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Ver 1.3.0

New Additions

Ripping Clothes Off

-Added new interaction for Devious: "Rip {1.SimFirstName}'s clothes off" resulting in a fight that rips the target sims clothes off! If your sim wins the fight or not, is not important. Your deviously perverted sim is focused more on pulling the clothes off their opponent and are willing to take a punch or two to do it.

  • A devious sim can run this interaction on sims they have not been introduced too. If a Sexually Awkward sim gets their clothes ripped off they will run away and leave the scene as soon as possible.
  • If a devious sim attacks another devious sim, they will rip each others clothes off.
  • There are currently 4 bras and 4 panties that will mix and match when a females clothes are ripped off.
  • There are currently 2 undershirts and 1 no shirt option and 3 boxer shorts that will mix and match when a male sims clothes are torn off.
  • -Added for Sexually Awkward: Proximity Buff "Feeling Exposed" when clothes get ripped off for males and females.
  • -Added for Perverts: Proximity Buff "Exposed underwear" when near a male sim who's clothes have been ripped off.
  • -Added for Perverts: Proximity Buff "Exposed bra and panties" when near a female sim who's clothes have been ripped off.
  • -Added for Sexually Awkward: "You ripped my clothes off!" social interaction exclusively available with the pervert who ripped your outfit off.
  • -Added for Sexually Awkward: "OMG! Your clothes have been ripped off!!" social interaction when interaction with a sim who had their clothes torn off.
  • -Added for Pervert: "What happened to your clothes?!?" social interaction when interaction with a sim who had their clothes torn off.
  • -Added a number of scared reaction buffs depending on location (indoors/outdoors at home)
  • -Added a unique buff for sims that are police officers that have their outfits torn off.

(creator note*** I have been trying to get this to work since the beginning!!! Sofa king happy!!) 

However, it's not perfect. I cheated to make this work. So what happens, is the current outfit your sim has on, changes appearance (to underwear) and is not actually removed. Which means, when you remove the items, there is underwear under them. But your sim will act like they have had their clothes torn off and look like they've had their clothes torn off.


-Added for Sexually Awkward: Sober responses to: "Maybe take off more clothes?" 

-Added for Sexually Awkward: Sober responses to: "Maybe take something off?" 

-Added for Pervert: Response to: "Maybe take off more clothes?" 

Drugging Drinks

-If your sim is Naive and Clumsy together they are now twice as likely (10%) to "Accidentally" drug a drink with and erection pill or date rape drug. (Can accidentally drug their own drink now!)

-If your sim is Naive and drunk together they are now twice as likely (10%) to "Accidentally" drug a drink with and erection pill or date rape drug. (Can accidentally drug their own drink now!)

-If your sim is Naive, clumsy and drunk at the same time they are now three times as likely (15%) to "Accidentally" drug a drink with and erection pill or date rape drug. (Can accidentally drug their own drink now!)

Strip Chess

-Added a Strip Chess situation which starts automatically when finding a sim who will play.

-Added for Sexually Awkward: Drunk responses to the question, "Want to play strip chess?"


-Added for Pervert: Drunk Response to, "You're a very sexy teenage girl!" (only available if YA,A,E has been drinking alcohol)

-Added for Pervert: "You're a very sexy teenage boy!" (only available if YA, A, E has been drinking alcohol) Including drunk and sober responses.

-Clothing is now removed from any sim that gets pulled in to a closet or a bush with a devious pervert.

-Perverts will now autonomously take their shirt off if they get wet and are inside. (Ways they can get wet are from being in the rain or from repairing plumbing)

-Added drunk response to "Did I just catch you staring at my crotch?"

-Added drunk and perverted response to "Did I just catch you staring at my breasts?"

-Added Gender Preference Conditions to social interactions. So some things will not be available depending on what sex your sim is attracted too!

-Clumsy trait on a Sexually Awkward sim can accidentally spill a drink on themselves. It's autonomous and rare but it happens. When it does the sexually awkward sim will undress to their underwear to get out of the sticky and wet clothes.

-Perverts and Naive sims are now very cool with vampires asking permission to drink. Even if the friendship is a bit negative. (Down to -20)


Changed: Social Interaction for Pervert during strip poker match, "Maybe we should keep this secret" to "I'll keep this game secret." when playing strip poker with a sim in a relationship. Added a notice response from the sim acknowledging the secret.

Interactions that will no longer appear with the rest of the dialog options and can be found under "Manipulation" only:

I'm allergic to your clothes.

-Changed Interaction: "Change (SIM NAME) in to a Devious sim." to appear under pervy options only. 

-Changed Interaction: "Change (SIM NAME) in to a Naive sim." to appear under pervy options only. 


All drinking interactions are now autonomous. Teens asking adults to bar tend, teens offering to bar tend for adults, Adults wanting to have drinks, etc.

All closet kissing interactions are now autonomous.

Players should notice pervert and sexually awkward interactions being autonomously used by NPC's more.

Bug Fixes

-"I want to show you something" & "Kiss and fondle in closet" will no longer appear when there is no closet around.

-Fixed relationship trait markers not being deleted when they should have been.

-Fixed a bug with the  "compliment outfit" goal. Now can be accomplished with "compliment appearance and compliment outfit.

-Fixed a bug stopping pervert sims from removing an item of clothing when asked during the sexy pic situation.

-Fixed the "Pestering" function with the "Will you serve me/us alcohol?" for teens. Now, if a teen is denied the first time when asking an adult to serve them alcohol, the next time they ask, the chance the adult agrees jumps to 80% they receive a pestering buff and if the adult agrees, a notice reflecting on being pestered.

-Fixed a number of interactions from being incorrectly found under "small talk"

-Fixed a number of traits that were appearing when they should have been invisible.

Required files

Wicked Whims

XML Injector

Skarrd Bra and Panty 


Confused about some of the features? Check out the Playing Instructions



Awesome addition! Can't wait to try it!


It's a fun interaction. I still need to add some relationship effects so right now it's fairly consequence free.


Anyone have recommendations for creators with good "forced" animations? Savaccini is a good one. I'd like others that are more on that level.


Savaccini is the best I've seen so far. An animator that I was very fond of but I think they have since stopped was Lifeline. I think they had their post for their animations on LL (it might be found using Lifeline as a search) but the animations were not on the WW animation list because they included "forced" animations. But they are higher quality animations.