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4 years later…

“Huff... Huff... Huff... Huff... Hurgh!”

Gohru grunts as he finishes the 4th set of the day with the last squat. Panting heavily, the boy sat on the ground as he took a moment to relax from the crazy training regimen. He moves the long fringe of hair to another side while mentally noting to cut it tomorrow.

His body has had a massive change. His body was now rid of baby fat, replacing it with muscle everywhere. With a chiseled chest and rock-solid abs that a child should not have, the boy stood up, taller than ever before, standing at 130 centimeters tall, and cracked his neck before he moved on to the final set.

For the past 4 years, he had only been doing workouts and cardio. From year one to year three, it was 5 sets of push-ups, sit-ups, squats, and a 10-kilometer run. But when this year came, his workout intensified to push-ups, sit-ups, squats, crunches, lunges, skip-roping, Russian twists, calf raises, etc. Everything that had to do with the lower body.

He actually had to almost crawl to school at the beginning of the year because of the numb feeling in his legs, which his brothers laughed at.

The problem with all this training is that because his workout increased, his sleep schedule has gotten worse. He could only sleep from 9 to 12, before getting up to train until 6, which is the time to head to school. Sure, his Quirk had made his body adapt to the lack of sleep, but he was still 5 years old, so he still had to sleep at least 6 hours a day.

And so, because of the time used to train, he had to sleep in class. Now note that in America where he was from, sleeping in class wasn’t that big of a deal at the age of 8, but here in Japan, they have a saying that people should not waste a single second doing things since time is money.

Like right now.


A female teacher scolds as his eyes shot open from his nap. Now woken up, the boy yawns tiredly as the teacher forces him to get up to the blackboard to solve the mathematical equation.

“Solve Question 4 on the board.” The teacher snaps at the disrespectful orphan as he walks up to the blackboard and grabs one of the many chalks.

9 – 3 ÷ 1/3 + 1 = ?

Raising the chalk, Gohru yawns again as he solves it with ease.

“Well, since we must follow the order of operations, I first divided -3 with 1/3, which becomes -9. Then it was just simple mathematics to minus 9 with -9 and that leaves one as the answer.” He voiced out loud for everyone as he finishes the equation.

9 – 3 ÷ 1/3 + 1 = 9 – 9 + 1

                          = 1

Placing the chalk back in its original place, he strolls back to his seat before placing a book in front of his face upright before continuing his sleep, leaving the shocked teacher’s jaw open since she had never taught them the order of operations yet.

Smirking, the boy lets Morpheus embrace him.


The school bell rings as Gohru wakes up from his nap. Stretching his body, he packs all his belongings in the desk drawer back into his bag before walking away. He was deep in thought as he passed through students his age to the front gate to wait for his fellow orphan brothers.

There's a problem. The orphanage is in danger, as funds from the government have been dwindling ever so slightly for the past 5 months. How did he know about the dilemma? He overheard the staff when he was about trying to grab a snack before sneaking out for his daily training.

“— think we have enough money to keep the orphanage up, Oba-san. At most, we have a year with our own savings.” A male’s voice rang as the boy recognized his voice. Kiba, one of the three orphanage staff alongside Ayumi and Grandma, and the cook of the orphanage.

“It must be that new guy that took over Geijo-san! I’m sure about it!” Commented Ayumi as the sound of paper flipping could be heard. “If that guy keeps extorting our funds…”

So, the person in charge of our budget was extorting money from the orphanage…

“Sigh… I’ll try and find some way to get more funds. Don’t worry.” Said an elderly voice. That is Grandma, the matron of the orphanage, and the person that picked me up when I was reincarnated.

“But Oba-san! You’ve already used up so much of your pension money! We should really report him —"

“Stop, Kiba. It’s fine. I rather use what’s left to help the kids than keep it for myself.”


Flipping through the records of bank statements, Gohru curses at the amount of money the orphanage was getting monthly.

“Ever since that Geijo guy took over 5 months ago, the budget dropped so badly! From a total of 1,000,000 Yen to a measly 500,000 Yen.” He continued to calculate the total amount needed to keep the orphanage afloat.

“With the $30,000 Dollars that I currently have, not including the interest from the bank, I can keep the orphanage up for 8 months. And with the addition of Grandma’s pension money and loans that everyone is taking… a year and a half maximum.”

This was bad. He had to find some way to get income. Somehow. Sitting on the matron chair, he thinks for a moment before an idea hit him.

“Tournaments! I can join tournaments in martial arts and use the money! The World’s Martial Arts Tournament awards $100,000 dollars for the first prize! It's in 3 years, so I have plenty of time to train for it. 

But he knew. That wasn’t enough to keep the financial status since the event is only held every 4 years. He needs something that is permanent…

“I’ll need to get this Geijo guy to stop extorting us. That’s my final goal for now. But first, I need money, that’s the priority.”

And he knows how to get it. Legally.

Sliding the door to the dojo open, he walked in to see a group of children (one had orange hair, he mentally noted since she looked familiar) around my age alongside an adult doing katas. The moment the adult’s movements are registered in his brain, like a blank slate, he absorbs everything. From the force of the fist strike, the angle at which his arms needed to be when blocking high, the movement required to follow through with the kata. Everything.

Once they were done, he snapped back to reality as he massaged his temple.

‘… This is a terrifying ability.’

He thought to himself as the adult instructor noticed him. He told the kids to continue their kata before walking toward me.

“Good afternoon, I noticed that you were watching us earlier. Are you interested in learning karate?”

He took a second to recheck his Money-Making Plan™️ before nodding.

“Yeah. It looked really cool. How do I join?”

After a moment of explanation about the rules and everything, he officially joined the dojo. You might be wondering. Why is he joining a karate dojo when his main priority is Renewal Taekwondo? The answer was simple. 

He is greedy, and since his ability is able to absorb any martial arts and movement with one look, he is going to suck this dojo dry before moving on with another martial art.

‘The start of Money-Making Plan ™️ Step 1. Hehehehehe...’


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