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We made it to the end of WandaVision!!! This episode was more intense than any of the others, and that's saying something. As Wanda's battle with Agatha comes to a conclusion, she has to make some terribly sad decisions. The fate of the entire town rests on her shoulders. She's such a complex character and has sacrificed so much. However, I can't shake the feeling that something is changing with her character...that second end credit scene was a bit shocking!!! 

Merry Christmas Eve, by the way! Sending you lots of holiday cheer! 

Watched on: Disney+ / Runtime: 50:57


WandaVision S1 E9 (Full Length)



As a curiosity, in the comics Monica is the first and real Captain Marvel (Photon..) and she is also more loved and without Carol's arrogance. Merry Christmas Eve

Alvin Baca

Wanda could never do anything worng and I love her. But on a serious note, when she used her vision magic on tony and let him take the scepter she was really to blame for ultron. If you remember it's a vision similar to the final fight in endgame where caps shield is broken. Later nick fury tell Tony the worst part about seeing his team die was that he didn't. Kinda ironic when Wanda is now watching her family die.

Jason Pike

Wanda probably should of apologized to the people directly. Other than that, I'm good. I'm certainly not mad about what she did to Agatha. No sympathy. Agatha's motives were not good ones. She wanted to steal Wanda's power to do terrible things. Her pointing out Wanda's faults, was not out of some form of altruism, it was to make Wanda feel vulnerable so it would be easier to steal her powers.


I completely agree that Agatha has bad intentions. She seems to be a true villain. Unlike Wanda, she hurts people intentionally.

Lamar Smith

I lived in Glendale many years ago and I recall one night a helicopter circled my house 16 times at 3:00am. I was sort of of the opinion, “Just let him go!” I hope you enjoyed your Christmas gift

Andy Munden

Agatha is a much more complex character in the comics, a part-time mentor for Wanda, and skirts the line from pure villain to anti-hero. Although she's never a real hero. Hopefully we'll see some of that in her TV show.

𝖦𝖺𝗋𝗒 𝖬𝗈𝗋𝗀𝖺𝗇

Come on, it was only 9 days guys 🤭 Where did white Vision fly off to once he agreed he was vision? Are we to assume he completed his objective and killed himself, or did they conclude neither of them were Vision, is therefore free from obligation and just went on his merry way?