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Things are spicing up! When border people kidnap River and Simon, they accuse her of being a witch and exalt him for his medical abilities.

Watched on: Hulu / Runtime: 44:33



Firefly E5 (Full Reaction)



I have watched this entire series multiple times, and somehow, I never noticed that they specifically said River's dealing with paranoid schizophrenia. I haven't got a clue how I missed that not once, not twice, but a whole bunch of times. I always thought that her behavior is schizophrenia-ish (I am a person with schizophrenia myself, and I recognize some of the behaviors and apparent symptoms) but I was always on the fence whether she was supposed to be a person with schizophrenia or not. It's the one aspect of this show that has consistently bugged me over the years... the way River sometimes seems to regress to a state where, as you said, she almost feels a little slow or even childlike (which suggests something closer to a dissociative identity disorder). Schizophrenia doesn't hamper a person's cognitive abilities. In fact, there seems to be a correlation between schizophrenia and above-average intelligence. I think in those moments, River is supposed to be dealing with confusion and disorientation, but it doesn't always come across that way. Of course, I still think Summer is great in the role, it's just a nitpick from someone who is a bit more familiar with schizophrenia than the average viewer might be.


Great reaction, once again, to a great episode of a great show.


What great insight into River's character! Thanks for sharing that she doesn't seem schizophrenic. It's hard for me to get a read on her.

𝖦𝖺𝗋𝗒 𝖬𝗈𝗋𝗀𝖺𝗇

I just realised child River says the independence cut off the alliance using dinosaurs 😮 I wonder if River was not simply using her imagination but dinosaurs were really involved. Wash plays with dinosaurs too, it seems like they might have been planting seeds to a future plot line that never had the chance to be told.