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When I started reading The Lord of the Rings, I knew I wanted to revisit the movies. I saw them with my friends when I was in middle school and the significance of the story didn't really stick with me at the time. My dad bought me the LOTR books, hoping I'd love them as much as he did. I didn't pick them up for 20 years.

My middle school memories of the fellowship's journey to Mordor are mixed with the taste of movie theater popcorn, coordinating which of my friends I got to sit next to during the movie, and crushing on Orlando Bloom. My adult experience of this movie was far more profound. I deeply appreciate the care and attention Peter Jackson took turning this epic story into a cinematic masterpiece.

The directing, acting, special effects, and the score are all beautifully executed. As an editor, I am in awe of how this film was edited! I hope you enjoy going on this journey with me. **Please be aware that I will be comparing the book and the movie, so my reaction contains spoilers to first time viewers.**

Watched on: Google Play / Runtime: 3:48:06 (The Extended Versions of the LOTR are also available on HBO Max with a subscription.)



The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring - Extended Version (Full Reaction)


Doug Watson

Jax: "I am Groot!" Me: "Oooh you kiss your mother with that mouth?"


Ahh the age old question, "Why not take the Eagles to Mordor?" Prepared for the comments Jax 😂 Had to pause half way through but loving the insight on the book!😄


Its interesting seeing a book reader who hasn't quite finished the book. Arwen and Aragorn’s story mostly comes from the appendices in book 3. Peter and Fran sprinkle it in and make their own changes to it to Hollywood it up.


Oooh! I was wondering about that! I like that they have given her character a bigger part in the story.


Jax please forgive the length of my comment, as I can't seem to "load more comments" at this time (I'm getting only the buffer wheel of doom lol) so I don't know what others have said yet. Edit: I do now and I leave this as is. : ) I made 6+ pages of notes as I went along with you - Oh no... :P - Gandalf was suspicious of Bilbo for quite a while, knowing that 'magic rings' are no mere trifles and some were inherently dangerous, as was ultimately proven. He became alarmingly suspicious about his ring only after the events of the party. So he set off in hopes of finding answers unavailable in The Shire. - Big ovens for big cakes? When you have BIG Hobbit families it's best to err on the side of excess! :D - Drinking and gabbing at the Green Dragon Inn, we meet Samwise's father Hamfast 'the Gaffer' Gamgee and Rosie Cotton, as well as Sandyman the miller and his son Ted. Ted was the one hitting on Rosie. A little FYI for later (TRotK) without spoilers. - Yes, the One Ring is at least self-aware, perhaps even sentient. - Though the concept of imbuing an object with the soul or spirit of a being may not have been a Tolkien invention (IDK!), I do consider The One Ring to be, IMO, the *original* Horcrux. Perhaps someone more nerdy than I may know better :P - The Wizards were allowed to utilize magical things like the Palantiri - the Seeing-Stones - which were created by Elves (possibly Feanor, creator of the 3 Silmarils himself?). The Wizards were prohibited only from using their *angelic* powers while in their humanish forms. They were sent to inspire and help others but not directly act against Sauron. Fun fact: both Sauron and Saruman were originally spirits or *angels* (called Maiar) of craftmanship in the service of the *god* (Valar) Aule (say it "OWL-ee"). Already this comment is too long! :o - Good question about the Nazgul and proximity to the ring - how well can they sense it? and so on. Also, the hobbits in the book DO encounter a Rider between leaving Hobbiton and leaving The Shire. It's right before they encounter Gildor and the Elves. The movie skips past all that but the scene in the movie was almost directly stolen from the animated movie by Jackson bc he loved that bit. - Speaking of Peter Jackson, his cameo is at the beginning of the Bree outdoor scene; he is the man with the carrot who belches. lol - Howard Shore's epic score was made even better by the use of vocalists - soloists and choirs. Edward Ross was the boy soprano in the scene where the moth comes to Gandalf at Orthanc and again later and throughout the movie at certain points. There were other soloists I think and the London Voices and London Oratory School Schola Choir did the group vocals - all EPIC. - Breakfast, 2nd Breakfast, Elevenses, Brunch, Luncheon, Tea, Dinner, Supper, Dessert, Midnight Snack... Tolkien said "...six meals a day when they could get them." Why not TEN!? :D - Possibly Glorfindel is pronounced glorFINdle but I think most peeps say it the way you did. I do (mostly...). - Arwen's powers are a bit overblown in the movie. In the books she has no more power than any Elf of Rivendell. The flood was (in the book) brought forth by Elron-duh (sorry couldn't resist lol) using his Elvish Ring Vilya, and the horsehead embellishments were added by Gandalf. The only unique power Arwen has is the choice of mortal or immortal life, and she can wait as long as she likes to choose (her brothers who are not in the film have the same choice). - I think the way Fran and Philippa portrayed Boromir in the screenplay was to make his redemption in the end more poignant. I don't really think it was necessary either. - At the time of the Council of Elrond, the only one truly being corrupted is the one who has worn the ring - Frodo (arguably Bilbo as well). The rest are merely being tempted - which is bad enough. Everyone wants what they think is best for everyone yet every race *generally* mistrusts the others, so the temptation breeds dissent. - The crows or Crebain (say: "cre-BYNE") from Dunland were def CGI. Try training a murder of crows to do ANYTHING... ;P - Yes Bill makes it home to the Prancing Pony in Bree, where he is taken care of by Bob the Hobbit stabler. - Differences between Goblins, Orcs, Uruks, Uruk-hai, Hobgoblins, Trolls and on and on... How long do you have?? JK Most of it is just nomenclature from all the different cultures, but not all of it is, and it IS a bit complicated... Moving on. - The Watcher in the Water at the West-Gate of Moria is not a sea creature at all, but a monster from lakes in the earthly depths under the mountains, that has somehow gotten forced to the surface - perhaps by the Balrog? It's a Tolkien one-off beast and a mystery. "There are older and fouler things in the depths of the earth," said Gandalf. "Yeah," I said, "We just escaped one!" :o - Indeed that is the Horn of Gondor you spotted early. : ) - The Cave Troll is probably enslaved to do 'heavy lifting' for the orcs; plus you don't really want that thing just running amok roight? :D I'm not advocating slavery even amongst evil fictional races. - Frodo def was lucky not to have been worse off. He was only badly bruised front and back - no bones broke. *Whew* - The entire scene on the stairs is poetic license. This was likely said elsewhere. - If you said, "I am Groot" in range of Treebeard's hearing, perhaps HE would understand... :D - The trees of Lothlorien are supposed to have golden leaves, that is why it is called 'The Golden Wood' (that and the yellow flowers in springtime). The Mallorn trees are not named in the movie. Oh well... - Galadriel's temptation to possess the One Ring was not from greed, but from (as Gandalf had also said) a desire to do good. She really wanted to *fix* the world - especially the woodlands but not only - and at first might have seemed to do so using the combined power of Nenya and the One. Ultimately though, she would succumb to evil and all would be for naught. Any gainsayers among Jax's fans feel free to add your two silver pennies. :D - The first Elves to be corrupted into Orcs by the Dark Lord Melkor (Sauron was his most loyal and trusted follower) were also among the first Elves to live, having awakened when the Vala Queen Varda (Elbereth) rekindled many of the stars to shine brighter. This happened soon after the creation of the Two Trees in the Undying Lands of Valinor (I know - lots of lore!). There was NO sun nor moon yet, and it is a consequence of this that Orcs cannot abide sunlight. They are weakened in daylight, and even moonlight is painful, just not debilitating. The creation of the Uruk-hai changed that dynamic - they are able to withstand sunlight (though possibly still pained by it) and travel at their normal speed (which is already faster than other orcs). - The awesome-looking leader of the Uruk-hai that fights Aragorn was played by Lawrence Makoare, and he played other roles in the movies too. Probably someone mentioned this fun fact: During the fight, when Aragorn deflects his own dagger thrown at him, that was REAL! Lawrence threw it at Viggo (I think not realizing he had the wrong prop?) and Viggo very skillfully (and luckily) sent it flying away. They had all been trained in sword-fighting and Viggo was very into it and obviously learned well enough to save his own skin when it mattered! He was doubly lucky that it looked so awesome on film that it stayed in the film. :D - So many great people (and even the less-than-great people) in the story portrayed by such brilliant actors! And if you don't already know, Viggo was the last main character cast because he was replacing the original Aragorn who would have been played by Stuart Townsend (League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Queen of the Damned - one of my gf's favorite films) - If you have the DVDs then you have over 3 hours of extra material FOR EACH MOVIE to peruse at your leisure; stuff that will explain just about anything you still have questions about. - OMG :O I'm done? Loved your reaction Jax! and if you read this whole thing, thank you! And again, sorry it's so long. I do that, esp with material I feel strongly about. Plus all my comments tend to be long (Mostly...) :D

Richard Shepard

Richard Shepard just now I read the books almost 45 years ago when I was 15, then my late wife and i were fortunate enough to watch the movies at the theater and they were probably the most watched movies by us after that, we are/were always big fans of Star Wars based on the story of the family and LOTR just really did it for us about the bonds of friendship that seemed as strong as the bonds of family. We are/were also big fans of the Harry Potter books and movies. But to be able to watch these over again and with someone who seems to have the same passion and understanding of it all is and was a tremendous experience, I wish my wife could have been present (I’m sure she was, just not in the flesh) to watch this with you also as I’m sure she would feel how present your spirit is and how calming and strong your spirit comes across without having to be in the same room as you but just through the presentations you have is simply amazing. I loved when you asked the question at the beginning that if you could live anywhere where would you and you answered The Shire and I immediately pictured you as Rosie! I mean it is just to perfect. The way she comes across and the way you are is just perfect. Looking forward to the next one with you and Lammy! Stay safe and healthy. Prayers and blessings to you and yours.

Richard Ryan

There are so many comments, so sorry if this nothing new, but has it been mentioned about Viggo Mortensen getting a Real and Deadly knife thrown at his head at about 3:10:30? ... or how Viggo actually broke a toe(s) kicking a solid Iron helmet during the tracking of the Halflings?


Even after I´ve seen these movies like 30 times and read the books several times, the death scene of Boromir still makes me tear up.... so great, emotional, just epic

𝖦𝖺𝗋𝗒 𝖬𝗈𝗋𝗀𝖺𝗇

What a treat to have the books so recently in your mind while watching the movie. You gave me a refresher, pointing out the differences. I must have read the books 25 years ago now.