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Action Movie Series Poll

  • Terminator Series 82
  • The Mummy Franchise 50
  • Jason Bourne Trilogy 61
  • Deadpool 1 & 2 173
  • Die Hard Series (Already reacted to #1) 24
  • Underworld Series 42
  • Mission Impossible 71
  • 2024-02-17
  • —2024-02-20
  • 503 votes
{'title': 'Action Movie Series Poll', 'choices': [{'text': 'Terminator Series', 'votes': 82}, {'text': 'The Mummy Franchise', 'votes': 50}, {'text': 'Jason Bourne Trilogy', 'votes': 61}, {'text': 'Deadpool 1 & 2', 'votes': 173}, {'text': 'Die Hard Series (Already reacted to #1)', 'votes': 24}, {'text': 'Underworld Series', 'votes': 42}, {'text': 'Mission Impossible', 'votes': 71}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 2, 20, 19, 50, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 2, 17, 21, 41, 36, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 503}


I asked you what action movies you wanted me to see and you gave me so many great suggestions! I've decided to break the movies up into two separate polls. This one will be for a movie series. Another poll will be coming soon with the action movies without sequels.  Let me know what action movie series you'd like to watch together!

You can vote more than once!



This ones a no-brainer

Lamar Smith

‘Underworld’ is good, no doubt about it. I mean, Kate Beckinsale in skin-tight leather??!!?? Sign me up! But I really think Jax reacting to ‘Deadpool’ would be just AWESOME!

Michael Morris

It just has to be Deadpool, doesn't it... almost not fair XD

Ali D

I know we joke about finding it difficult to pick one from a poll and you should just watch all of them… but you actually have to watch all of these. This poll only serves to assist you with an order to watch them in 😄


My vote is for Deadpool


Honestly for Terminator, I think you only need to watch the first two. Preferably the Theatrical cut for the second film. The Director's Cut does add some cool stuff but they wiffed the ending, imo. Same goes for The Mummy. First two, and call it done.

Patrick Egan

The Deadpool movies are hilarious, but if you haven't watched the X-Men movies already then I would wait. Honestly there's quite a few solid choices on this list: Terminator - The first two are definitely worth it, and I enjoyed the third one as well even though a lot of people didn't. All of the ones after T3 are hot garbage, though. Mummy - These are a lot of fun. Like with Terminator, I enjoyed the third one more than a lot of people seemed to. Bourne - This was my vote, all three of the movies in the original trilogy(Identity, Supremacy, Ultimatum) are FREAKING FANTASTIC and absolute must-sees. Die Hard - The second and third are both well worth watching. Like Terminator, after the third is awful. :) Underworld - If there was any choice on this list I'd suggest skipping, it'd be this one. The movies are enjoyable enough, but not all that "good". Mission Impossible - Most of these are really good fun, in my opinion. I wasn't too thrilled with the last one though.


Can I choose "All of the Above" ? seriously though, should watch the X-men movies as other people have stated before watching Deadpool. Only as to not be lost on the references.


Actually there are 5 Bourne movies. 1-3 are with Damon, 4 is with Renner but it is more of a stand-alone film. 5 though, just called "Jason Bourne" and is a follow up to 1 thru 3 and also stars Damon.


As entertaining as Deadpool 1 and 2 are Terminator 1 and 2 are literally two of the best movies ever made. The other Terminator movies though... Not so much. So if you do decide to watch the Terminator movies someday, you can skip all of them after 2 imo.

George Perez

Damn, Deadpool is winning the poll which is fine but is she gonna go straight into them without watching the Xmen movies first?


Don’t listen to those saying to just do the first two terminators. Just because they didn’t like it doesn’t mean you won’t. Love the reactions.


How to watch the Terminator series in the correct order: 1. Watch Terminator 1. 2. Watch Terminator 2. 3. Go for a walk, you're done.

Chester Beals

I agree with everyone else, all are a good choice, with the caveat that you should watch the X-Men films before Deadpool. Don't worry, the X-Men films are all excellent, so it's not like it would be a chore. ;)

Alex Gonzalez

Some of the humor will go over your head if you haven’t watched any of the X-Men/Solo Wolverine movies. That said, Terminator 1 and 2 is peak cinema

Joseph salazar

Terminator 1 and 2 part 3 can maybe sneak in.

George Baxter

watching Deadpool without watching X-Men... how do you get what's being subverted??

Marvel Fan

Hi Jax! If Deadpool wins, it would be best to watch the X-Men (2000) first. Deadpool is part of the X-Men franchise and here's the complete release order: X-Men (2000) X2 (2003) X-Men: The Last Stand (2006) X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009) X-Men: First Class (2011) The Wolverine (2013) X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014) Deadpool (2016) X-Men: Apocalypse (2016) Logan (2017) Deadpool 2 (2018) X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019) The New Mutants (2020)


Actually people are making a pretty solid point. Not watching the Fox X-men movies before watching Deadpool won't necessarily ruin Deadpool's plot, but some gags will likely go over your head as he references some of the Fox movies.


I'll join the chorus. I'd start with Mission Impossible or Terminator...Deadpool 1 and 2 are technically stand alone, but much better after you watch the X-Men (Apocalypse, Dark Phoenix, New Mutants optional)

Abner Aranivar

Mission impossible or the Mummy are definitely fun franchise’s that fit the channel. You cant do deadpool without doing X-Men first respectfully.


I love the Underworld Movies!


The one with the ending on the playground? Where Sarah says "Michael Jackson turned 40?" That's the Director's Cut. That ending ruined it. The one of the road is the Theatrical version. That's superior. Even James Cameron agrees it's the better ending.

Richard Maurer

She could watch the first three, First Class, Days of Future Past, Logan (after DP 1) and maybe X-Men Origins: Wolverine and get most of the references in Deadpool (although I'd hate to ask anyone to watch X-Men Origins: Wolverine)

Cino from 93

I mistakenly voted Deadpool out of excitement but everyone else makes a good point that it would be a better watch with the knowledge of what happens in the prior X-men films

Richard Maurer

I voted for Deadpool anyway, but I'm hoping after reading these comments Jax will do some of the X- Men films first. Let's be honest though, there are several that she can skip and not miss a thing.

Andrew Polinski

Making someone watch every single one of the X-Men movies makes you a psychopath, when you enjoy watching through all the X-Men movies that makes you Masochist. You can easily get away with a selection of X-Men movies, X-men X2 Last stand (only for the continuation of the end of x2) X-Men Origins: Wolverine First Class Days of Future Past Logan (Subjectively The Wolverine is actually a decent movie) Everything else is either complete trash or complete trash and adds nothing to Deadpool 1 or 2.


Other than Origins: Wolverine...I can endorse this list. Unfortunately, that one is somewhat helpful viewing for Deadpool

Cino from 93

Yeah I’d say the first 4 are fine before watching deadpool 1 only, After that she’d have to follow through the rest up to Logan before starting Deadpool 2. I’d skip Dark Phoenix and New mutants entirely though, it doesn’t connect well with the timeline and they’re bad movies all around. X-Men origins and Apocalypse aren’t as bad on a first watch, they have problems with the story but they have a lot of insight into the lore of X-men that’s useful to know and some enjoyable action scenes.

Andrew Polinski

Yeah my list is about providing the most that you need for Deadpool, even when I don't like some of these in my list.

Richard Maurer

The only possible reason to recommend X-Men Origins: Wolverine is that it's referenced in Deadpool several times. Otherwise I wouldn't mention it