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This show keeps getting more complicated! Can we appreciate how Darcy is now a part of the show!? I'm so excited for the next episode. Look out for that, because that will be posted right after this one!

Watched on Disney+ / Runtime: 42:37


WandaVision S1 E5 (Full Reaction)


Richard Flores

"Cutting to a commercial break about cleaning up messes that you couldn't control" was more about the brand name, Lagos. That was the city at the start of Civil War, where she saved Steve from the explosion, but it went off and took out one of the floors of that building. "An existential grief crisis and a villain moment all in one" is so on point, and its amazing to watch that happen so well in a show. Also I have a theory on accent-vs-no accent. Acting. Role-play. And role-play itself has proven to be so effective in therapy. Its children using puppets to better show complex emotions and difficult situations. Its combat vets sitting down to table-top RPG's. its marriage counselors saying "OK now, husband, in this scene you are your wife, and wife, you are your husband. Act that out." So of course as Wanda uses acting and role-play to process grief, she is playing the character of... someone... somewhere... doing something. Its complicated. Also, I would live in the TV show The Legend of Korra. As anyone. Anywhere.

George Baxter

I appreciate that Jax is reflecting on the morality of Wanda's actions at this stage. A lot of people think she's entirely unconscious when taking people hostage but clearly in this episode she knows what she has done and is choosing to go ahead with it. That's malicious intent. If I kidnapped someone whilst sleepwalking and then woke up and kept them prisoner, I'd still be a kidnapper! Wanda is a villain in this story. She's still a sympathetic protagonist but torture is dark even for an antihero

Dezz Connor

The divide was mostly between people who believed that Wanda was 100% a villain, had deliberately and maliciously enslaved the people of Westview, and was fully conscious and aware at all times of what she was doing, and those who were pretty well convinced that the situation was a lot less clear cut than that. Pretty sure nobody thought Wanda was "in the right," but at worst, I believe many of us felt that she was, while a threat, not necessarily cognizant or in control of what she was doing. There really was not, by this episode, enough evidence to prove (or even strongly suggest) that she was fully aware of the effects on the people of Westview.