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In 2029, humans and cyborgs are battling it out for world domination. A cyborg assassin known as a Terminator travels back to 1984 to kill a woman names Sarah Connor. She may just be the answer to the humans winning the war. Thankfully, a man named Kyle Reese goes back to save her.

Watched on: Amazon Prime / Runtime: 1:47:24

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The Terminator (Full Reaction)


Ed Scoglio

"Terminator was Arnold's break out role" I will NOT stand for this Hercules in New York erasure!!! JK :) I actually have a similar childhood story as you Jax! When I was 5 or 6, I was hanging out with my cousin who was 3 years older than me and we wanted to watch a movie and he chose The Terminator, or it was Commando, but it was for sure a Arnold movie. Being an idiot, I told my parents about it because I liked the movie so much and my parents were NOT happy and put down a hard rule that I wasn't allowed to watch R-rated movies again, so any time I spent a week at my cousin's during the summer, when everyone would be downstairs watching some horror movie or violent action flick, I'd be upstairs, alone watching 3 Ninjas or some other kids movie. I look back on that now and realize how much that was some grade A BS!

Gabriel Urias

Your parents weren't that bad🤔 my dad let me watch the original Alien when I was 8 or 9 and it scared the s*** out of me😂