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The two fighters watched each other as they slowly circled around the ring, analyzing their every move. Taking a deep breath, Kenichi gets into a new stance that Gohru has never seen before. 

Instead of using his normal cat-foot stance that focused on his legs as a means of attack, he got into a normal forward stance with both arms raised upwards like a Boxer. 

Starting to skip, he watches Omori, who has not raised his guard yet. Needing to see what he does in response, he decided to start the fight.

Leaning forward, he clenches his legs before dashing at full speed toward Omori. Once he was a meter before Omori, who is still not doing anything, and he swung.

A left jab to the face, a right straight to the chest before a low kick, all in a second. That was the combination that Kenichi went for.

Thud Thud BANG!

But Omori uses his hands to redirect the punches before raising his leg to block the kick using his shin before landing a palm strike to Kenichi's chest. 

Skidding back a few steps, Kenichi coughs out saliva before raising his guard again and dashing. This time he tried using his main power point, his legs. 

A running right knee to two quick jabs with both hands, then a right mid-section left roundhouse.

Thud Thud Thud WHOOSH

Omori raised his arms to block the knee attack before redirecting the jabs from both hands. As if predicting the kick, he waited until the last second to grab the roundhouse with his left arm.


Maybe it was due to watching the fight with his entire focus, but he could now see Omori move slower from unnoticeable to being able to see a fraction of his speed. It seemed as if his Quirk was working overtime right now adapting his eyes.

Omori raised his right arm in a knife stance and was about to swing at Kenichi's throat. Still, instead of blocking as most people would do in Kenichi's position, he instead retaliated by raising his left elbow to his face while his right arm was already in the motion of a swing. His left elbow would protect the left side of his face while his right arm would do the damage, a Leverage Guard!

'When the hell did he learn that?'

Since Omori was in the middle of his swing, he had two options. Tank the fist and retaliate or let go of the grab and retaliate. He chose the former.


The fist hit, but something was not right. Kenichi's face was showing pain. When he moved his hand out of the way, his eyes widened. Omori had no bruise at all, but that was his full-power punch + Quirk!

Omori let go of his leg, which Kenichi immediately backed off and checked his hand. The tape was torn and tattered as if he just struck steel. Looking back at his opponent, his shock grew when Omori finally got into a stance. 

"Congratulations, Hirose Kenichi. You are currently the only one to force me to activate my Quirk."

He said as he raised his guard, his palm open as he lowered his body and got into a crouched stance that made Gohru's eyes widen.

'Holy shit. It's fucking Wing Chun!'

A guy that huge practicing Wing Chun? Shouldn't it be the other way around?

It seemed that Kenichi thought the same thing too with his facial expression changing from shock to concentration. Since his opponent was using Wing Chun, usually they wait and counter so he had to do something.

So, he rushed at Omori before throwing a right front kick which Omori blocked by using his front hand to redirect the attack to the right before moving in to attack, but Kenichi knew that he would redirect the kick since he had been redirecting all his attacks that were redirectable.

So, predicting that he would redirect his kick, he used the momentum to increase the damage, spinning as he swung a reverse roundhouse kick to the head.


It connected from the feeling Kenichi felt, but suddenly he felt a fist connect to his chest, the same place the palm strike hit, before getting flown away several meters back in pain.


Coughing in pain, he looked up at Omori looked fine after the kick, which Gohru was flabbergasted at since that reverse roundhouse would have dented metal from the power of his legs + the increase of his Quirk, so how —?


Quirk! The factor that differentiates them was Quirk! He guesses that he has some type of defensive Quirk, which made sense. He connects the dots as he mutters. 

"A defensive Quirk and Wing Chun as his martial art? Coupled with the amount of power and speed he has, that is one hell of a combo..."

Getting up, Kenichi struggles to breathe from the pain in his chest, but he eventually got up and resumed a stance. What ensued next was a high-speed battle of purely martial arts.

Omori this time went on the offensive, dashing at Kenichi at an unbelievable speed. In a blink of an eye, the huge man covered 10 meters of space. 

Redirecting a punch from Kenichi, he struck a palm strike to Kenichi's stomach. Gasping in pain, Kenichi gritted his teeth as he grabbed Omori's hand before punching Omori's face.

As if the strike was as light as a feather, Omori continues by grabbing Kenichi's arm in return before kneeing Kenichi, who grunted before they both let go.

Kenichi tried to do a fast one-two combination, but his fists were stopped by the Wing Chun user who immediately countered with a backhand uppercut after redirecting. But Kenichi wasn't out yet as he successfully landed a low kick to Omori's calf.


The sound of steel rang as Omori punches Kenichi, who miraculously blocked it with both his forearms, turning the block into a hold. When he was about to counter with his right knee to the ribs, Omori pulled back his blocked arm slightly before releasing all his strength, breaking the guard/hold and slamming it into his chest.


"K-Koh!" Kenichi took a few steps back in pain, his arms unresponsive as he watched Omori return the favor with a reverse sidekick to the head.


Kenichi was already falling, his consciousness already fading but his willpower overpowered his body, causing him to get back on his feet. 

"Huff... Huff... Huff..."

Kenichi pants as he struggles to stand. His arms weren't responsive due to the blows to the head that shook his brain. Honestly, it was a miracle that he was still standing.

"Impressive. Very well. For surviving so long against me, I shall tell you about my Quirk." He then looks at the camera that was recording the match live.

"This shall be for you too, Jin Gohru. My Quirk is Tetsuka. It allows me to harden my muscles to steel-level durability. I can use it to amplify my physical parameters 3 folds. Frankly, if I did not activate my Quirk against your kicks, I would have been knocked out from the start." 

He praises Kenichi before walking close to Kenichi. He raises his arm and pushes him, but not before saying to him.

"You have earned my praise as the ace of UA's Class 3-A. You are strong, Hirose Kenichi. I'd like to fight with you another day if we can plan for it."


And Hirose Kenichi falls to the ground unconscious, meaning Omori Takeo moves on to the finals.

At the private booth...


He chuckles as he thought of Omori's Quirk before laughing.


'The irony... The fucking irony!'

He thought as he continued laughing, slapping his thigh while thinking about his match in an hour's time.

'I'll have to start activating it the moment the match starts to get a chance of winning. But until then, he should practice that one last time.'


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