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Things keep getting more interesting for Wanda and Vision. I love Kathryn Hahn's performance in this show. She is such a delight. I'm still not sure what is going on. But, there are splashes of red in this show which leads me to think this has something to do with Wanda's magic. The ending of this episode came with a surprising twist! Can't wait for episode 3!

Watched on Disney+ / Runtime 38:09

Hope you enjoy!



WandaVision S1 E2 (Full Reaction)



I'm gonna swallow my (I thought I was a techie geek) pride and ask...How do we sync videos in order to watch the full length with you? 🤦🤷‍♂️


Hi Nate! That's a great question! I think the way that works best is to have two separate internet browsers up at the same time. Make both of them half screen, so that one is on the left and one is on the right. On one browser, bring up your copy of the show/movie. On the other, bring up my reaction. I'll let you know when to hit play! There is also a little version of the movie in the corner (it's slightly blurred, but you can still tell which scene I'm on) to make sure that if our movies/shows get out of synch that you can easily get them on track again! They sometimes get out of synch because of variations in internet speeds. I hope that helps!

Alex Gonzalez

They’re were experiment on her with the gem on lokis scepter, which one cracked and exposed by Ultron, was the yellow Mind Stone, whichhhhhhh is the stone that was on Vision’s (RIP) forehead


That's right! I keep thinking she got her powers from the red stone since her magic is red.

Gideon Zahler

It's way fun watching this with you! You are asking a lot of excellent questions!


It IS riveting…and you’re SO observant!

Vihar Chaudhari

Ester Egg about Ad was Strucker German Scintist who experimented on Wanda and her Brother Pietro in Winter Soldier