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This episode was AMAZING! What a great look at the world going on outside of all of the WandaVision madness. 

Hope you enjoy!

Vimeo Link: https://vimeo.com/916363407/7cdfff19d6?share=copy


WandaVision E4 (YouTube Early Access)



I agree. This is the best episode thus far. I like Darcy and Woo and that opening scene was pretty cool. I could feel the chaos and confusion of the Returned. I rather liked the recaps. Even if I’m binge watching, they may highlight something I didn’t notice before.


Yeah, from here on out I may need to go back and watch the full length reactions. A lot is going to happen coming up and your reactions should be as perfect as they usually are.


S.W.O.R.D or Sentient Worlds Observation and Response Department are charged with handling extra-terrestrial affairs. S.H.I.E.L.D. focuses on the terrain threats while S.W.O.R.D focuses on extra-terrestrial threats both sharing resources and information. For the MCU they did change the name from Sentient Worlds Observation and Response Department to Sentient "Weapon" Observation and Response Division. It seems they moved more into robotics, nanotech, A.I. Sentient Weapons, moving away from extra-terrestrial focus and onto dangerous weapons. But this could all change going deeper into the MCU closer to what we see in the comics. In the comics S.W.O.R.D was actually unknown to the public and even members at S.H.I.E.L.D until Nick Fury revealed the organization. They would later build a space station and even a fleet of ships to combat any Alien invasions something that could've came in handy in the MCU when Thanos invaded.