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In this episode, so much is revealed about Matt and Foggy's past. With their friendship being put to the test, who knows what their future will look like now.

Watched on: Disney+ / Runtime: 57:37



Daredevil S1 E10 (Full Reaction)



It catches us all off guard how Foggy reacts because we've already come to believe in Matt's crusade. But it is masterful how Foggy challenges Matt to admit how morally complicated it is. No-one can fault Matt for taking action against his first target, but he clearly wanted an excuse to do what he did. He made a choice to never give up the training and fighting. It was only a matter of time until he found someone to go after.

Michael Norman

Good comic book Easter egg in this episode. At the party, Leland speaking with Vanessa, and Wesley about the Senator winning his election, "due to Van Lunt, and his crackpot astrologer." Van Lunt having an alter ego of his own, and being a member of the criminal cartel, Zodiac.