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Caboodle of Noodles

So people say the disco ball scene is basically a depiction of a panic attack. Also them laughing together at the end is a sense of relief since they are first experiencing being a fusion. They always had each other to look at and talk to whenever something stressful or concerning was going on, yet even though they are there in the mind, they don't have them physically there. Physically around to comfort or even just look at to calm them. They were truly "alone together". So when they saw each other after they unfused, it was the biggest relief they had, enough to cheer and cry tears of joy! As you can tell- this might be a fav episode of mine xD Sorry for the long explanation lol. Great reactions btw! Love seeing you react to this series! >w<

Aidan Moore

The creator of the show Rebecca Sugar, stated about this episode that it was meant to encapsulate how it feels to grow up and how all of a sudden find yourself in the body of an adult, and how quickly that happens how it feels to have a new power over people or to suddenly find yourself objectified, all for seemingly no reason Since you’re still just you. And that Stevonnie is meant to be a metaphor all the terrifying firsts in a relationship. Stevonnie is also also be Intersex and Nonbinary.


Best episode

motiondesire (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-20 16:10:27 So amazing how they addressed girls being gaslighted, and how Connie got over her fear of people staring when she dances. this is what i like about steven universe addresses a lot of social problems that people face.
2024-02-29 15:39:05 So amazing how they addressed girls being gaslighted, and how Connie got over her fear of people staring when she dances. this is what i like about steven universe addresses a lot of social problems that people face.

So amazing how they addressed girls being gaslighted, and how Connie got over her fear of people staring when she dances. this is what i like about steven universe addresses a lot of social problems that people face.

motiondesire (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-11 08:51:12 Lets go peridot!
2024-03-11 08:51:12 Lets go peridot!
2024-03-11 08:51:12 Lets go peridot!
2024-03-11 08:51:12 Lets go peridot!
2024-03-11 08:51:12 Lets go peridot!
2024-03-11 08:51:12 Lets go peridot!
2024-03-11 08:51:12 Lets go peridot!
2024-02-29 16:09:38 Lets go peridot!

Lets go peridot!


Stevonnje it was being objectified for their body. They were just kids who never experienced that