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It was now Kenichi's turn to fight, so with a fist bump, he walks away to enter the stage.

Now with nothing to do for the day since the quarter-finals were tomorrow along with the semi-finals, he opted to just join the rest of the gang back in the VIP room.

While the announcer was telling both the fighters and the crowd about the rules, he managed to reach the room and scanned his pass, opening the door.


"That was awesome, Boss man!  |  You showed that fucker who's boss! Woo!"

"You stalled for so long, you fucker! You made me lose a bet with Ken! 1,000 Yen down the drain!"

"Hey! I thought we were going with all happy!  |  Yeah, see the mood, fool!"

The two (Three?) started fighting again as Toga looked at him with a hint of disappointment. 

"Too bad he didn't have a knife... You look better with blood all over you!"

She said with an aloof face and delirious tone, making him look at her confused before realizing the problem.

"Did I not give you any blood today?"


"Oh, shit sorry, let me get you a cup — "

He said, trying to get to the sink but before she could, she starts leaning on Gohru's back, with her arms hugging his body and arms, making him tense up. 

"Toga! Wait — "

He was still dirty from the fight, but she didn't care since she had been hungry since morning. She didn't want to ruin his focus for the day so she kept quiet. And after watching him fight without a care at all...

With her tongue, she licked the left side of his neck making him shiver at the touch of her red organ before biting down, making him flinch at the slight pain. 

Blood starts to flow out from the wound and with a hungry crazed face, she starts sucking the blood out. She couldn't see it from her angle, but the boys could, as they started laughing at the red tint on his face.

"Shut. Up."

"Captain! A simp I see!  |  Look at him! Kekekeke!"

Buba shook Dabi who just had a smirk on his face. 


"You fuckers — Meep!"

His blush reddens as her arms start roaming his body, making her stop the entire thing. Grabbing her arms, he immediately backed off as she had a goofy grin on her face.

"Ahem! Satisfied yet?" He said with a very, very straight face while looking at the wound on his neck. 

"Yesh~" She started giggling before sitting down alone muttering incoherent words, making him facepalm before dragging it across his face, noting to punish the two traitors later.

'Women. I'll never understand their minds...'

"Let the seventh placement match... BEGIN!"


Kiaten, the pro hero was holding a Katana that was about 40 inches long, the blade itself was silver-ish red with accents of white on the edge and the flat side on the blade. The hilt and shaft of the weapon were pure white while the blade collar (The thing between a sword and the hilt) was gold. 

That was Kiaten's famous weapon that won him most of his fights, his favorite and used weapon that many know him of the moment their eyes land on his weapon. His symbol basically.

The man held his sword overhead, his legs in a forward stance. He wore a silver and black kamishimo, basically a sleeveless jacket with exaggerated shoulders, on top of a white kimono. 

He looked like an ancient samurai swordsman with his getup and stance.

Across the stage was Kenichi who was in his unique traditional karate uniform with his hands upraised as though a Muay Thai fighter while he was in a basic leg stance, his front foot facing towards his opponent while his back foot was 90° way a few centimeters back.

They didn't take a step forward as they watched each other's every move analytically. Eventually, after they shifted around each other in a circle, Kenichi saw an opening at Kiaten's right rib, so with a deep intake of air, he pounced.

Leaning forward, he tensed every muscle of his legs before surging forward, focusing all his energy to flow from his pelvis to his thighs, knees, shin, and lastly the ball of his feet.


In an instant, Kenichi covered 10 meters and was now in the samurai's range. That was the technique that he and Gohru developed. 

Rokushiki: Soru!

Still, in midair from the leap, he cocks back his right leg as he waits for the perfect moment to release it. Kiaten, with his eyes widening slightly immediately acted, swinging his blade to counter. 


Thinking fast to stop the counter from hitting him, Kenichi braced himself as he tensed up the area of impact that was most likely going to be slashed to the upper limit of his body. 

Rokushiki: Tekkai!


Kenichi grunted at the pain, slightly wishing that he practiced with Tekkai more before the tournament, but he had successfully fended the strike off, making the blade bounce off his right shoulder with a little slash mark. 

Now that nothing was in the way, he swung his leg with all his might as the flying roundhouse hit the man right in the ribs.



Kiaten gasps in pain as he was sent a few meters before skidding, catching himself from falling to the ground. He looked like he took no damage at all, as Kiaten had trained more than most Heroes to withstand the pain from every part of his body, even his groin.

His senses flared the moment he regained control over his body as hairs on his body erected. An attack was coming!


Sheathing his sword, he got into an iaido stance as his eyes flickered around the stage for a second to take note of the missing fighter before drawing his blade.



His blade connected as the force blew Kenichi away a few feet backward. Kiaten had some experience with speedsters, so he created and used references to create an iaido stance to combat them. Along with his Quirk that briefly tells him where the enemy was going to strike, it creates a deadly combo for all speed-focused enemies.

Realizing that he had to find a weakness, he dashed to Kiaten using Soru but stops barely from Kiaten's range before using Soru again to another angle, repeating the process.

Soon, the whole stage was just him in a blur surrounding the Pro Hero.


Kiaten's eyes start to flicker around the stage rapidly, but after a second, he closes in eyes in shocking pain in his head.

You see, the human mind has a limit of thoughts and perceptions, that was what Kenichi was hoping to do since Kiaten, Pro Hero and all, is still human.

So, by making feint after feint, Kenichi hoped to overload Kiaten's Quirk, thus making his brain freeze from the information that his Quirk was providing. 

And it worked as Kiaten started swinging randomly, missing his target multiple times due to the sudden influx of past and present information, overwhelming the Pro Hero.

Eventually, after a few more seconds of using Soru, Kenichi noticed that Kiaten was going to swing an overhead slash after getting impatient. So using that to his advantage, he Sorued behind the Pro Hero.

"!" Kiaten's 6th sense flared as he tried to turn behind him to block, but he was too late as Kenichi had already cocked his right leg back.

Turning clockwise around as fast as he could, Kenichi swung his cocked leg backward with as much power as he could exert at the moment like a scythe. 

Reverse Roundhouse Kick.


The hit connected at the side of Kiaten's head, which made him stagger a little bit before recovering, but it was already too late as Kenichi dashed forward slightly and had him in his range. 

Straight Jab

Left Low Kick

Left Rib Roundhouse Kick

Right High Kick

Stomach Knee Attack x2

Solar Plexus Side Kick


With no hesitation at all, Kenichi releases a barrage of attacks, not giving his enemy time to react and recover as he finishes it off with a full power kick to the head.

360° Jumping Spin Roundhouse Kick to Head



Kiaten's body falls to the ground like a puppet without strings, his sword stabbed to the ground as the man dropped unconscious. Kenichi was panting in exertion from the consecutive tens of Soru leaps that he just performed.

With a tired grin, he raised his arm up and looked at the crowd, signaling his victory over the Pro Hero.


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