms and legs with the black sports tape, the gang (Except for Buba, Dabi, and Toga who were sitting on the sidelines doing their own stuff) started to stretch and warm up.

"So, Uraraka-san, what's your Quirk?"

"Oh, Denji's fine. And my Quirk is Gravitational Pull — "

"His Quirk makes him able to control the four fundamental forces of the world basically."

Looking at Gohru who just gave him a deadpanned face, he facepalms and sighs before answering.

"... Yes, my Quirk does that."

Kenichi had a thoughtful face before nodding, snapping his finger in understanding.

"So you can control the principals of gravity, nuclear force, and electromagnetism? That means you can control quite a significant amount of laws like inertia and friction. Interesting, what's the downside of it?"

"Wait, you understand what it does?"

"Yeah, fundamental forces, the same thing as the principals of Earth isn't it?"

"Don't bother thinking about it, Denji. He's a true genius compared to use."

"... Where the hell do you find these people... Yes, I can. It uses the stamina in my body a lot, the bigger the skill used, the more it takes. If I use too much, my eye will start to bleed and harm itself."

"Huh, so your Quirk is based on stamina. That means that it'll be easy to train the longevity of the uptime then."

"Exactly, that's what I thought as well."

"Ladies, if you're done talking, I'd like to start punching someone."

Gohru said as he stood up, prompting the two to do the same as they walked to the middle. Bringing out a coin, Kenichi grinned.

"Heads for Gohru, and Tails for Denji."

He flips the coin, it spins with quite a cadence before it falls to his wrist, his other arm covering the result before revealing it to both of them.

"Tails! Come on, Denji. Give me your best shot!"

Kenichi said as he took a few steps back and got into Ssamsu Taekkyeon's Basic Stance. Denji responded with a basic stance of his own.

In a crouched 45° angle leg stance, he twists his body to the right and rests his right arm on his waist while his left arm was raised, as his fist relaxed.

Four Gods: Basic Stance.

This stance was the most comfortable for him, and the added benefit of it is that he can launch any of the techniques of the Four Gods in this stance, making it the best-starting stance to go with.

With a deep breath with closed eyes, he reopens them and focuses as his right pupil turned into a yellow "X" while his pupil turned red, glowing with raw power.

Gohru who went back to the sidelines with the rest of the gang readied the fighters.

"Hirose Kenichi, user of Ssamsu Taekkyeon VS Uraraka Denji, user of the Four Gods!"

"Ready... FIGHT!"



Was expecting it to be a cross shape pupil like Mori


well, it had to be something other than the Nox logo, so I settled for a yellow X with a glowing red pupil effect