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Gooja, the youngest sister of Monkeyjelly, went to the local bookstore to find a new book to read, study, and fixate on for about three weeks before getting bored. While walking past each aisle from Romance to Mangas, she came across the cooking section—the various cookbooks and other stuff related to other stuff about cooking. But something caught her eye a baking book about making pies. "What's this?" Gooja questioned. "Gideon Grey's Baking to the Soul?" Gooja immediately picked up the book and read a couple of recipes.

"Blueberry Pie, Blackberry pie, Deep-dish Snickers pie..." Gooja continued readying each page and came across something that caught her eye. "Blobberry pie!" Immediately her eyes sparkled with excitement, and she took the book to the checkout.  After buying the book, she ran to the nearest grocery store to buy the ingredients for her pies. "Okay, I got tins, lemon, flour, cherries, blueberries, strawberries...!?!".But she forgot the most important ingredient of them all. So she calls up her girlfriend for the "secret ingredient."

After her long venture to capture the essence of a freshly baked pie by the legendary baker, Gideon Grey. Gooja carrying all her ingredients, passed by her brother's and sister's rooms and entered hers. But Flyod notices the extra baggage, "So, whatcha making, sis?" Said Flyod. "None of your beeswax, dumbo." Said Gooja. "Alright, alright... I was just asking." Said Flyod. Flyod soon returned to his room, shaking his head while closing his door. Gooja rolled her eyes, picked up the rest of her groceries, and went to her room.


Monkeyjelly, in his room browsing the internet, soon smelled something good emanating from somewhere. Monkeyjelly stepped out of his room to follow the scent leading to his sister's room. In front of her door had signs saying, "Keep out! No brothers or annoying sisters are allowed." Monkeyjelly soon knocked on her door and got no response the first time. Then he knocked again and soon heard a clashing noise on the other side. "COMMING!" yelled on the other side. Monkeyjelly hearing the locks on her door unlocking and opening. Gooja's small head popped out the door and looked at Monkeyjelly. "What do you want?" Said Gooja. "Well...umm, I was in my room and smelled something really good. Ummm." Monkeyjelly said.  " And," said Gooja.

"Well, can I. if it's okay with you, can I test your pies? " Said Monkeyjelly. Gooja pondered the question, and her inner scientist came out. "You know what, sure!" Said Gooja. "Cool." Said Monkeyjelly. "Buttt.... you must try out every one of my pies." Said Gooja. "Okay...I guess that's fine." Said Monkeyjelly. "Good!" Exclaimed Gooja. She opened the door, and Monkeyjelly saw many pies littering the room. Monkeyjelly soon start to regret his choices. "Here you go, First up! Apple Pie." Said Gooja as she handed him the first pie. He began to take the first bite, and his taste buds witnessed an explosion of flavor. "This is sooo...Good!" Monkeyjelly said while eating the whole pie.

Mokeyjelly let out a sigh and a burp. Gooja soon brought more pies to the table, and Monkeyjelly dug into the next couple of pies. But Gooja notices Monkeyjelly getting a little bit of a belly after each pie he devours. Gooja smiles in the background while getting more pies.

Hours later...

Monkeyjelly is all blobby after consuming about 314,159 pies, Gooja soon brings him one last pie to try. Monkeyjelly arms and paws sunken into his fur, whining and belly groaning and sloshing. But his fur was turning purple and sloshier than usual. After letting out a belch so loud that his brother Oscar fell out of his bed in his room, Daddyjelly, while working on his spaceship in his garage, his front windows soon crack by the reverb of the belch. " FUCK." Yelled Daddyjelly. "Gooja, can we stop testing your pies for a moment? I know you are a baker and all, but..." Monkeyjelly said but was interrupted. " You know, bro! These Blobberry pies are a must, especially for Pi day. And luckily, this cookbook from the legendary baker, Gideon Grey, was my inspiration for this one!" Said Gooja. " Also...I put some "extra ingredients" in this next pie. hehe." Gooja chuckled. " That is what I'm afraid of..." Said Monkeyjelly.  But soon, he realized something; his nose started to turn a little purple.

Gooja used her telekinesis powers to float the pie to her brother's mouth since he couldn't do it himself and had no choice. The pie inched closer and closer, and  Monkeyjelly opened his mouth and ate it whole. Monkeyjelly chewed slowly and then swallowed. Monkeyjelly let out a burp and sighed. Soon his nose began getting more purple, and his belly groaned and slashed heavily. Gooja smiled while her brother was slowly swelling with more liquid inside him. His jellied belly started swelling bigger and bigger and purpler and violet his paws and hands sank further in as his face went inside his neck folds.

Monkeyjelly is yelling at Gooja as juice leaks out of his mouth. " GOOJA! What did you put in this pie?" Monkeyjelly questioned. "Well, I put my secret ingredient," Said Gooja. Monkeyjelly continues to slosh and blob out. Gooja soon writes in the cookbook on the blobberry section. "Note to self don't put "extra" ingredient in a pie"  "Ummm...I may have added too much of the "ingredient." Said Gooja. Monkeyjelly furiously yelled out. "GOOJA!" Gooja continues to read her cookbook for the next recipe while Monkeyjelly grows and fattens faster. "Oops."

Hours later...

Monkeyjelly, after being juiced and less fattened. " The next time you put that stuff into a pie or food, I will punch you." "Well, did you like the pie, though?" Said Gooja. Monkeyjelly begins to blush while sitting on her couch. "Yeah, I like it."

End of Story

This picture was made on Pie day and finished today I'm going to do a lot of different themed pictures and try my best to feed more content to my patrons here. I do hope you like it and a bonus little sticker idea that might come in the future :)

Art by me

Characters- Gooja and Monkeyjelly (belong to me), Gideon Grey (belongs to Disney and the movie and show on Diseny+, Zootopia, and Zootopia+)



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