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As we dive deeper into the X-Men world, things get more intense! A new villain named Stryker is introduced...and I got him confused with Strucker from the MCU. 😂 I thought this was the same guy who was a Hydra terrorist. Whoops! Stryker (not Strucker) starts a full-out assault on Professor Xavier's school. 

Watched on: Disney+ / 2:14:48

Enjoy!  ❤️🐑


X2 (Full Reaction)


Doug Watson

Hey! We're one step closer to Deadpool, and I'm excited. Regardless of what people may say about XMen Origins Wolverine, Just have fun and don't take it too seriously.


I was never interested in reading the comics, so most of my Marvel knowledge comes from movies, TV shows, or my dad's rants about how inaccurate one or the other is at random times. My dad says that the X-Men comics were often tied up in messages about racism, sexism, homophobia and the like. Mutants were the minority stand-in for those types of stories. I know that these are heated issues for some, so I will keep what I have to say brief and hopefully non-incendiary. I just found some of your commentary during the scene with Bobby and his family interesting. I was born in 2003, so I know that I was lucky enough to grow up in a time when it's way better to be LGBTQ+ than it was even just a few decades ago when these movies came out. But that whole scene always struck me as a pretty on-the-nose commentary about coming out to family as gay. Almost absurd enough to feel like a parody of it. It's entirely possible that my view of the whole scene is colored by my own experience and identity, so I'm hardly an objective observer. But two things you said stuck out to me (not in a bad way or anything... this is NOT a criticism of you or your reaction, I promise). You mentioned that thinking Bobby was one way and then discovering that he'd been lying for years and how that would impact a parent. It works both ways though. Bobby was hiding who he was out of fear of how his family would react to knowing the truth. All he did was tell them the truth about who he is and stop lying to them. And yet there would certainly be some parents out there who would vilify their mutant child just for wanting to be who they are without hiding. If we assume that the mutant experience is similar to the LGBTQ+ experience in some ways, surely there are stories of mutants being disowned by family, or even met with ridicule or physical violence. Which I mention because it leads to the second thing: You also mentioned that it was a conversation that should have been held privately. Which is a fair thing to think from an outside perspective. However, given how mutants are treated by the public at large in that world, it would make sense for a young mutant kid to want someone with them that they trust to support them and have their back if things go bad (emotionally or physically). It's the same reason why sometimes queer youth come out to their parents with a close friend, a counselor, or other person there for moral support. As I said, totally fair to view it as something that should have been handled privately, but maybe Bobby didn't feel safe enough to have that conversation without support. Possibly with good reason... his own brother DID call the police on them. (Although on a side note, in the movie, Bobby's friends might have been there for moral support, but both John and Logan were decidedly antagonistic in the moment, which is kind of the opposite of the supportive influence Bobby probably needed). This is just my personal opinion, but in that situation, being Bobby's support would ideally mean being there, but keeping your own feelings the heck out of the situation. Rogue's input: Supporting Bobby, encouraging his parents to see him as special, being calm and non-combative, giving him a hand to hold should he need it... That's good support for the situation. Flipping a lighter open and closed, inserting snide comments, sneering at the family's reactions like John, or challenging them openly to speak freely like Logan ("What Mutant PROBLEM?" I dare you to say it, is what I got out of that). Not so helpful. Anyway, those two moments stuck out to me in your commentary. Both are entirely valid thoughts to have about the whole situation. And my first instinct with both was a knee-jerk disagreement. But to be fair, there's two realities at play making things awkward either way. And my own experience on the other side of the coin of course presents its own bias. So, I just wanted to present the thinking that might have been at play for Bobby and his friends there as well. My Eyeroll moment of the whole scene: "Have you tried... NOT being a mutant?" Seriously, I cringe at that line every time I watch this. I get the intent of it (I think), trying to toss in a moment of levity over the absurdity of it, but... ugh... I cringe SO HARD every time... Anyway, so much for me being brief. But hopefully the second thing, me not trying to provoke anyone, I managed to succeed at. I debate commenting about things like this (or mental health issues, or ableism in issues involving physical disability) because as someone who has personally lived most of my life with all three and is passionate about these issues, I know that they can provoke some nasty arguments. And that's not what any of us are here for. We follow you to enjoy some movies and discussion of movies, and to watch you get to experience them for the first time, as unspoiled and authentic as anyone can possibly get in the internet age. And believe me, at least in my eyes, you are providing exactly what we're here for. Nothing I said is intended as criticism. So, I do apologize if any portion of my comment offends not only you, but anyone else who reads it. Because trying to start arguments or stir up unpleasantness was certainly not part of my intentions. I do not and never will apologize for believing what I believe about the topics I'm passionate about, but that's not what your Patreon or your content in general is about. We're here for fun and entertainment, and if any context I add based on my convictions threatens to spoil the fun, that's not my intent, and I do apologize for the result in such a case. I've been happy to be here since I joined. I certainly don't want to spoil the vibe. I hope you're all having a good day! 🫶